ISP Report # 1 (2002-01-31)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

Imperial Sovereign Protector's Report January 31, 2002 Last week at the IRC EH meeting, I mentioned that I was working on a project for the EH. Something I do not think anyone else is doing for the EH. Well now I am about to tell you about this project. I know that as Imperial Sovereign Protector, the only duty in my position is to protect GA Ronin. That doesn't offer much work to do (since I would be protecting his online persona, instead of being an actual RL bodyguard). So, I found something for me to do that can benefit the EH, and has not been already done. I plan to create a program that will aid EH members (for now mainly TIE Corps members) in their work of organizing information, planning and keeping track of important club events. While there are already great word processing, database, spreadsheet, and online databases, there is a part missing, which will allow officers in particular to keep track of their information, organize it, schedule events, and eventually upload reports and things to the TIE Corps database (and eventually any future online databases used throughout the EH). This project I am titling "The Delta Project". Nothing notable about the name, I just picked it. I will need some help on this project. Especially when I get further along and want the program to integrate with the TIE Corps Database and EH Database. This will be a program run on your local computer (no need to be online). I first expect it to be fully supported under all current versions of Windows (95, 98, Me, XP, 2000). The first thing I want it to do is have a calendar which already lists dates important to the EH (Like Jan 7th for the EH's anniversary and August 21st, the Fleet Commander's Birthday -- also the two dates when Commendations of Loyalty (CoLs) are awarded.), the other feature I want included in the initial version will have a reporting system to allow for easy, entering, checking, and storing weekly and monthly reports. I plan to have full features available for printing, saving, and archiving information. I to agree that it is a good idea to have reports on hard copy (paper) and in backups (Zip Disks, floppy disks, CD-Rs, CD-RWs). This project is to serve for new administrative tasks, that aren't already automated or centralized. That means that roster management will remain a central function of the online TIE Corps domain, along with it's posting of reports, the mission compendium of battles in the battle center, medal recommendations, etc. Using the Tempest's Tailoring Tool (a program to speed up uniform creation), gave me an idea for making a program to make it easier for members to submit, store, and organize reports and other information. I am still in the design phases of this project. Writing specifications and criteria that the program must meet. This phase is to decide what I will want this program to do. The next step will be to decide how these things will be done. Use of this program, once released of course will be entirely voluntary. Officers and members who have their own system of reporting, and organized are allowed to use their current resources, materials, and systems of organization. I hope that this program will help the members who may have just started needing to organize their files of reports, and such or for officers who would like to try something new which may save them time. We all know that making the required weekly and monthly reports isn't our favorite thing in the EH, but for officers it is a requirement to keep on good standing. Why not try a program that will make this process easier and faster? That will give you more time for talking with members, engaging in competitions, etc. Thank you, Fleet Admiral Brad Imperial Sovereign Protector ISP-UA/FA Brad/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/FoEWx2/BS/PCx6/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/OV-5E [HUSS] {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN), T-Ph: "Black Death"

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