FC Report # 0 (2004-10-27)

This report was submitted by VA Bond

October 2003


VPO/CG Loor Appointed President (Prex) of the Corporate Division:  10.14.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Corporate Division (CD)

My intentions for the Corporate Division if I am selected PREX, is to change the board structure and reduce the number to a fewer Vice Presidents and invite the CEO:s to sit on the board to get a closer relationship and let them be a more direct part of the leadership than they are today. The whole board needs to be restructured and refilled. As Vice Presidents will be removed, the remaining Presidents' tasks will be modified.

I will also put much effort in revive the Division. It has fallen into a deep slumber that needs to be removed. Though, I will need the help of the whole Division to regain consciousness. Right now, such a thing as weekly reports from CEOs are not working. All members needs a boot in the rear (excuse the language) and wake up. I am prepared to take whatever actions necessary to achieve this goal.

More structure are needed within the corporations as I see it, to let the members have clear guidelines of what to do. The CEOs need to be more active themselves and lead the way, which is not the case today. Every leader needs to step up a level to start with and hopefully that will drag many members along.

I am open for questions and discussions regarding my application and the future of the Corporate Division. Finally, I want to let you know my reason for not waiting to apply until the requirements has been posted. The reason is that I want to apply so soon, and of course hope I will be selected, is that I don't want to see the Division standing without a leader for a longer period of time. As VPO and currently the only member of the Direx Board, I am acting PREX for the time being.

Thank you for listening on me!

Commissar General Loor, Vice President of Operations
VPO/CG Loor/VSD Warhammer

Fleet Commander's Note:

I have reviewed the CD website for the past several weeks...VP Loor is one of the more active CS command staff left...We wish him the best of luck !!!

Newsletter Nos. 97, 98 and 99 Posted to the Fleet:  10.05.03
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

NL 97 (5.6mb)   
    * http://theholo.net/nls/eh/97/
    * http://www.ehnet.org/nl/97/
    * http://theholo.net/nls/eh/zips/hammer97.zip
    * http://www.ehnet.org/nl/hammer97.zip
    * http://lo.cosmicholonet.org/nls/hammer097.zip

NL 98 (6.1mb)   
    * http://theholo.net/nls/eh/98/
    * http://www.ehnet.org/nl/98/
    * http://theholo.net/nls/eh/zips/hammer98.zip
    * http://www.ehnet.org/nl/hammer98.zip
    * http://lo.cosmicholonet.org/nls/hammer097.zip

NL 99 (7.5mb)   
    * http://theholo.net/nls/eh/99/
    * http://www.ehnet.org/nl/99/
    * http://theholo.net/nls/eh/zips/hammer99.zip
    * http://www.ehnet.org/nl/hammer99.zip
    * http://lo.cosmicholonet.org/nls/hammer097.zip

SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au

Obelisk Order's 6th Anniversary:  10.09.03
As Emailed From:  MAA/DA Khaen/DC-3/Dark Council

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

::BOW:: & <SALUTE>

Greetings, sirs and colleagues (whichever applies).

You may or may not be aware that today, the 9th of October, marks the 6th Anniversary of the Dark Brotherhood's Obelisk Order. It was officially opened on this day in 1997 by Obelisk High Commander Blazer, to coincide with the release of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight.

To commemorate this event, I have put together a site with a brief look at the history of the order, a complete listing of all Obelisk High Commanders and GMRG Commanders of the Guard to date, and a selection of interesting files, documents, and images from the Order's long past.

The site is located at http://o6.minos.net. GA Ronin, you may want to post this link on the EH news center.

I hope you enjoy browsing through this 'museum display' as much as I did delving into the fascinating past of my Order. :P



MAA/DA Khaen/DC-3/Dark Council
BGCOM/VA Khaen/Avenger Task Force
SSx2/BSx4/PCx3/ISMx8/MoI-GC/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-6BR-15SW-2SR-18GW-3GR/LoC-CSx4-Rx2/DFC-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoAx28/OV-3E [TMPR] {IWATS-AIM-BOT-BX-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-LIN-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/2-TM-XTM/1}

EH Poland Meeting III: Debriefing:  10.12.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)


Hello Grand Admiral, hello members of Emperor's Hammer. It took me a lot of time but you finaly have EHPLM 3 pictures and full debriefing. So, let's get this over with :)

This was rather small meeting compared to 2002, cause most of people who promised to be there, didn't arrive. But overall it was great fun and of course I will do it next year.

