LO Report # 1 (2002-03-22)

This report was submitted by FA Aiden Cantor Karias

Greetings everybody! As I have only been LO for a few days now, I’ve spent most of my time getting up to speed on current projects so there isn’t a great deal to report this week. I’ve spent some time and whipped up a quick basic LO website which can be found at http://www.swx.ca. Right now there isn’t that much there in the way of content, but I’m working on that.

Being as how the LO site has moved yet again (this should be the last time really!), I have some new URL’s to announce:

Also, the EH zipped newsletters will have two mirrors, the one formerly known as the “IO NL Mirror” at http://www.swx.ca/nl/ will become the primary mirror location, and henceforth, will simply be known as “Mirror 1”. The LO mirror at http://lo.minos.net/nl/ will be the secondary mirror, and thus will be called “Mirror 2”. I have provided the complete list of new zipped EH newsletter download URL’s below for the GA to update the EH Domain with:

I’ve had my official EH name changed to “Aiden Cantor Karias” to be more, well, like a real name. AbsoluteK will still be my nickname, so everybody can still call me AbK. :). My presence this week may be a little sparse as I will be going to see my Grandmother who is very sick right now.

CA:LO Goatham had the following to say this week:
The EH Timeline continues its development with Ekim working on the Heir to the Empire plot. Kano is currently rereading Dark Force Rising and making mission briefs for CAB #3. An unfortunate setback happened earlier, with Leeson's hard drive loosing his entire website. The only remains being that which is uploaded at http://vanguard.phpcoding.org/lo/, so the main timeline website will suffer some delays. We're currently in need of a new TIE designer for the person in charge of CAB #1 has left us. Please email applications to RGoatham@aol.com and io@absolutek.com.

LO/FA Aiden "Absolutek" Cantor Karias/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
"C code. C code run. Please run, PLEASE!!!"

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