LO Report # 1 (2004-09-15)

This report was submitted by VA Jeron Darkonis Astoris

Welcome all to my first report as the new Logistics Officer! At the moment, I am not taking applications for CA:LO as I have three capable people as LOA's. It is possible that I will be taking apps in the future but not at the moment.

My first order of business as LO is to finish working on the 10th anniversary preparations that I began when I was SOD. I've carried them over here, and I'm almost finished. Note to my Assistants, I will be sending you all the proposals, and approximate timeline later this week.

Secondly, I will be working with Drax to keep the lusankya database going as the LO page. Once I've got the login information, I'll be updating outdated entries in the Codex, and I'll begin working on a few of the first viewable memorium entries.

I'm also going to be placing 10th anniversary information on the LO page, so look for that soon.

Finally, I'm always looking for suggestions, help and any feedback you might have on the website, codex, memorium or anything in general associated with my office. Please feel free to make suggestions and criticisms(as long as they are constructive). I take these very seriously and try to correct things or accomodate reasonable suggestions and requests. So please don't hesitate.

Thank you,
Looking forward to many more reports as LO.

LO/VA Jeron "Obiwan" Darkonis Astoris/CS-11/SSSD Sov

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