SOO Report # 86 (2016-12-18)

This report was submitted by SOO-IOA-LOA/FA Pellaeon/TC-2/ISDII Challenge

Betreff:                                     SOO Report #86 Operations Office Report #86

Date submitted 18th December 2016
From: SOO/FA Pellaeon
To: TCCOM/HA Elwood the Brave
CC: entire TIE Corps Fleet


Welcome to Report #86.

Yesterday we had a big disconcertment. The Commodore of the Warrior Admiral Hawkins wrote the TCCOM and myself about having familial issues and is not able to fullfil his duties as Commodore anymore. Thus he asked us to replace him in a timely manner. After a discussion we decided to contact General Jarek La'an if he would take over the command of the Warrior as A-COM. He mentioned serveral weeks ago that he imaginated to take a spot with responsibilty again. He was in the past Wing Commander, Commodore, SOO and TCCOM. Only a mention of some of his employments. So he was our first choice. We could not imagine, that only 7 minutes after we sent the email out a positive answer returns, including the offer maybe to stay longer as COM if required. So it was no sacking like some guys thought, it was a real fast necessary substitution to prevent a "might vacuum" and applications lasting for weeks. But for now we have the Warrior in good and experienced hands. I also hope that puts oil on troubled waters.

I also want to thank Hawkins for his services to the fleet and that he was so honest to himself that just sitting on the COM spot and wait for better times would harm him and the ship itself. Thank you buddy. And I hope everything turns out well.

The TCCS recieved all CoL recommendations for the EH Anniversary in time, they are allready on the Fleet Commander's desk.

Christmas is just around the corner and TCoR goes in its last round. All final results will be released the days between the holydays and New Years Eve.

I wish everybody a contemplative time with their families. Merry X-mas Pilots.

Lets look at the awards:

Silver Star of the Empire:
HA Elwood the Brave
RA Silvius

Bronze Star of the Empire:
FA Pellaeon

Palpatine Crescent:
COL Rau Aznable

Imperial Security Medal:
CM Frenzy Lekvoda

Commendation of Bravery:
CM Frenzy Lekvoda

Iron Star with Gold Ribbon:
FA Jarek La'an x1

Iron Star with Silver Ribbon:
HA Elwood the Brave x1

Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon:
LCM Milo Antu x1
COL John T. Clark x4
MAJ Shado Fenn x1
COL Impulse x1
MAJ Phoenix Berkana x2
FA Jarek La'an x1
LC Repulsor x1
COL Hawkins x1

Iron Star with Silver Wings:
HA Elwood the Brave x4
FA Pellaeon x2
RA Silvius x1
GN Coranel Both x3
COL Impulse x1

Iron Star with Bronze Wings:
HA Elwood the Brave x4
FA Pellaeon x4
RA Silvius x2
GN Coranel Both x3
GN Dunta Polo x1 Uniforms

- CM Michael LeRoy
- LT Nathan Cole Competitions

TIE Corps on Recon - 2016:

Competition Medals:

- IS-SW/IS-BW for every game mode (weekly)
- IS-GW/IS-SW/IS-BW for 1st, 2nd and 3rd based on the points earned (points from all match types added together for the monthly part!)
- IS-PW/IS-GW/IS-SW for 1st, 2nd and 3rd based on the points earned over the entire year 2016
- IS-GW/SW/BW for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for every game mode based on the points earned over the entire year 2016


This competition is split up into multiple parts, all based on Star Conflict Multiplayer matches. The different weekly parts are split up based on the different match types Star Conflict is offering.

Here the goals for the 5 different game modes used in this competition:

- Domination/Beacon Hunt (counted seperately): most captured beacons
- PvE/Team Battle (counted seperately): most kills (Assists count as half kills)
- Combat Recon: most kills (Assists count as half kills), killing the Captain gives 2 extra points, surviving as Captain 3 extra points. There are "only" 2 points for the Captain kill, because there is 1 additional point for the kill itself in the calculation.

For the monthly part of the TCoR competition a points system will be used. For each victory in one of the weekly sections of this competition the winner will gain 4 points, second gains 3, third gains 2 and every other participant gains 1 point. Even if only 1,2 or 3 TIE pilots participate in one game mode, the 1st place still gains 4 points, 2nd 3 points and so on.Those points will be added up until the last weekly SOO report of a month and then the monthly winner will be announced based on those points. The points are also used for the calculation of the overall winner of the year.

