LO Report # 6 (2003-07-18)

This report was submitted by VA Darknyte

July 18, 2003
Logistics Officer Report
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Well, here we go again another edition of the LO report. Step in out of the rain and take off your shoes...hey! Mind the carpet fools! My wife'll have your head if you track up the clean floors!!!

Not a whole lot to report this week, it's been a bit slow lately. It's not that we're not working, it's just that research is a laborous and time consuming process and the results can't really be displayed until a project has reached completion. Work is still ongoing trying to find out any information we can about EH officers who've passed on, so far we've been able to come up with a very short list and are still seeking information as to what happened, when, where, etc.

My CA hasn't gotten back to me this week on the status of his competition, as a matter of fact we've not spoken at all this week...but, I forgive him for this. He's had some RL issues of late with an illness in his family, so his Memorium site banner competition might just have to hold for a bit until he can focus on the EH fully. Best of luck to him and his family in this time of need, may the Force be with you, Daniel.

I promised last week to have the Codex fully updated this week and I'm pleased to say I've reached ~90% completion. All that's left to finish up is the Admiralty list and a missing rank graphic that should be on that page. I'll have it completed in the next 24 hours, BOOYA!

I've had not a soul interested in being my LOA, makes a guy feel a little unloved :( Anyways, still taking apps if anyone is interested, if not I'll just let it sit vacant for the time being. Also, on a totally unrelated note I've decided it's time to honor the old (and in my opinion quite silly) tradition of voting for the titles of Mr/Ms EH. In the past this competition has been held by previous LOs on a whim, with no real set time..just whenever they felt like it. I intend to start a new tradition with the "pagent" and run it in correlation to the celebration of the FC's birthday which falls on August 21st.

This year instead of just randomly picking candidates based on whatever reasons, I'm going to let the EH nominate the candidates then I'll run a poll on the LO site to allow you to vote for your picks for Mr/Ms EH. Anyone who wants to submit a candidate my do so by email me at lo@emperorshammer.org

Well, that's about it for this week...Darknyte out!

In Service to the Empire,
Vice Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

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