FC Report # 0 (2003-11-24)

This report was submitted by VA Bond

November 2003


Update from Iraq Part III:  11.05.03
As Emailed From:  COM/VA Khameir Sarin/ISD Grey Wolf

GA Ronin,

Salute, and greetings from Mosul Iraq. I am currently on 48 hours of Rest and Relaxation (R & R) leave at a little hotel in Mosul. I figured since I have not sent an update in some time, today would be a great opportunity.

Currently operations in Mosul are being conducted at a very high tempo. Myself and my men are conducting from 1-3 missions a day. These missions vary from conducting raids on suspected arms dealers to traffic control points where we search for weapons hidden in vehicles.

This past week has been one of excitement, success, and tragedy. During an escort mission in Erbil Iraq, we  had a man attempt to blow up my platoon with a bomb. The bomb went off injuring three civilians, but luckily it did not harm any of my soldiers. A few days ago, we had one of our largest finds of the deployment when we found 2000 Mortar rounds, 500 RPGS, and over 10,000 AK47 rounds buried in a small field.  These weapons belong to a small terrorist cell called the Islamic Brotherhood (note: The organization has nothing to do with Islam or Brotherhood...ironic).  And finally, we had a small tradgedy in my small home town of Darlington PA. A soldier's mother died, and as he was flying home he was killed in the attack that killed sixteen american soldiers while they were flying in a Chinook Helicopter. Though this soldier was not one of mine, it is a sad day for all those in the military as now a Father in the states must bury his wife and son.

Finally, and completely out of Context, all goes well in my neck of the woods in the EH. I am overly proud of the members of the ISD Grey Wolf as we have reached 54 pilots for the ship. This is ten more than any other ship in the Tie Corps and a gross gain of 16 pilots in 3 months. I am very lucky to have such excellent members of the club on my ship. I am also glad they support their Commodore while he is off playing soldier :p

Thats it from here. Here is a new picture:  http://www.eotf.net/sndsec.JPG That is me in the middle with the cigar. hehe

Take care!

PS. Two updates: 1. I am slated to come home
December 15, 2003! and 2. Someone lost their mind
and decided to promote me to First Lieutenant on 11
November. Yeah!

2LT (for six more days) Crawford
3/502nd Widowmakers
101st Airborne Division



COM/VA Khameir Sarin/ISD Grey Wolf
PCON/SBM Khameir Sarin/Arcona

Fleet Commander's Note:

As most EHers are aware, the EH support's our soldiers stationed everywhere who are working hard to keep us safe and free !  I wish them continued success and hope they will ALL be returning home soon !

IWCOM Open for Applications for One More Week:  11.09.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Infiltrator Wing

The position of Infiltrator Wing Commander (IWCOM) involves the day-to-day operations and oversight of the subgroup, as well as development, implementation and followthrough of competitions and other activities for the entire subgroup. Appointment and review of IW command staff are also key duties for this position.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills.
2. An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer.
5. Experience at some level of command, preferably at least at TIE Corps Wing Commander or equivilant.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Proven evidence of exceptional performance in a command position
2. Prior experience in the Infiltrator Wing.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Outline examples of experience and situations for each point. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties as listed and if you are unwilling to perform them, don't bother applying. You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first. If it is found out that you have used someone's name without their permission, your application will be disqualified. Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander ( fc@emperorshammer.org ) and Executive Officer ( xo@emperorshammer.org ) with the subject "Application
for IWCOM".

SA Astatine - XO

Fleet Commander's Note:

Please note that applications have been received from the following people and do not need to be resubmitted:

Please note that the XO and I want to keep applications for IWCOM one more week before we decide (i.e. on or about 11.14.03).

Please be patient, as we want to select the best and most qualified candidate.

Thank you for your patience !

Design the XO Site Competition:  11.01.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

The current XO site isn't very good and hasn't been updated for a while. By the nature of the office, the XO site should be a nexus for some very important information within the EH. To address this, I'll need a new design, as the current one (at http://www.emperorshammer.net/xo/) is pretty basic.

