LO Report # 0 (2004-10-22)

This report was submitted by VA Jeron Darkonis Astoris

Welcome to the latest Logistics Officer report.

First, I would like to congratulate Vladet Xavier on his appointment as SO, and welcome him to the CS.

Logistics Office Tasks:

Codex Updates: All Codex information should now be up to date.

Memorium: In progress, still gathering information on deceased members

10th Anniversary: Comprehensive Schedule in progress, estimated finish in Mid Nov.

This week my midterms are going to start. One of them is a take home, but I have an in class test for Chemistry that I need to be studying for. Therefore, my turnover time could spike up to 4 days. Rest assured, however, that I will be responding to all emails and putting out next week's report on time.

A few more things...

I will be adding a new section to the codex soon called "Most Influential members. As I said, I'm doing this so that members who have only been around a little while can see what effects some of our members have had on the EH for good or ill. That means some of the less savory characters will be included in the mix. I expect to work with my entire staff on this project and have it done just in time for the 10th Anniversary.

Finally, I just have one thing to say to the FC. You may have beaten the curse at the stadium... but it will kill you in the series ;)

That's it for this week folks.

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