TCCOM Report # 26 (2013-09-08)

This report was submitted by HA Daniel Bonini


TIE Corps Command Report

Weekly Report #26 – Submission date: September 8th 2013





COL Zósite reported in a couple days ago, stating that he will return from his leave probably tomorrow, which means that he will be able to continue his work in the database. As I’ve heard from him, we are nearing completion of the upgrades and updates, and will be able to implement the new database soon. One can only hope!


On the other hand, FA Jarek La’an is most likely without internet access for the week, so if you need anything please contact me, cc’ing him, and we’ll sort it out.


Actually, as we are talking about La’an, I am pleased to announce that, minutes ago, FA La’an has been awarded the Silver Star of the Empire for his efforts in his role as SOO to date. Congratulations and my most sincere thanks to this great officer!


Following the database implementation, we’ll start a new project focused on updating the TIE Corps Pilot Manual. For that, we’ll require assistance from a lot of people, and we’ll contact you when the time comes.


Besides La’an’s Silver Star, we’ve had plenty of merit medals awarded this week. First, congratulations to LCM Matthew Weeks, who was awarded the Gold Star of the Empire from the Security Office. Well done, Matthew! As for the MSE awards, congrats again to LCM Matthew Weeks, as well as to CPT John T. Clark and CM Kyle Kroan for their Palpatine Crescents. Also congratulations to GN Gilad Pellaeon and CM Shado Fenn for their Imperial Security Medals. Well done, everyone!




* COL Zósite to resume database work!


* FA La’an on semi-LoA.


* TCPM to be updated in the near future.


* La’an = SS; Weeks = GS and PC; Clark and Kyle = PC; Gilad and Shado = ISM! Congrats!


T/D Astra Fighter’s Flight Status


- TCCOM’s T/D being refitted…new game installations will be required…I actually got my old laptop back, but have not had the chance to use it yet…


TCCOM’s Other Activities


- Recommended medals

- Approved medals

- Performed database updates

- Usual TCCOM activities


Fleet Wide Competitions


* Dempsey's Anniversary Bash E
Start Date: September 1, 2013
End Date: October 6, 2013
Groups involved: entire TC
Awards: 5x IS-SW/BW, 1x IS-GW/SW/BW at the end
Celebrating my 1st year anniversary as Delta sqn Commander! part E: TC wide flying Each report in September I will give you one battle for each platform. Weekly winner determined based on your relative battle score compared to the current high score. And an extra shiny at the end based on the highest overall relative score!
Comp Admin: COL Anahorn Dempsey


* Dempsey's Anniversary Bash F
Start Date: September 1, 2013
End Date: October 6, 2013
Groups involved: entire TC
Awards: 5x IS-SR/BR, 1x IS-GR/SR/BR
Celebrating my 1st year anniversary as Delta sqn Commander! part F: screenshots Each report in September I will give you 5 screenshots from movies. Weekly winners and extra shinies for the overall winners!
Comp Admin: COL Anahorn Dempsey


* Ace of the TIE Corps 2013

Ace of the TIE Corps

Start Date: March 1, 2013

End Date: December 31, 2013

Groups involved: Entire TC

Awards: IS-GW/SW/BW monthly for the top 3 pilots on the website's Kill Board IS-PW/GW/SW/BW for the top 4 pilots at the end of the month


Each mission flown earns you a point for the competitions. Whoever scores most points win. Each mission only counts once. The numbers on the Kill Board at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied; missions not yet processed will count towards the next month.

Comp Admin: LC Anahorn Dempsey



Quotes of the Week


1 – CPT Crix Talra: “My theory is if tempy shows optimism then the end of the world is near...”


LC Tempest: “Or if a truly great new SW game comes along... which is probably the same.”




2 – FA Jarek La’an: “Ah the days of COMM are long dead…”


I read the words, and they actually make…no sense at all…




- None this week




- None this week


Open Command Positions


- Epsilon Squadron Flight 3 Leader




Congratulations to all medal awardees.


I’d like to ask you all to participate in the ongoing competitions, until Karana Phase 4 is ready to go!


Have a good week, everyone!


Respectfully submitted,


TCCOM/HA Daniel Bonini/TC-1/ISD-II Hammer [CNTR] [Officer 4th]






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