Every participating pilot that isn't eligible for a medal reward from this competition earns himself an TCoR-activity point for each match type he participated in per week.

10 activity points = IS-BW
50 activity points = IS-SW

After gaining 50 activity points, the pilot's points will be reset to 0.

To make a match count for this competition screenshots of the matches need to be send to the TIE Corps Strategic Operations Officer before the weekly report is released on Sunday. Only one submission per week, match type and pilot will count, even though you might send multiple screenshots to the SOO in case you manage to gain more kills/captures during a week than you've had in the first submission. Only screenshots for victories are allowed!

Everyone that wants to participate in this competition needs to submit screenshots himself. If in one match 2 TIE Corps pilots participated and want a screenshot for that match to count for this competition they BOTH need to send their screenshots to the SOO!

Tie breakers:

- kills for Domination and Beacon Hunt; in case of the same amount of beacons and kills, the assists will be the tie breaker
- Captain kill or survived as Captain in Combat Recon
- pure kills for PvE, Team Battle

Note that PvP matches against bot-only teams are not eligible.

Rankings - Week 51:

Team Battle:
* 1st place: FA Pellaeon 4/11=9,5 - IS-SW
* 2nd place: HA Elwood the Brave 0/9=4,5 - IS-BW
* 3rd place: GN Dunta Polo 3/2=4

Combat Recon:
* 1st place: FA Pellaeon 3/13=9,5 - IS-SW
* 2nd place: GN Dunta Polo 3/10=8 - IS-BW
* 3rd place: HA Elwood the Brave 1/6 (+survived as Captain)=7
* 4th place: RA Silvius 1/6=4

Beacon Hunt:
* 1st place: RA Silvius 4 caps (2/17) - IS-SW
* 2nd place: FA Pellaeon 3 caps (0/2) - IS-BW
* 3rd place: HA Elwood the Brave 2 caps (4/4)


* 1st place:HA Elwoodthe Brave 8 caps (3/9)  - IS-SW
* 2nd place: RA Silvius 5 caps (0/15) - IS-BW
* 3rd place: FA Pellaeon 3 caps (3/6)
* 4th place: GN Dunta Polo 3 caps (2/10)

* 1st place: HA Elwood the Brave 342/131=407,5 - IS-SW
* 2nd place RA Silvius 126/332=292 - IS-BW
* 3rd place: FA Pellaeon 124/132=190

Activity Points:
HA Elwood the Brave: 40 (+2)
FA Pellaeon: 27 (+2)
CM Junazee: 5
COL Ulrich Drachen: 5
CPT Xavier Sienar: 6
COL Len Eode: 4
CPT Spiffy the Chicken: 1
RA Silvius: 3 (+1)
HA Anahorn Dempsey: 42
COL Wraith: 49
COL John T. Clark: 2
AD Hawkins: 2
GN Dunta Polo:22 (+2)
GN Coranel Both: 19
COL Plif: 1 Competitions

MP Co-Op Ace of the TIE Corps 2016
MP Ace of the TIE Corps 2016
Dempsey's Weekly Screenshots
TIE Corps on Recon - 2016
TIE Corps on Patrol - 2016
TIE Corps Vs. AI
COO's Star Wars Challenge; Episode II
COO Riddle
TIE Corps Under Attack - A Free Mission Competition
TIE Corps on Mission (TCoM) - December
Dempsey's December Duckhunt Combat Events

COO's Monthly Challenge 2016 - December's Activities

Medals recommended
Medals approved
Competitions approved: 2
Unifoms approved: 2
Mail activity
Database testing and bug reporting
played SW: Galaxy of Heroes
played Star Conflict
writing storyline for a battle (95% completed) - on the final lap!

Thats all for now.

respectfully submitted:


Fleet Admiral Pellaeon, Strategic Operations Officer of the TIE Corps
SOO-IOA-LOA/FA Pellaeon/TC-2/ISDII Challenge
GOE/GSx4/SSx9/BSx15/PCx11/ISMx11/IS-1PW-45GW-198SW-177BW-1GR-15SR-24BR/MoI-BC/MoT-1gh/LoC-PSx3-RS-CSx2-Rx2/LoS-PSx3-RSx2-CSx5-Rx2/DFC-BW-Rx1/MoC-2doc-2poc-3goc-3soc-22boc/CoLx4/CoB/LoAx2/OV-15E [EXCR] [Ace 2nd] [Master Ranger 1st]

YT-1300 Corellian Transport "Krümelmonster"
Avenger Black Shirt


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