LO Report # 1 (2003-06-13)

This report was submitted by VA Darknyte

Logistics Office Report
June 13, 2003
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Well, well, well look what we have here! Looks like everyone's favorite miscreant made it onto the CS proper. Well, I'll spare everyone the obligatory speech that start most 1st Edition CO reports, no kissing up to Ronin and Astatine for promoting me, no big promises of what I plan to do with the job, no outbursts of joy at gaining such a lofty position in the club. No Sir, not from the Darknyte…not at all. All I will say is that I do thank Ronin and Astatine for for this shot and I will do my best to fulfill the position and live up the expectations you have of me.

Now, with that out of the way let's hop on in and see what the water's like. This is my first ever report as a Command Officer, so I don't know if I can get away with all the informality and humor as I did in my Lord Ambassador reports, so if I am breaking the established procedures of making my reports dry and to the point, please let me know. I'd have no problem stepping into line and making my reports nothing more than bits of data being spewed out in a monotone.

First order of business this week was setting up a staff. I know a lot of people said I needed no staff until I actually started to do the work, but I prefer to get my staff in line first then do the work with their help and support. I chose an LOA this week, but he's gotten himself confined with an LAACDOC. I really don't know if I'll get to keep him or not, but I did select CM Per-Aa to take the position after he applied for CA and didn't quite make it. Per, I wish you well with you HCI stuff, give me a shout if I can lend a hand.

Next, after much controversy about where I shouldn't and shouldn't post CA:LO application requests and whether or not I should put such a tight deadline on the aforementioned applications, I did collect, review, and select an applicant for my CA. He's already been confirmed by 3 out of 4 senior staffers polled, so I'd like to announce my CA-Elect is MAJ Daniel Stephens, a longtime veteran of the ISD Colossus. Congrats Dan, just don't celebrate too long, we have work to do.

I've got an LO site contracted out to MAJ Xander Drax, an IOA who helped on the EH.org redesign. I expect him to have it finished up sometime in the coming week so that will be great. Also, I've contacted AbK and gotten his word that he'll have me a fully-coded version of the Codex ready for use very soon. He promised it for today, so I hope it's ready for me to get my hands on and mess with. Ah, the power…I could write anything in it and change history! MWA HA HA HA…Sorry, I forgot…you don't go mad from power in your first week.

The Newsletters have also been put online on my own domain and are ready to serve the Fleet. You can access all 94 issues in ZIP format at http://www.cosmicholonet.org/lo/nls/. I've yet to actually create a page to link them normally, but that is an index of the folder which lists and allows downloads of all files in the folder.

Researchers are also needed. I have a feeling the Codex is giong to need some updating once I get it, so soon I'll be looking for members who wish to help do reseach into various aspects of the EH to help effort to update it. More details on that to come. Also, if anyone out there from the lowliest FM to the FC have any suggestions on what types of historical materials you'd like to see on the LO site, just let me know. It's my hope that oneday the LO site will serve as a portal to the most complete and accurate archive of the EH's long and proud history.

That's if for this week, didn't really do much actual work but, that will all change as soon as I get my hands on the Codex, that will become my primary project until it's completed, accurate, and fully up to date.

In Service to the Empire,
Vice Admiral Darknyte, EH Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

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