ISP Report # 9 (2002-04-20)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

I had a period of leave and managed to get my computer to boot 3 Operating Systems (win98, winXP, Linux). So now it is time to get back to working on the Delta Project. I am deciding to make the program to aid TC Squadron Commanders in their report writing to be web-based. This page will allow a CMDR to enter in information, connect to the TIE Corps Database, add and edit information and then submit his/her reports (Monthly Squadron Evaluations and Weekly Squadron Reports). So now I will need to choose different methods for creating this program. People with knowledge of SQL, online databases, PHP, ASP, XML will be useful. Advantages of making it web-based are: - no operating system requirements (as opposed to doing it in Visual Basic) - all information online so no requirements of using Hard Drive space on the user's computer (only minimal for saving files if the user chooses) - easier programming (the browser is the default window and all is needed is the programming necessary for database connectivity and submitting forms). I originally thought Visual Basic would be easy to program and it wouldn't be hard to find those who know VB, but it seems that more and more people know or are learning web programming. Thanks to those who expressed interest months ago. If you want to remain working with us, please let me know. CM Spearhawk has decided to step down as ISPA since we won't be doing the Delta Project in VB. Thanks to him and I would like to offer the calendar program he made and offer it along with the other features of what the Delta Project will offer. I won't be selecting a new ISP Assistant right now, but if you would like to help with the Delta Project, please e-mail me ( I updated the Delta Project webpage with the new events and other changes. It is online at ( Also, I made additions to the ISP office page, which is linked from the Delta Project Page ( ISP-UA/FA Brad/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/FoEWx2/BS/PCx6/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/OV-5E [HUSS] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN), T-Ph: "Black Death"

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