LO Report # 16 (2005-01-07)

This report was submitted by VA Jeron Darkonis Astoris

First off, Happy Anniversary EH! That's right, the time has come. My competition is going quite well, and that's the reason I haven't been making the regular reports the last few weeks. Those of you following on the message boards will know that a few of the events, specifically the Multiplayer Flight and FPS events have been postponed until tomorrow due to some family issues that arose during the competition break.

Secondly, now that the competition is slowly winding up,I'll be getting back to some of my LO projects, starting with the update of the CS/SGCOM portion of the database to reflect new appointments. After that, I'll be getting some new sections in, including a more complete Admirals section, Most Influential People(From the last ten years), as well as the additions of the staff officers(COO, WO, etc) and Advisory positions(ISP, HI, etc) to the Command Staff sections.

Another thing I'm going to do unless otherwise told not to by Astatine, is to put the Memorium inside the Codex. This will make it easier to update when an unfortunate event takes the life of one of our members. This and the other updates are actually going to be part of a larger project to turn the Codex into a more grand form, the EH Encyclopedia. I will be working closely with the new FC, the FO, and our Founder/Princeps, to complete this project so that we are able to provide our newest members with a look into the past of the club. I will also be updating the Heroes of the EH with a more detailed look at each person and why they were given the Medal of Honour.

As we enter this new year, let us all make it a resolution to better ourselves and our club. Let us all endeavour to work with Astatine, and make his transition into his new role a smooth one. And above all, as has always been the true purpose of this club, HAVE FUN. Until my next report, I wish you all a happy new year, and a wish for ten more years of the great camradarie that has made us what we are.

See you all at the 10th Anniversary meeting tonight!

LO/VA Jeron Darkonis Astoris/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign

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