ISP Report # 4 (2002-02-22)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

The Delta Project... I have begun to secure a web site for the project. FA Stalker has graciously let me have an account on and will allow me to use their domain for hosting the website for the Delta Project. I may get a subdomain for the site off of At the very least we have a subfolder off of the domain. Either I, or one person who is helping me will design the website. I will probably ask someone else to design it when I get together an idea of what I want on it. If you have experience designing good-looking and professional websites, e-mail me (, send some URLs of your work (no file attachments please). I am fully capable of maintaining and submitting updates to the site, so don't bother about asking to help me do that. Now on to the actual program. I have begun writing the main program and am establishing it to read and write database records. Next will be to make the program generate reports and write them to files. Visual Basic programmers are still needed. I have some who are learning it, so anybody with previous experience writing programs would be useful. Also, I am still looking for someone who can do graphics for a Visual Basic program. You don't need to know the programming, but should be able to create attractive-looking forms (windows), etc. My assistant, CM Spearhawk, has been working on the calendar portion. He has made some good progress already. The calendar can synchronize itself to the atomic clock when the program is open while you are online. It is seperate from the main program and can minize itself into your system tray. The calendar can store reminders for events and already has the dates for when Commendations of Loyalty are awarded, hard-coded into the program. I am very pleased with his work. Some are asking what will this program evolve into? Right now, I intend for this to assist Squadron Commanders in the TIE Corps for writing their reports, especially the Monthly Squadron Evaluations. Once the program is capable of that, it shouldn't be hard to add on the ability to help other EH members in writing their reports. (even subgroup members). If there is a feature you would like to see, let me know. Also if you are capable of helping out with the specific items I mentioned (web designer, VB web graphics, and VB programmer), e-mail me at ( That is all for now. ISP-UA/FA Brad/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/FoEWx2/BS/PCx6/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/OV-5E [HUSS] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN), T-Ph: "Black Death"

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