ISP Report # 2 (2002-02-07)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

The Delta Project.. Reporting/Organization Program (can't think of a name yet) Features: Automated generation of most activity records for WSRs, MSEs, and ATRs. Calendar for storage and reminders of important EH events (competitions, EH Anniversary, FC's Birthday, etc.) Spell checker with EH terms and names added (even some like Ronin, Astatine, etc.) Print and save ability on all reports, records, and the calendar A Notes/Recommendation section Automated generation of most activity records for WSRs, MSEs, and ATRs. Weekly Squadron Reports and Monthly Squadron Evaluations are requirments for Squadron Commanders. The intention of making this process easier and faster is a core feature of this program and the idea behind this project. Lots of information is already contained on the TIE Corps database in the form of personnel records, rosters, and the Battle Center. This is a big portion of the information needed to complete these reports and evaluations. I am assuming that dates of each event aren't recorded in the TIE Corps Database (other than date of a member's joining and date of his/her last rank promotion). In order to keep track of events occurred, this program will need to connect to the Database every week and retrieve updated information. The changes and additions will be recorded by the program and inputed into weekly reports. A compliation of the entire month of events will be generated for the Monthly Squadron Evaluation. The information obtained by the database will allow for automatic inclusion in WSRs, MSEs, and ATRs, for the following: Battles/Free missions completed, IWATS Courses completed, INPR submissions, and even Message Board activity. Also information on last date of rank promotion, and records of medals earned. The other information would have to be entered manualy, (squadron homepages, assisting with competitions, duties, Newsletter submissions, meeting attendance, and ideas and/or recommendations for the squadron). Also, the program could alone know what Wing and Ship is associated with a Squadron name. That will be easy to include and send out updates for roster changes. Contact information can also be retreived from personnel profiles (e-mail, AIM Nick, ICQ #, and the contact section of the profiles). Copies of this information can be kept offline in an easy to access location for those using the program. Calendar for storage and reminders of important EH events We all forget dates and appointments from time to time (or more often than we care to admit). An integrated calendar into the program can store these important events. Some events that occur during regular periods throughout the year will be included in the initial events of the calendar. These would be events such as the award dates for Commendations of Loyalty as they occur January 7th and August 21st. Perhaps even EH Newsletter submission due dates could be included. The user of the program can enter in other dates of events such as competitions, his/her report due dates, and even other information. CM Spearhawk has already created a reminder program that acts like an alarm for your computer which stores events to be reminded. The features of that, along with a complete calendar listing could be a great resource for reminders to the users of the program. These important events could even be added into the Weekly Squadron Reports. Spell checker with EH terms and names added Like many spell checkers, this one would have the core function of your normal spell checker with EH-specific words added in already. The user can also add words to the spell checker if he/she wishes. Not much other explanation is necessary. Perhaps eventually a grammar check could be included as well. (reports without spelling or grammatical errors?) :-) Print and save ability on all reports, records and the calendar There will be support to print any documents generated by the program. These will include: Activity Tracking Records, Weekly Squadron Reports, Monthly Squadron Evaluations, and Reminders from the Calendar along with the Notes Section. Saving will be automatically done after reports and evaluations are completed. The option to save these records and reports to disk (including other folders) will be included. This save feature can develop into creating automatic or manual backups also. A Notes/Recommendation section This will be an extra space for users to enter in ideas they have for the EH. The text entered in this area will also be saved and be able to print with the spell checker available for this section. The benefit this part brings will to have this kept along with the other records and reports for EH-related matters (as opposed to have it seperate in the "My Documents" folder where many other files may be. Implementation & Assistance: I will be using Visual Basic to write the program. Persons most helpful for this project are those with knowledge/experience in programming with Visual Basic. I have VB 6.0 installed, and anyone else helping should have the same. What I could also use will be those helping in the designing and testing of the proram. Right now I will need those who have knowledge of TIE Corps management activities that have thoughts about what should be automated and if they know, how these things might be done. Later on, I would need testers to try this program under the variety of operating systems, hardware configurations, and by putting in a barrage of user commands and requests (clicks, keyboard strokes). I will ask for testers when they are needed. That is all for now. Feel free to contact me about questions, comments, complains, etc. ISP-UA/FA Brad/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/FoEWx2/BS/PCx6/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/OV-5E [HUSS] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN), T-Ph: "Black Death"

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