RO Report # 0 (2001-09-08)

This report was submitted by FA Keiran Idanian



***CAs Selection Process Beginning***

Since all applications are now in, I am going to being the tedious task of selecting a new CA. From all the applications I got, I know this is not going to be easy. There are a lot of good officers out there that are highly qualified for this position. I'll announce my CA next week. :)

***New RO Site in the Works***

As I reported, a new RO site is currrently being designed. The designer, VA Ender mBind, reports that it will be really impressive! I really look forward to seeing what he has!

***Keiran Idanian Awarded GOE***

As Submitted From: Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

For securing these most recent actor interviews as well as his ceaseless efforts as the EH Reconnaissance Officer...constantly expanding our presence and popularity on the Internet, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) here appoint FA Keiran Idanian with the Emperor's Hammer Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Medal !

***RECON Office Comp***

EH Bumper Sticker Comp

This is a new comp for the creation of the official EH Bumper Sticker. Now, before you start laughing or think I've completely lost my mind, this is rather a good idea. When you travel in your car, what do you notice on other people's cars? Bumper stickers. In creating an EH bumper sticker we will get noticed by more people because EH members may decide that they want to have an EH bumper stick on their car.

All you have to do is make a graphic the size of a bumper sticker. On this you should include the name, Emperor's Hammer as well as address and anything you feel would be helpful. Good luck!

STARTING: 8.10.01
ENDING: 9.10.01

1st Place - IS-GR
2nd Place - IS-SR
3rd Place - IS-BR

Submissions should be sent to: Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian

***New Emperor's Hammer Honorary Member!***

I'm pleased to announce that Peter Mayhew "Chewbacca" has agreed to become the Emperor's Hammer newest Honorary Member! Let's welcome him to the fleet!

***Interview With Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca)***

Here it is! The moment you've been waiting for! :)

1.) Why did you try out for the part of Chewbacca?

I received a phone call after having played the Minotaun in Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger. The crew that I had worked with had recommended me for the part. It was a very quick interview and George simply asked if I could do the part and I was away to fit costumes within an hour.

2.) What were your favorite things about portraying Chewbacca?

It was a challenge and I was working with some great actors. I was very young in the business and full of curiosity.....I still am.

3.) What were your least favorite things about portraying Chewbacca?

A suit that was my friend in Norway and my enemy in the Desert.

4.) How hot was the Chewie suit?

It was hot, but it was a knitted suit that could breath is there was moving air around. I managed but probably didn't smell that great most of the time.

5.) Out of all the Star Wars books you've read with Chewie in them, which one is your favorite and why?

That would be Rebel Dawn, the book where Chewie gets married and you get to go to his home planet and meet his friends and family.

6.) How did you feel about Chewie dying in Vector Prime?

What should I say here, I didn't like it, of course. No one that I've spoken with liked it either.

7.) As Chewie, did you ever feel like bonking Luke Skywalker over the head?

Why? No, I don't think so, should I have?? It certainly would have changed the movie.

8.) Would you ever want to be Chewie again?

Of course I would and here's where I get to put in my request to the fans. Steve Sansweet, who can be reached through the official Star Wars Website under the Jedi Council, is in charge of Fan Relations. If you would like to see Chewie return in Episode III, please write to Steve and tell him so. I thank you.

9.) What are your favorite hobbies, and why?

My hobbies at the moment are my dog Oscar the Rhodesian Ridgeback, my two cats Cuthbert and Emie, and my two teenage daughters, they keep me busy when I'm at home. I also enjoy Do It Yourself projects around the house.

10.) What is your favorite book, and why?

Treasure Island

11.) What is your favorite movie, and why?

Star Wars and old westerns

12.) Out of everything you've been through with the Star Wars trilogy, would you do it again, if you had the choice?

Absolutely. My life would have been completely different without it.

13.) Do you have any other projects that you are currently working on?

Yes, I will put on another big hairy suit this fall to play the title role in a film called Bigfoot.

***Interview With Michael Sheard (AD Ozzel)***

I reported on it for a while and here is another excellent interview. :)

1.) What are you're hobbies?

