LO Report # 5 (2004-10-15)

This report was submitted by VA Jeron Darkonis Astoris

Greetings and Salutations from the desk of the LO.

I don't have quite as much to report this week as last week.

There is nothing much to report on the tenth anniversary front. A more complete schedule than the one seen in my 3rd report is forthcoming next week, and then I will be working on getting the judges ready to go.

As for LO things, I'll be doing another update of the Codex this weekend with some SGCOM revisions, adding of the newer "Most Influential People" section, and just making sure things are up to date in terms of new appointments.

Secondly this week, I'll be doing some maintenance updates to the website. That is making sure I'm listed as the LO, all my current staff are up to date, and also trying with the help of Zsinj and Drax to get that newsfeed working properly again. Once that's done, I'm going to see about getting a newer navbar and splash page motif for the site.

As for the Memorium, I'm still collecting information about the first few people that'll be going in there, that is Xanthe, Doomsday, and a few officers that Mell had sent Drax before he'd resigned. I should have that finished and ready to go next week.

Finally, I'd like to remind everyone again that midterms are nearing and I may have an increased turnover time the next week or two. I don't expect it to spike that badly though, my normal turnover tiime is usually 24-48 hours and if it spikes during midterms it'd only spike to around 72 hours.

That's just about it folks.
LO/VA Jeron "Obiwan" Darkonis Astoris/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign

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