We have first arrive, 2 days before real meeting to organize everything. Jonny, me, nIKA, Diablo, Wiesio were the first people to get there. We have placed our tents, created small local network and started having fun. A lot of beer was there, a lot of laugh and a lot of playing.

After two days, we returned to Bialystok, to pick up Keiran Laserlight. It's the first time he joined our meeting, so we have to introduce him. Same day, Tvan Oris, Marcin Kaczynski and Ann had arrived and we really started.

What can I say about the meeting itself. Keiran was a new guy, so it was cool to meet him. And we all promised to meet next year, on the bigger meeting, I hope :) Jonny has failed with many things, so next year we will have, new, better location and everything will be better organized. And, I have uploaded pictures to temporary webpage at: http://www.ehnet.stnet.pl/ehplm3/ so go and see pictures there. (they will be soon uploaded to EHPA)

I also attach group picture of this meeting. So, left to right: nIKA, Ann, Jonny, Wiesio, Keiran Laserlight, Mike, Marcin Kaczynski, Tvan Oris.

And I think that's all. Cya next year :)

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
TAC of EH and EH Poland Meetings Moderator

Aurora at Night:  09.17.03
As Emailed From:  CA:FC/VA Bond/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
As Created By:  Roth Jalis

Tie Corps reservist Major Roth Jalis created a magnificent image for you. His comments follow and his contribution is attached...



>It's an image of Aurora during night.
>The upper left continent is New Laconica with New Imperial City almost
>covering it completely.
>The other continents are less populated due to the Jungles.
>Best regards,
>Roth Jalis
>#4834 reserves

Aurora, with it’s great polar caps on the northern and southern hemispheres, has four great continents.
The primary continent Laconica is actually made up of two of the land masses which are connected to each other by a wide land bridge. This land bridge is thought to be artificial but the indigenous Aurorans have never before showed the necessary skill and interest in such large building programs. No reports or evidence about it’s actual construction has ever been found. The land bridge has since the arrival of the Imperials been a popular site for historians and archeologists, but until it’s secret is revealed rumors is all it creates.

New Laconica;
The northern part of this continent is the most densely populated part of the entire planet. New Imperial City covers it now almost completely from east to west and from north to south. Construction of the city started almost immediately after the Imperials arrived and is still ongoing until today. Some of the most ambitious construction projects include the High Court of the Inquisitors, Imperial Academy and the Fleet Commander's Palace. The most important structures are build at the western side of the continent. Many of them rising so high it is possible on clear days to see the western sea as well as the mountains that split the continent.

Though the Aurorans are still in greater numbers than the Imperials, the difference is getting smaller.
With thousands of settlers from all over the Galaxy coming to the Emperor's Hammer territories every day, many of these end up on Aurora. The Aurorans themselves have adjusted to their new lives among the people of the Galaxy or have moved to more remote areas. As a result the numbers of Aurorans and non-Aurorans are about equal now in New Imperial City. Europa and Biblis are other densely populated centers where the Aurorans still are the main population.

Even though the planet offers only few secrets that still have to be discovered, many parts have not yet been explored other than by aerial reconnaissance. Not even by the Aurorans themselves who prefer to live in their well organised cities. Some of these less explored areas are undoubtedly the jungles. Probably because their droids do not adapt very well to the jungle environment. Rumors do speak of humanoids living there in small tribes, but official reports have no information about them. If they do exist they most likely live in or near the most dense woods, deep in the jungle. Due to it’s remoteness and inhospitable nature these areas are simply revered to as Deep Jungle. Grand Admiral Ronin has a fortress somewhere in the jungle. It’s exact location is a well kept secret to all but a few even within the high council.


SCO Announces Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher:  10.01.03
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)


After years of being in the planning and now about 10 months of work the Tactical Office and Science Office are very proud to announce the release of the "Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher" - probably the most elaborate piece of software to ever come out of the Emperor's Hammer and one that will most definitely change your flying experience completely.

The Launcher installs battles for you with a single click, launches the games and adds the basic patches used in our missions, like the "Fly All" patch for TIE Fighter. It also prevents cheating by editing mission files,
which has been a problem for the Tactical Office since the beginning of this club.

The "Über Project" (a SCO Project) was the coding of the Launcher by CA:SCO/AD Den Darkhill, who spent countless hours on programming it - but the result is definitely worth it: It is stabile, comes with its own
easy-to-use setup.exe installer, runs on all Windows versions, comes in a MSDOS variant for the older TIE fighter versions and it even looks good.

