RO Report # 3 (2003-04-04)

This report was submitted by VA Joe



Another exciting report from the Recon Office! Actually I'm not *really* lying this time!

First off, I have finally chosen my CA. Everyone welcome Rear Admiral Mage as my new CA:RO. He's very enthusastic! So much so, that he has already sent in a report without me even asking him for one. :) Good eh?

Anyways, I am in contact with the people from I was in contact with Joel Griffin from their team. He asked me to send another email to himself and another person on team. They seemed very upbeat and it looks like we might be getting an EH MB on thier forum! That should be viewed by *many, many* people PER day. Exactly how many is anyone's guess, but that site gets around 15,000 hits/posts per day.. do the math. >:P

Now, It's time for RA Mage's report! And already he has some big news.


Greetings from the shiny new CA:RO headquarters of... my basement! :P

The first order of business here is for me to thank Joe for his decision to appoint me to this
position. I promise to do everything I can for the Reconnaissance Office. ;)

Now that that's out of the way, on to the juicy stuff.

I've had this job for the whole of a day or two now, and I've wasted no time in beginning
"negotiations" with the wide world. Later this weekend, I'm going to attempt to get into talks with
some major groups. Prestigious links from something like the Star Wars Insider would do us a world
of good...

However, that's tomorrow's business. Today, I've sent and received some correspondence to/from (which you should all recognize immediately. :P). They're quite intrigued by
the EH thus far, and I'm hoping to see anything from a link or a quick blurb all the way up to
possibly making our way into a comic strip! Stay tuned for the results. ;)

That's all for this week... next week's report will be chock-full of more solid details.


Rear Admiral Mage
Command Attaché to the Reconnaissance Officer

CA:RO/RA Mage/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
PCx4/ISM/LoC-CSx3-Rx3/MoC-3SoC/CoL/CoB/LoAx7/OV-2E [CAVL]


Deffinatly stay tuned for more things from Mage.

I would like to welcome a new ROA to our group! Please welcome ROA/COL Firebird! This guy is an oldie.. 6+ years in the EH! He is one of the great additions added to this group this week!

That is it for this week. Next week we hope to have results from both endevors Mage and I are working on. Wish us luck on that!

SGCOMs: Please give this link to your groups! It is for the Convention Database, ROA/AD Zsinj and myself have worked alot to bring it to light but hardly anyone is useing it!

Thanks for everyone's time!

RO/VA "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KP ''Doc'' Hades (Krath)/AED/Gladius of Tarentum, DC/(BNB)
{SA: G:LS}
"It's God's responsibility to forgive Bin Laden, It's our responsibility to arrange the meeting..."
-United States Marine Corps

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