TO Report # 14 (2004-11-21)

This report was submitted by AD Drako

Last two weeks were pretty slow. Looks like everyone (including me) are busy playing FW. New version is really cool, with bigger world, new ships and new features. As the 1.65 is out the Freeworlds Tactics course requires updating. VA Bubba assured me that it will be done next week.

Corporate Division's News Group has started publishing the "The Galactic Inquisitor" - a news magazine for all EH citizens. You can find it at .

Last minute news: someone was impostering GN Drake in the #tiecorps channel and made anti-EH talk. Looks like our enemies are trying to strike our membership directly so I ask everyone to be prepared for such actions and report them to the SO with the hostmask of person badmouthing our club.

From other news, my office in cooperation with the SCO is working on the EH wide competition. It will be a big operation, with high awards. Unfortunately it requires a lot of planning to make sure it will go smoothly. Plot is practically done, we're working on the technical and organizational part of the comp.

I've chosen two new PROFs. Congrats to COL Yoda, new IIC PROF, and MAJ Daisuke - GFX PROF. Eggdrop course is now officially closed, but if you're interested in running it please contact me and I might open it again.

I've recieved an offer on writing the JTL course. I'll support that project but first we need some JTL structure for the TC to be prepared, so that course will be on hold until everything is prepared.

The TAC is holding the TC wide comp. For details please visit . I encourage everyone to participate and make our mission compedium bigger. If you have never made a custom TIE battle, you can take a TIE mission creation course at .Awards are high so it is worth a try.

The XO has extended his competitions. Visit & for more details. You can win IS-PR(TC)/SotGV(CD)/GN (DB)/IO (HF)/AS-PR (IS)/VC (IW)/GP (BHG)/MoS-DR (DIR) for easy work.

Training Officer & IWATS Dean
TO-DEAN/AD Drako/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign

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