"Project Shield" (a TAC Project) was the updates to the compendium, done by SCO/FA Ender mBind and TAC/FA Marcin Szydlowski. All battle .ZIPs were repacked to .EHMs, missions were encrypted, all readme.txt files updated to have new install instructions and the Lucas Arts disclaimer, patches were removed, .WAV packages were separated from the battles and all compendium links were updated.

While preventing cheating was the main plan at the start of the project, which is why it was Classified, it has grown over time to be a very user friendly utility that easily beats the original game launchers in use, especially for the Emperor's Hammer.

Expanded Explanation and Usage:

The Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher provides a single Windows launcher to play Emperor's Hammer missions in TIE Fighter '95, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Balance of Power or X-Wing Alliance (if installed) and a MSDOS version for TIE Fighter CD and TIE Fighter Diskette. It provides better security against cheating, easier use of the games and adds special features (Windows version only):

- Unzips and installs Emperor's Hammer battles by just clicking the .EHM file you downloaded from the Mission Compendium.
- Launches TIE Fighter '95, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Balance of Power and X-Wing Alliance from one location and interface. (Only if the game is installed.)
- Decrypts Emperor's Hammer missions for use by the X-Wing series games in a controlled environment.
- Tracks and Tags pilot files that use EHBL for processing by the Tactical Office.
- Monitors Balance of Power pilots and resets the number of missions flown flag every 60 seconds. Allows you to fly extended battles without having to swap CDs every fourth mission.
- Allows regular X-Wing Alliance Pilot File management plus creation of "EH Pilots" for custom battles. Custom XWA battles no longer require an added pilot file. [Via Game > XWA Options > Pilot Options]
- Adds Transport and Shuttle flying in TIE Fighter '95, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and Balance of Power when available in the mission. [Via Game > Options]
- Adds Rebel Fighter flying in TIE Fighter '95 when available in the mission. [Via Game > TIE Options]
- Adds Custom Briefing Sounds in X-Wing Alliance when available in the mission. [Via Game > XWA Options]
- Allows you to update the settings if you (re)install any of the games after installation of EHBL. [Via File > Directories]

The MSDOS version does not install battles (you will need to install them as before, after renaming the .EHM file to .ZIP), but it does feature:

- Launches TIE Fighter Disk/CD from one location and interface. [via the command C:\(TIE Folder)\EHBL]
- Decrypts Emperor's Hammer missions for use by the MSDOS TIE Fighter games in a controlled environment.
- Tracks and Tags pilot files that use EHBL for processing by the Tactical Office.
- Adds Transport and Shuttle flying in TIE Fighter Disk/CD when available in the mission. [via the command C:\(TIE Folder)\EHBL /t]
- Adds Rebel Fighter flying in TIE Fighter Disk/CD when available in the mission. [via the command C:\(TIE Folder)\EHBL /r]

Note: If anyone needs it and wants to code a MAC version, AD Darkhill can deliver you a library file to use for the decryption.


The result of excellent cooperation between the Tactical Office and the Science Office, the Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher can be called quite a feat: It makes flying for the fleet easier then ever, even for those that
aren't very computer-wise, and ensures that the High Scores you might be trying to beat were actually reached in a fair way.

Download it now from the admin menu of the TIE Corps database (IW and DB are coming up) and give it a try: you won't be disappointed!

The Tactical Office and Science Office.

Zem Resigns as Chief Gamemaster of the EH Fringe; GN Longshot Appointed new CGM:  09.20.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)


It has been some time since I last reported. This is partly due to other commitments in my life, and partly to a feeling of helplessness. I came to the position of CGM with a lot of thoughts, and a lot of support for a lot of changes. Many I was unable to implement, many did not work. The MUD is undergoing extensive re-coding, RPG players are entirely MIA, and I have been unable to play Galaxies myself. In short, I have been unable to successfully accomplish anything in my time as CGM, and I have avoided reporting for a few weeks, in the hope that I would motivate myself and turn it around. I have not done so. I therefore tender my resignation as CGM. It is painful to make this last recommendation, but I feel that the Fringe is not workable as is. I suggest it be dissolved, and the MUD (when it comes back) and Galaxies not be associated with any Sub-Group, but just run as part of the EH as a whole, perhaps making the MUD and Galaxies leaders into Imperial Advisors. Thank you all for the chance to do something for the Fringe, for all the help you gave me, I'm sorry I let you down.

Game Master Zem

Fleet Commander's Note:

I have decided to focus EH Fringe solely on the Star Wars Galaxies game platform and have adjusted the Subgroups Page description accordingly.  It is already up to ~45 EH Fringe members !

