TAC Report # 33 (2002-02-17)

This report was submitted by FA Striker


1. My car

Some nuts tried to steal my car. A door break opened, not even able to steal the thing or the car-radio, only a couple of outdated audio K7. I hate underskilled thieves. Guess I'll calm down my nerves by dealing with some cheating cases.

2. Zero scores with XvT

Nobody read the cheating policy anymore ? Go read it to learn more :P - http://www.tiecorps.org/tac/tac-man/cheating.html

3. TCC:XvT back from leave

Captain Drako is supposed to have come back to active duty...welcome back and thanks to my CA to take care of this office during the meantime, and helping with the release of such a significant amount of XvT missions and battles like we never seen here...*hint*.

4. TIE and laserless scoring

The system is fine and is not going to change unless necessary. However nobody forces you to use the scoring method used for the Battle Board into your competitions...

Well, not much to report these days, have been rather busy with some national fencing competitions. And yay to Havoc !

TAC-PROF/FA Striker/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign

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