TO Report # 83 (2001-11-03)

This report was submitted by HA Astatine

At the moment, the main focus with the Training Office is the upcoming competition I'm working on. With just a few bits of eye and ear candy to be done, it should start soon. The true indication that the comp is ready will be when the trailer/s are released.

A clarification has been made in relation to COO events and EH Ladder matches. A single match can count in both as long as both parties agree to this. The current EH Ladder season ends on 7th (this coming Wednesday). In addition, I've made a DB Ladder for SHW Firefox. You can ask him for more details about it.

Another reminder about academies. Seems people are deciding they can run independant training structures. This is a Bad Thing(tm) for numerous reasons and such academies will either become part of IWATS or will be shut down. It's as simple as that. Meanwhile, I'm going to be working with subgroups and their academies on arrangements. This will also coincide with a subgroup academy audit to identify weaknesses in each academy, as well as their good points so all academies can provide a high-quality, well-rounded service.

The X-Wing Mission Design and XvT Mission Design courses have changed location. Their new URLs are and respectively. The course listing has also been updated to reflect this change.

Lastly, a new poll is on the site. The poll question is "IWATS and subgroup academies working together is...". Also, out of boredom and a sugar rush, I've started a runon on the TC board. You can check it out at And congratulations to Aylius Khan on his promotion to LC :P

ID Line Blast from the Past
FM/SL Wet Willy/Tornado 1-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge (IWATS Core, 2nd Nov 1998)
CMDR/CM Firefox/Copperhead/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid (IWATS Core, 7th Nov 1998)
TRN/CT Calzeo Inkwolf/Alpha Company/PLT Daedalus (IWATS Core, 6th Nov 1999)
FM/SL StarLion/Gamma 3-2/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign (mIRC/1, 7th Nov 1998)

Current Staff
HA Astatine - Training Officer/IWATS Dean
COL Ford - Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics
CPT Predator - Professor, Rebellion Tactics
CPT Daisuke Airyu - Professor, Graphics
LC E. Tarkin - Professor, XvT Fighter Tactics
LC Marcin - Professor, XvT Missions
CPT Flelm - Professor, ICQ
AD Ari - Professor, VBS
LC Aylius Khan - Professor, Computer Basics
COL Scoser - Professor, TIE Missions
COL Ricardo - Professor, Squadron Management 2
FA Striker - Professor, XWA Missions
CPT Darknyte - Professor, AIM

TO-DEAN/HA Astatine/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign
"Command Attache free since January 2000"
"I just can't seem to score with chicks. They just bounce off the edge of the hockey goal and lie there chirping in pain."

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