My congratulations to RSV?MAJ Longshot for his appointment as the new CGM of the Fringe !  He is herein promoted to the EH Rank of General...Imperial Command expects great things from you ! :)

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}

President of the Corporate Division Resigns; Replacement Sought:  09.26.03
As Emailed From:  Former Corporate Division President (Admiral Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)


I come before you all today to announce my decision to retire as President of the Corporate Division. This hasn't been an easy decision to make, but I've made it now so here we go. I'm not resigning due to a lack of time, instead I'm resigning because I feel I've thrown all I can into the Corporate Division and it's now time for someone else to move it another step along. I might return to my roots in the TIE Corps, or I might spend some time in the reserves, I'm still undecided.

I've served as President now for nearly a year, eleven plus months which I've greatly enjoyed. The CD is a unique place due to the nature of its description, the people there have such a wide variety of skills, personalities and ambitions which all add up to an environment that you can only match to that of the corporations and Direx Board.

Unfortunately recently, the Division has hit a low. A lot of the plans that have been prepared for the Division are being delayed due to certain things which have made progression very hard. I'm running out of ideas to encourage the Engineers and the Staff, competitions aren't appealing to people anymore which is a shame, I can't code so with a lack of PHP'ers available, it doesn't help the fact a lot of my projects require database type sites (Nova Shipyards, new CDDB roster). I feel I've burnt-out... and it's definitely time for a new President.

I've worked with many great people, such as Reb Crush, Leeson, Loor, Thorin, Darkheart, Keldorn, Kweek, Glorick, Gavin, Hacksolo and Dash to name a few of them. All these people and everyone else i've met and known through the CD have had their own special talents and its been a hugely interesting time and an honour working with them.

I'm leaving the Corporate Division with a new look just around the corner, my proposal has been approved... so I'm leaving it down to the future of the Division to implement it and make it work to the potential it holds. Best of luck with the future and keep pushing the Division further.

I ain't gonna sit here and throw an even more longwinded resignation at you, so thank you all for the great time and hopefully I'll see you around.


- Admiral Nav'ric Trow

Fleet Commander's Note:

Applicants seeking the Subgroup Commander (SGCOM) Position of President (Prex) of the Corporate Division should meet the following criteria:

  • Been a Member of the Corporate Division and Emperor's Hammer for 2+ years

  • Have held a significant Command position

  • Be able to to work with the EH Command Staff

  • Have no significant HCI convictions in the past 2 years

  • Demonstrated, consistent online activity and ability to motivate subordinates

  • Be able to command a civilian branch of the EH and come up with creative ideas for development of the CD

Interested Applicants should email the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Astatine) with your emailed application demonstrating compliance with the selection criteria and ideas for future plans for the CD, if you are appointed.

Directorate Competition - Project Aquitaine:  09.27.03
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (Nightflyer)

Directorate Operation - Project Aquitaine

EH Directorate (DIR)


    Directorate Guard scouts have recently discovered a new solar system in an uncontested region barely half a light-year outside the Emperor's Hammer Territories. After surveying the five planets in the solar system, it was determined that four were uninhabitable and had very little value to the Emperor's Hammer. However, the fifth planet, code-named Albadore, has both a habitable atmosphere and rich mineral deposits.
    While at first glance there is nothing special about Albadore, it is important to note that the resources there could be used for military production and expansion... and the planet is only a short distance from the Rebel territories. Capturing Albadore would give our forces another jumping-off point to retake the planets that have been wrestled from our grasp.
    Word has been passed down from the Ministry Council that this planet is to be explored for potential colonisation. Elements of both the Colonial Branch and the Directorate Guard have been sent to Albadore to investigate and report back to the Ministry Council.


    This competition is going to be run entirely as a series of fiction events. As a result, -all- Directorate members should be able and are expected to participate!

Event 1: Geographical Survey of Albadore - Write up a short (1 page) description of the planet itself. Be sure to include things like terrain, climate, and interesting plant and animal species.

Event II: Sociological Study of Albadore Natives - Several tribes of natives have been found on the planet, living in nomadic, pre-industrial groups. Write a short (1 page) description of these natives and their culture.