With three volumes of my memoirs already completed and a fourth having just been commissioned, writing is certainly my main relaxation. But I also enjoy walking with our dog, I play golf - not very well! - I fish and I enjoy watching sport - on TV! I don't mean I like being crushed in crowds! Come to think of it I enjoy television a lot. There are still good programmes being made and I love the old movies.

2.) When you saw Star Wars: A New Hope, did you ever think you'd be in the next one?

Oh dear! I don't think saw it before I made 'Empire'. I'd heard about it of course, but when my agent rang and said they were making a sequel to the first (forth) one, neither of us knew what the films were called. If I remember correctly my agent called them 'Star - something or other' and said there was a part in the new one which fitted nicely in between the movie I'd just finished and a TV series I was due to start in a month's time. She said that it wasn't much of a part but there was a rather nice death!

3.) How do you feel about being known as the guy who Vader strangled (Even though many others died the same way)?

As I've just said, the part fitted in between those other two engagements. If it had been any longer I'd not have been free to do it. So, yes, I guess I liked the fact that Vader got rid of me!

4.) Did you enjoy being the character of AD Ozzel and why?

Please don't think me flippant, but I have done over 800 TV productions and 44 feature films. Ozzel was a part that I was offered, I played it to the best of my ability - as I always do - and then I went on to the next engagement. I enjoyed my death, which I did in one take, and I very much enjoy all the great folk I'm now meeting at conventions. These gatherings are hugely enjoyable.

5.) Do you think that if Lucas had granted you Force Powers, you could've kicked Vader's ass?

I should think so, don't you?!

6.) Out of the forty movies you've been in, which one did you enjoy the most and why?

This is always a difficult question for me, because I've been very fortunate and found something good in every part I've played - except one and you'll have to read my first book to find the answer! But the movie with a wonderful location (Greece), great cast (Roger Moore, who did the foreword to my first book, David Niven, Stephanie Powers, Elliott Gould et al, good script, great part for me, was called 'Escape to Athena'.

7.) Out of the forty movies you've been in, which one did you least enjoy, and why?

'Holiday on the Buses' because I'd enjoyed doing the TV series on which it was based and I'd have liked to do more in the movie. It was, however, very early on in my career.

8.) How do you feel about the Star Wars films (should they have been a little different, in your opinion)?

I think number one took a wrong turning - I did a radio discussion recently about 'The Phantom Edit'. This guy - nobody knows who he is - has re-edited the film and cut over 20 minutes, including as much as possible of J. J. Binks! My favourite and George's as it happens is 'Empire' and not only because it includes the best screen death ever!

9.) What was it like to work with Lucas and members of the Star Wars cast?

George did not of course direct 'Empire', but he was around all the time. A very nice, shy man. As for the rest of the cast, we're still working very happily together at conventions and loving it. We're all great friends.

10.) What made you want to become an actor and how did you go about doing it?

You know, I'm going to be a bit cheeky and recommend you to my wonderful first book, 'Yes, Mr. Bronson'! It's a great read, by the way. Suffice it to say here that I was born in Aberdeen in Scotland, my Father was a Minister and put on little plays for the children of his parish, and I trained at RADA - The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

11.) Did someone inspire you to become an actor? If so, who and why?

It's all in the book! But I did see a movie called 'The Wooden Horse' 20 times in the same week when I was six!

12.) What is your favourite movie and why?

'The Wooden Horse' of course! To this day it remains everything for me. Perhaps it's because I still see it with six year old eyes, I don't know, but I think it's perfect.

13.) Who is your favourite actor or actress and why?

Heck - I confess, time is getting a bit tight, so forgive me if I step quickly over these last few.
Alistair Sim, Michael Hordern, Peter Finch, David Niven, Roger Moore - whatever he says, he's a very good film actor - and Judi Dench.

14.) What is your favourite book, and why?

Apart from mine you mean?! Winnie the Pooh - honestly!

15.) How do you feel about being an Honorary Member of the Emperor's Hammer?

Great - we must get together again soon. Why not come and see me at the Frankfurt Book Fair (10th -12th October) or join us for the Dark Side Con in Muenster? I'll be selling copies of my books there, too!