The basis of the competition will be to design a "template" for the site, which should include graphics, menu elements, etc. The menu items on the current site can be used as a guide for the template. Everything else is left to your creative whims. Final submissions can either be hosted online, with the URL emailed to me, or the files themselves can be emailed to me. Submissions close on 30th November. The competition is open to all EH members. First place gets an Iron Star Gold Ribbon (or subgroup equivilant). Second and third, if up to scratch, will get a Iron Star Silver Ribbon and Iron Star Bronze Ribbon respectively. Submissions should be sent to xo@emperorshammer.org with the subject of "I have l33t w3b skillz".

SA Astatine - XO

HA Priyum Awarded Imperial Cross (IC) Medal:  11.09.03
As Recommended By:  Flight Officer (FA Cyric)

(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

I would like to recommend HA Priyum for the Imperial Cross (IC) I realize that he already has virtually every medal that the EH offers, but this is more than warranted. During his career in the Tie Corps as FO, the Tie Corps had flourished. He was the longest running FO that I can remember in the 5 years I'd been here. He was widely respected, and did not hesitate to help where help was needed. He's overseen several ImpStorms for the TC, organized various competitions, and most of all, kept pilots active and on their toes. He standardized the Fleet Standing Orders. He's come up with numerous proposals for streamlining TC efficiency, some of which have been put into practice and some of which will be in the future. The TC will suffer without him in its ranks, his loyalty and dedication deserve to be rewarded!

Respectfully submitted,

FA Cyric


FA NiksaVel Resigns as IWCOM:  10.27.03
As Emailed From:  Former Infiltrator Wing Commander (FA NiksaVel)

Infiltrator Wing

Officers and Pilots of the Infiltrator Wing,

The time has come when RL simply takes too much of a toll on my life and with more than half way through the medical faculty I no longer have nearly as much time to devote to the Infiltrator Wing as I had some years ago. Being so preoccupied with everything I missed one little thing that I have promised myself I would never do – become an inactive IWCOM. I do my job, to the letter, but that is not what an IWCOM does, as IWCOM a person has to be omnipresent and be involved with every aspect of the group. I simply can no longer afford myself that luxury. For that I am sorry, and I hereby resign my commission as Infiltrator Wing Commander.

It has been the best time I have had in the last 6 years that I have been a member of the Emperor's Hammer, and I am honored to have served with all of you. Even though some of us have had some differences, I would hereby like to thank all of the online friends and colleagues I have met through the Emperor's Hammer for being part of this great experience... thank you Moreco, Trevor, Darkmage, Malik, Astix, Boliv, Timmay, Mad Hatter, XS, Steiner and all the others.... and thank you very much to esteemed Grand Admiral Ronin for creating the Emperor's Hammer and allowing me the honor of leading the Infiltrator Wing.

Admiral Darkmage, your protest is taken, but I hope you will choose not to resign after all and recall your resignation.

I am now departing for the reserves and wish you all safe journeys aboard the Renegade. I have one final request/plead: I hope that the next IWCOM would grant my wish and show me the honor of remaining present in the IW aboard the board of advisors, along with Mor and Trev. Please consider it.

NiksaVel clicks his heels and salutes!


Fleet Admiral NiksaVel,

Infiltrator Wing Commander
Knight of the Warspite

IWCOM/FA NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
[GoE/NDM*2/DSM/LoM*4/SV*4/MoD*5/VC-ebony/VC-blue/CBV/IW/MC1st*8/MC2nd*2/BSx5/PCx5/ISMx8/LoC-CSx9/LSM-oc/MoT-17rh-1gh/MoI-bc(8members)/HSM*2/MoC-3BoC-1GoC/CoB/CoL/LoAx3/OV-4E/OotW] [PLDN]
{IWTA-SGK-SCC-SRW} {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1-PHP/1-R-RPG-SM/1/2-TM-XTM} [MA-W Black Arrow]
DJK Draggore (Sith)/Rogue
"Blood and Honor"

Fleet Commander's Note:

The Executive Officer (SA Astatine) and myself will discuss the replacement possibilities for IWCOM and whether we'll need to open the CS spot for applications...Stay tuned !

EH Newsletter #100 Posted to the Fleet:  10.25.03
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Herein, the Executive Officer (SA Astatine) posts the current Emperor's Hammer Newsletter...

Newsletter No. 100 (August 2003)

Online Viewable: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/100/
Downloadable Zip: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/zips/hammer100.zip (7.58 MB)


I want NL Submissions:  10.25.03
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

"I want NL Submission"

With the completion of NL 100 (August 2003), we are almost back on schedule with EH NLs. NL 101 is the last one that I have a substantial block of content. So, I need more submissions or the next few NLs will look pretty pathetic.

