TO Report # 3 (2004-07-01)

This report was submitted by VA Drako

Training Officer's report [3-1/07/04]
VA Drako
SSSD Sovereign

> News

- This week 3 cadets has passed the Core Test, although because of some database bug I'm not sure of this number.

- I've processed 14 competitions this week. Keep up the good work. I remind you to try to add some plot to your comps. I'm sure it will make them more interesting.

- HA Priyum has started works on the Freeworlds IWATS Course. I've already seen some results of his work and I'm very content with them.

- AWOL check in the TO ends tomorrow. Looks like i'll have about 6 vacant PROF positions.

- I'm accepting applications for the TOA position. TOA's job will be checking grammar of new courses and assisting me with various projects.

- Very good knowledge of english language
- Clean HCI record
- Lots of imagination
- Creativity
- Must be active

Optional requirements:
- Basic HTML/PHP knowledge
- Ability to make GFX

Applications please send to with "Make me the TOA" subject.

- If you still miss any IWATS please send a reminder to its professor and cc me.

> Projects

- Top Gun Academy.
I know that this project was to be completed long time ago but there are some reasons because of wich it takes so much time. The last problem I have to deal with is hiring one more instructor. I have been trying to contact the person chosen for this spot without any success. His email was bouncing my messages. Fortunately lately I got other email address from his CMDR and now I'm awaiting a response. You might ask why I didn't hire other pilot. Answer is easy - Top Gun Academy is to train the best pilots in the Galaxy. That's why only best of the best can become instructors. Four instructors have been carefully chosen by me and AD Sarin and we won't change our decision unless we have no other choice.

- Imperial University
This is a huge TO project started by FA Keldorn. While things start to calm down I will put more and more effort into that project. As soon as I get some materials from Keldorn I will start working on the new website content (website is overally done, I'll prolly need do some coding to make some functions fully automatic).

> Conclusion

Slowly I begin to get used to my duties and many things are much easier for me than at the beginning. For sure it will make my work more effective. Unfortunately the uni semester has ended and I have to leave my uni house and go home leaving my ADSL connection. What does it mean? It means that for about two months my online time will be extremely limited so no more hanging on IRC 24/7 for me. And... that's all. I'll perform my duties as always although my email response time will extend from one hour to 24 hours. There's a good side of that too - I will have more time for coding and to focus on planning competitions.


TO/VA Drako/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign

End of message.

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