***Project Expansion***


Just to let everyone know, the NRN vs EH battle will be starting next Friday, September 14th! Look for any information about it in the COO report!

***Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)***

Huge week! Thanks to a post on the EH MB, we have doubled our membership! I would like to give a warm welcome to the following members:
-LCM Tempest
-LCM Boris
-LT Bobecc
-JH war
Welcome to the ISC gentlemen! I hope you like it here! :)

On a sad note, Division 1 Commander, Major Halcyon, decided to step down to give more time to his squadron. I wish him the very best! To take his place, will be LCM Tempest! Congrats!

Team 1 Report


I regret to inform you that I've decided to leave the ISC. Why? Because I can't devote the time that I need to it. When I go online, it is for duties involving my squadron or other sub-groups I'm in. I don't even really search the web for anything anymore. I wish that I could stay on, but I don't think its fair if I just send in a report every week saying I didn't have time. Perhaps one day I can return, but for now, I must go. I have already informed the other member of Team I, so he should be sending reports to yourself. I also told him what is expected of him. I'm sorry for this, but its best. Good luck with the ISC Keiran!

CMDR/MAJ Halcyon/Yod/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
"200 Club"

DJK Halcyon(Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
CMDR of Pandragon

Team II Report

Report: 09-06-01 Imperial Survey Corps, Second Division

Division Commander:
So far this week, some ISC advertisement on the EH message boards, with some responses. Hopefully this will help us gain more members, as we need them desperately. I’m working with “photoshop” to make some “EH Bumper stickers”, I don’t have much experience but, hey I’m trying :). I encourage more to make some entries, and look forward to seeing the first official EH Bumper sticker come out soon.

ISC Advertisement:
Are you interested in joining the Imperial Survey Corps? The ISC is charged with finding places for the EH to advertise, and to expand. If you think that the EH can be a better and bigger place, then join the ISC today. Our mission in the EH is to have fun, and to be able to enjoy ourselves, but we need to extend that to other members of the WWW, and stretch out to the far reaches of the Galaxy. Email the RO at: for more information.

None...yet. Recruiting has been a hardship, few know what the ISC is really about, and most just don’t want to join. But I have to tell you, someone has got to do it, just like being a Police Officer, someone has got to do it, like being a trash collector, someone has got to do it. And we in the ISC are the ones to do it.

Imperial Survey Corps, 2nd Division Commander
ISC, 2DCM-RSV/CM Tierce/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
PC/ISMx4/MoC-2BoC/OV {IWATS-IIC/1-M/1/2-SM/2}
PIN # 758

Team III Report


Imperial Survey Corps Commander (SCC): Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian (
1st Division Commander (1DCM): Lt. Commander Tempest (
2nd Division Commander (2DCM): Commander Tierce (
3rd Division Commander (3DCM): Colonel Plif (

Team 1 Members:

-Lt. Commander Boris (
-Jedi Hunter War (

Team 2 Members:


Team 3 Members:

-Lt. Bobecc (

Awaiting Assignment:
Draye C. Maaric (

***Recruitment/RECON Manual***

As reported with the new RO site, once it is completed I will begin moving the R/R Manual over to the new site. Until then, it can be found at the same place. :)

***Song of the Week***

Last week's song:

Everything you are
Falls from the sky like a star
Everything you are
Whatever ever you want

The answer to last week's song was: Goo Goo Dolls: Dizzy. Off the Dizzy Up the Girl album

This week's song:

Black then white are all I see in my infancy
Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me
Let me see
As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
Drawn beyond the lines of reason
Push the envelope
Watch it bend

Please send your guesses to: Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian.

***Non-EH Site of the Week***

I couldn't think of a better site to award than the site of our newest honorary member, Peter Mayhew! His site is really cool, with a lot of information on Chewie as well as Peter, himself! A fitting welcome for the newest honorary member. :)

Non-EH Site of the Week
Peter Mayhew's Official Website

*Have a Non-EH Site of the Week submission? E-mail: Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian.

RECON Office Websites

RECON Office - TBA
Recruitment and RECON Manual -

RECON Staff,

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -]
{ - - }
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Major Aylius Khan
CMDR-ROA/MAJ Aylius Khan/Wraith/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger

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