You can submit the usual graphics and stories that we've seen in prior NLs. You can submit items you've put into competitions and you'll get a nice shiny Letter of Achievement for it.

However, I'd also like a greater variety of content, such as reviews and so on, for recent games such as Jedi Academy. You can check out the details for the Jedi Academy reviews at http://www.theholo.net/mb/viewtopic.php?t=8825 and for Star Wars Galaxies at http://www.theholo.net/mb/viewtopic.php?t=8367 I'll be posting a topic about Knights of the Old Republic soon too.

As an extra incentive, the cover image for each NL will get a Bronze Star or equivalent. If fiction content ever reaches a critical mass, the same will apply too.

Submissions should be sent to jpboyce@indigo.net.au with the subject line "Newsletter submission". Have your ID line and PIN (for TC members) or subgroup database ID number included. This helps me a lot in making the NL and streamlining awarding. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in response.

Thanks for your time.

SA Astatine - XO

EHNet Login System Goes Live:  10.12.03
As Emailed From:  AD Turtle

A new web site for ELS, the EHNet Login System, has been set up at http://els.minos.net/ . All functions relating to the maintenance of your EHNet handle are now located on the new site. You can also view information about implementing ELS into your own Emperor's Hammer web site (it's easy).

Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Praetorian Special Operations (Ret)
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet

SWG Report #4:  10.20.03
As Emailed From:  DSWG/GM1 Compton (SWG)/Command Staff/The Fringe

Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #4

(For distribution to the Fleet.)

There have been MAJOR changes to the SWG Effort in the past weeks. The biggest is that the SWG Effort is no longer just a part of The Fringe - the Effort now IS The Fringe. Due to the lack of activity in other Star Wars roleplaying (very much NOT the fault of the previous CGMs!), GA Ronin has decided that Galaxies should be the sole focus of The Fringe.

The second biggest news is that former DCGM Darknyte has stepped down from leading the Player Association. DN was very instrumental in getting the EH started in SWG. Replacing him is CGM Longshot, one of the most active people in the PA long before he got the job. Congrats to LS for the promo!

The biggest news in the game since my last report is the introduction of true Holocrons. These Jedi and Sith artifacts, when used, reveal a step that a player must take if they want to open their Force Sensitive Character Slot (FSCS). These 'crons only drop from Force-sensitive NPCs and VERY high-level faction NPCs, so they're very tough to find. Especially now that nearly anyone who wants one is camping out at the Crytal Caves on Dantooine.

We are STILL waiting for Player Cities to be introduced. And we're STILL waiting for player mounts to be released. SOE is working on mounts right now, and we may actually have them in a few weeks. This will be great for those of us who get annoying missions that call for us to walk 6000 meters.


For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player Association in Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA is open to all members of the EH, and any other loyal Imperial citizen. The only requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you join The Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by e-mailing CGM Longshot at gnlongshot@aol.com, or send him a /tell in-game to Longshot.

As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at http://members.aol.com/imperialgleeclub/swg . Thanks to the EH member who donated the web space.

For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit starwarsgalaxies.com.
For EH PA info, visit http://galaxies.minos.net, or http://www.swgalaxies.net/guilds/guild.php3?id=87.

Current in-game members: 40

Game Master 1st Class Jahn Compton
DSWG/GM1 Compton (SWG)/Command Staff/The Fringe
Executive Officer, Emperor's Hammer SWG Effort

FMC Competition:  10.18.03
As Emailed From:  Fleet Medical Officer (VA Jacob VanNowak)

This is a Picture Caption contest. Its open to all Subgroups of the EH. Please send all submissions to MO@emperorshammer.org

The captions should be sent to me and just list the names of what the individual is saying (ex. Leia: where are you midgets going, Ugnaught: Somewhere, where you're not)

They can be Humorous, serious, or idiotic, but nothing vulgar, or cursing. Top three captions win:
IS-GR: 1st
IS-SR- 2nd
IS-BR- 3rd

Competitions ends Nov. 1st, so get those submissions in now, and if you SG doesn't use Iron Stars as awards, we can use something of equivalence.

-MO/VA Jacob Van Nowak

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