RO Report # 0 (2003-02-16)

This report was submitted by HA Keiran Idanian



***Steve Perry Interview***

1.) What do you think about the Emperor's Hammer?

confess I haven't time to consider it all that deeply, but it seems like a fun place.

2.) Why did you want to become an author?

Always wanted to tell and write stories, and I especially wanted to impress my 11th grade English teacher, Mary Ann Brown, who was drop-dead gorgeous, which is where and why I wrote my first science fiction story. (It did impress her. And I still send her copies of my new books every time one comes out.)

3.) Who are your inspirations?

Too many to list, really. I like all kinds of writers, from Isaac Asimov to Roger Zelazny, and most of the alphabet in-between.

4.) What is your favorite book, and why?

Can't really narrow it down to one, there are too many I enjoy. (If you are talking about my stuff, I like them all ...) Zelazny's Lord of Light is a favorite, but I a fan of Bill Gibson's stuff, and most of what John Irving has written -- Hotel New Hampshire was one of my favorites. I have eclectic tastes.

5.) What is your favorite movie, and why?

Pretty much the same reply as the favorite book. I can list bunches -- here are a few: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; The Big Chill; Grand Canyon; Personal Best; All that Jazz; Forbidden Planet; The Day the Earth Stood Still; and the first SWs trilogy, considered as one movie.

I have to confess I thought the first two LOTRs were pretty spiffy, too.

6.) Where did you first see Star Wars?

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the first week it came out. On a Tuesday, around noon. Enjoyed it tremendously, though at the time, I thought Lucas took my idea -- I had written a story about a mystical fighter who used something very similar to the Force a month or two before I saw the movie -- I called it The Wave. Great minds and all ...

7.) What is your favorite thing about Star Wars, and why?

The sense of wonder, the fun of it. It's a Samurai Western with all those wonderful Hero's Journey archtypes. Great stuff.

8.) What are some of your hobbies, and why do you like them?

I study an Indonesian martial art, penjak silat, which I love, and I am trying to learn how to play classical guitar. They engage my mind, body, and spirit.

9.) What is your favorite thing about being an author?

I can get up as late as I want, set my own hours, and I get to make up stuff and get paid for it. How terrific is that?

10.) Do you have any current projects that you are working on that you are allowed to talk about?

Sure. I'm working on a novel in my Matador series, called The Musashi Flex. Doing another book in the collaborative Net Force series, from Tom Clancy. A couple of spec movie scripts with Mike Richardson at Dark Horse. Oh, and a pair of Star Wars novels with my friend Michael Reaves (he wrote Shadow Hunter, the Darth Maul book). These are paperbacks set during the Clone Wars.

My magic realism novel, Windowpane, just came out from Five Star Press.

11.) What kind of music do you like?

All kinds: Rock, blues, classical, country, jazz, doo-wop. I'm not a big rap fan, being a middle-aged Louisiana cracker and all, and I think it's a young person's genre, but I respect the folks who can pull it off.

12.) Who is your favorite band, and why?

Beatles. Because ... they're the *Beatles.* All time favorite piece of music would have to be Pachelbel's Canon in D, but I like Hey Jude and Simon and Garfunkel's Bridge Over Troubled Water, a lot, too ...

13.) Who is your favorite character in Star Wars (movies and books), and why?

Hard to nail that one down. I love the orginial cast for ANH, ESB, and ROTJ. Princess Leia was always the coolest character for me. I have to say I think Xizor is a pretty neat villain. I always identified most with Han Solo, of course.

Smartest character in the all the movies? I'd have to go with Threepio ...

14.) Was there a reason you decided to write Shadows of the Empire?

Well, they asked me. ::grin::. More seriously, it was a chance to put my favorite characters through their paces, to answer some questions I'd had, and to get inside their heads and see what made them tick. What Darth Vader thinks when he goes into the hyperbaric chamber? I know. I got to say. How Luke built his new light saber and how he went from whinning boy to Jedi Knight? I got to show that. How Princess Leia felt about Han being frozen? I got to tell readers that, too. I loved it, it was a great experience.

15.) What did you use for inspiration when you wrote Shadows?

I set out to make SOTE the movie that should have gotten made between ESB and ROTJ. I got to use Darth Vader, and a neat new villain, Xizor (pronounced "Shee-zor," by the way.)

16.) Is Dash Rendar really dead?

Nope. Dash lives. He even got a cameo at the end of the five issue miniseries I wrote for Dark Horse Comics: Shadows of the Empire: Evolution.

***Emperor's Hammer Desktop Competition***

This competition was suggested by Admiral Maverick a long time ago. Basically, the members of the Emperor's Hammer create a desktop for the fleet. It can include a particular subgroup or the fleet as a whole. Please make it to fit a 800x600 desktop. :) The winners may become the official Emperor's Hammer Desktops. :) Good luck! :)

Beginning: 2.2.03
Ending: 3.2.03

1st Place - IS-GR
2nd Place - IS-SR
3rd Place - IS-BR

Please send all submissions to High Admiral Keiran Idanian and Rear Admiral Joe.

***Project Cordial***

Currently, there are no interviews scheduled...

***Emperor's Hammer Movie***

Nothing new...

***Restructuring of the Imperial Survey Corps***

I'm awaiting the appointment of the new LA so that I may speak with him or her about changes to the Imperial Survey Corps and a way to help both the ISC and AG out! :)

And all current ISC members are more than welcome to join the new ISC when it is commissioned. :)

***Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)***

The positions of Imperial Survey Corps Division II and Division III Commander are now open for application! If you are interested in looking for new sites to advertise the Emperor's Hammer, please e-mail High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

*Division One Report*

Nothing new...

*Divison Two Report*

Accepting applications

*Divison Three Report*

Accepting applications

*ISC Roster*

Imperial Survey Corps Commander (SCC): High Admiral Keiran Idanian (
1st Division Commander (1DCM): Commander Tempest (
2nd Division Commander (2DCM): TBA (
3rd Division Commander (3DCM): TBA (

Division 1 Members:

-Lt. Commander Boris (
-Rear Admiral Jan Wemmel (

Division 2 Members:


Division 3 Members:

-CPT Crix Madine (
-Rear Admiral Exar Khaland (

Awaiting Assignment:


***Recruitment Manual***

No new changes...

***Imperial Survey Corps Manual***

No new changes...

***Reconnaissance Officer's Phrase of the Week***

Phrase of the Week:
"Everything has a purpose in the end, but it will not be known until it is over."

***Non-EH Site of the Week***

A good site with many, spoofs. It's good for a laugh! :)

Non-EH Site of the Week
Star Wars Spoofs

*Have a Non-EH Site of the Week submission? E-mail: High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

Reconnaissance Office Websites

Reconnaissance Office -
Project Cordial -
Conventions Database -
Recruitment Manual -
Imperial Survey Corps Manual -

Reconnaissance Staff,

-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -]
RO-VROY/HA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/CON/Clan Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Rear Admiral Joe
CA:RO/RA Joe/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Vice Admiral Keldorn

Captain Loor
CMDR-ROA/CPT Loor/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

Admiral Zsinj
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign

Lt. Commander Arkady Rhinogorvich
ROA/LCM Arkady Rhinogorvich/SSSD Sovereign

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