Event III: Individual Assignment - You have been selected as a member of the team working on Project Aquitaine, and are deployed to Albadore immediately. Write a moderately long (5 to 10 page) fiction piece on your role in the operation.
    -Colonial Branch: Your primary assignment will be exploration of the planet. Write a piece about your expedition, including a hostile encounter with the natives of the planet. The encounter must be included in your story.
    -Directorate Guard: During the Colonial Branch's exploration of the planet, a small pirate fleet of a Victory-class Star Destoyer, 2 Corellian Corvettes, a System Patrol Craft and a handful of Y-Wings decides to attack the Battle Fleet. Write a piece on your involvement in crushing the puny buggers.
    -Ministry Council: Your involvement in the operation, should you choose to exercise it, will depend on your office's responsibilities. Your piece should centre around those responsibilities and their impact on the operation.

Event IV: Creativity? - During your operation, you were so moved by the entire experience that you decided to compose a poem about Albadore and the operation. Should any of you feel these creative urges, write a short (1/2 to 1 page) poem about Albadore and/or the operations... aside from the usual limits of appropriateness (no sex, swearing, etc.), there is no limit on content.


  • All submissions should be sent to the Grand Moff (nightflyer@shaw.ca) with [Albadore] and the event number in the subject line. This is very important; I will be filtering my e-mail to file [Albadore] submissions separately, and I will not be accepting any submissions without that tag. Don't have your potentially winning story left out because you forgot something in the subject line!

  • All submissions should be formatted in Rich Text Format (RTF) or Microsoft Word. Any submissions not following this format will be disqualified.

  • Please stick to the length guidelines listed in each event... if they weren't meant to be followed, I wouldn't have listed them. Anything too far outside the guidelines will be disqualified, although for Event III submissions I will allow some leeway... a 4-1/2 page submission is acceptable, but a 4-page submission is not.

  • Submission Dates: I will not be running the events separately, but as a cluster... all submissions will be due by October 27. Results will go out the week after that.

  • Awards: The winner in each category will receive a Medal of Strategy with Diamond Ribbon (MoS-DR), and the runner-up in each category will receive a Medal of Strategy with Platinum Ribbon (MoS-PR). In addition, each winning submission will be posted on the Directorate web page. Additionally, ALL participants will receive a Medal of Penmanship (MoP) for each contribution.

  • This competition is open to ALL members of the Directorate... I know we have some good writers out there, and I'd like to see them showcase their work for everyone to read!

Good luck to everyone!

GMF/FA Nightflyer

Opening of the Imperial Senate Archives:  09.28.03
As Emailed From:  M:REC/VIZ Demerzel/HC-3/Liberal

Imperial Senate Archives Now Open!

To: The Fleet Commander and Executive Officer of the Emperor’s Hammer


I would like to announce the completion of the Imperial Senate Archives, and would like to request that the news of such be posted on the EH.org domain, with http://demerzel.t35.com/images/isaposter.jpg being the poster displayed for the news.

Imperial Senate Archives: http://demerzel.t35.com/isa/

The Imperial Senate Archives is a record of the Imperial Senate’s history as well as a collection of all the surviving major works by Senators. Its main purpose is to serve as a reference for all members, especially the newer Senators to see how the Senate operates, and as only the best should be saved in the archive, the archives would serve as the best example for newer members to follow. Given also that sometimes policies may change, members may also observe how the changes have affect the Senate as a whole, and draw comparisons for themselves to see which policy is better, and raise the issue with his superiors or propose to debate upon it. This serves as a valuable line of feedback to Senate leaders as sometimes they may err in their policies. This archive would also serve as a means to ensure that the best works of Senators are not lost to the annals of history, and show newer Senators what lines of argument have been taken up before, and refuted, so that they do not annoy more senior ones by pursing an old line. It should also be noted that learning is lifelong, and a Senator’s education should not end when once he completes all the courses in the IU, the Senate Archives would serve as a database that Senators can draw upon to further their knowledge on Senate affairs. Such is captured in the Mission Statement of the Imperial Senate Archives.

While the Archives does contain the contributions of some who are supporters of the rDB and in some cases honour the work that they have done, as stated the reason why they are there is for what they have done and the Archives disassociates itself from the views that they currently hold. That being said the cases whereby notable Senators have been recorded as adopting a derogatory attitude towards the Emperor’s Hammer and its leaders have been censored, although some minor comments remain to show a pattern of behaviour.

It is my understanding that the EH Encyclopaedia is being compiled. Hence as Minister of Records of the Imperial Senate, I would like to formally present the Imperial Senate Archives as one of the Senate’s entries to the Encyclopaedia.

