SIMS Report # 20 (2021-07-29)

This report was submitted by COM-SIMS/VA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer


TO: Pilots of the TIE Corps
FROM: Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana
DATE: 2021-07-29
SUBJECT: Imperial Storm - Turn 16 Update


The second Battle of Bukundi has come to a end, and a epic tale it will be, known to those on the Warrior as the Tales from Burger King.

We saw over 2000 legions submitted for this one, alongside the SP mission and in the end the forces of the Warrior prevailed, scoring enough points to take the entire Challenge battlegroup at Bukundi out of the game - including the Challenge herself. Losses also included the Star Destroyer Crimson Blade, Interdictor Fairchild and the Frigates Surefire and Hellfire alongside thirteen squadrons.

The Warrior team did not escape unscathed however, seeing eight squadrons fall alongside 12 Corellian Corvettes, 8 Carrack Cruisers, a pair of Frigates, a trio of Dreadnoughts and a Interdictor.

We move on now to Turn 17, with the Warrior taking control of the maps central world.

Red LogoSCORESRed Logo

CHALLENGE: 15640 (Blue)
HAMMER: 8690 (Green)
WARRIOR: 13420 (Red)

Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana
COM-SIMS/VA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer
[Gallant] {TCCORE-SM/2/5-WIKI}

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