The completion of this project while largely being my own effort, help was provided along the way and I wish to thank the following. Many thanks go firstly to Fleet Commander Ronin for providing encouragement and ensuring that the concluding statements for the Chancellorship summaries remain unprejudiced for I do have certain sympathies and at times such clouds my judgements. Next, to Chancellor Raziel Kallath for allowing me to initiate this project and provide support and encouragement throughout the entire period of my work. To my Vice Minister of Records, Plif who though has been absent for a very long while completed the leadership summaries for most of the earlier Chancellors with the records he has. To the Senate Librarian, Ric Gravant who diligently went through the painful process of processing numerous pages of Imperial Senate SQL records and organising them appropriately. Last but not the least, to all Senators both past and present who have in one way or another contributed to the Imperial Senate, ensured that Senatorial processes run smoothly and made the Senate’s history worth recording down.

Lastly, while the Imperial Senate Archives is completed, I will still be accepting content submissions from Senators both past and present, as gaps in the Senate’s history do exist and with me exhausting all the content available to myself, I can only rely on submission to fill these gaps. Content submissions my come in the form of old images, missing reports, debates, commentaries and other writings. Send them to demerzel85@gmx.net

Thank you for your kind attention.

In Imperial Service,

Minister of Records, Vizier Demerzel of the Imperial Senate

M:REC/VIZ Demerzel/HC-3/Liberal
(SHU: Vigil)(ESHU: Vigilant) (MDTR: Vigilance) (LXY: Vigilante)

Emperor's Hammer Chosen Galactic Voyage Site of the Month for September 2003:  09.18.03
As Emailed From:  jedipower@triad.rr.com and arranged by Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)


Sorry for getting this award to you so late, but the Emperor's Hammer was chosen as the Galactic Voyage "Site of the Month" for September 2003. I have been extremely behind e-mailing people due to work, school, and family. I am actually sending this to you from work. Your banner has been up since the first of the month and you beat out some pretty good competition. I want to say thank you for applying last month. You guys are doing an outstanding job, so keep up the great work! I hope all is well and continued success in the future. Take care!

Jedi Power
Galactic Voyage
"You've taken your first step into a larger world"


Fleet Commander's Note:

I recommend you all visit the http://galactic-voyage.com website.  It's a nicely done and detailed SW link site.  Also, please visit our Awards Page for other EH Professional and Amateur web awards we've won !


HA Priyum Resigns as Flight Officer, CA:FO FA Cyric Appointed as NEW Flight Officer:  09.19.03

Flight Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)

Greetings Flag Officers,

I'll be officially resigning from the Emperor's Hammer on Monday.

It's been a pleasure and honour serving with each and every one of you. Please continue the fantastic work you do for this club and give your support to whoever is chosen as the next FO-TCCOM.

Remember, people DO appreciate the hard work you do, whether they tell you or not.

Thank you,

High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/HA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

Fleet Commander's Note:

HA Priyum will be most certainly missed at the helm of the Flight Office, by me especially !  However, he has taken an INQ position in the High Court of Inquisitors.

At his suggestion and with the concurrence of the Executive Officer (SA Astatine), I have appointed FA Cyric as the new EH Flight Officer.

Newsletter Nos. 95 and 96 Posted to the Fleet:  09.13.03
As Compiled By:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine) and posted by Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Newsletter #95


Online Viewable: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/95/
Downloadable Zipfile: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/zips/hammer95.zip

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

Newsletter #96


Online Viewable: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/96 (Cover Image isn't there or isn't named properly).
Downloadable Zip: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/zips/hammer96.zip

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

SDIR of EH Intel Promoted to Admiral:  09.19.03

For superior service above and beyond the call of duty and for diligently rebuilding EH Intel to a new respectable level of meaningful service, SDIR VA Mordann is herein promoted to the Rank of Admiral.

Congrats !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}

Unique Military Picture Competition:  09.15.03
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jacob Van Nowak)

Unique Military Picture Competition

Yes, yes I know the Name doesn't rhyme, but I'm guessing you all know by now that our troops are stationed over in the middle east for an extended year by President Bush. Knowing this is hard for all members, and family, I will be holding a unique Military picture contest. All entries have to be military related. I would prefer they be of someone you know in the military, but if you find a really good picture, say Troops setting up an American Flag at a base, or something like that which is rare to find, send it in, and even if your not sure send them in. All Entries Should be sent to the Medical Officer at mo@emperorshammer.org with subject "Military Pic Comp." or close to that. The Start date is as soon as this get on the Domain, So I will extend it till October 5th. Awards are:


Good Luck!


-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-FRG Last Hope

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