TO Report # 78 (2001-09-08)

This report was submitted by HA Astatine

Wow, now it's only four hundred (400) to go. This is mainly due to CM Flelm recovering his email and giving me an updated graduate total that added an extra 50 to the total. Graduate rates for most courses are holding consistantly or are improving. SM/2 and XvT Tactics exams have been piling up a bit. This is due to the SM/2 professor having internet access problems and the XvT Tactics professor going on leave. They should be cleared within a week or so.

Some very good course ideas have been suggested in the last couple weeks and one or two are close to or are in the process of being written. Since I've got some more free time now, I'll be looking into some course ideas I've been thinking of writing myself. Courses currently in the pipeline include a CSS course, database design, ASP/2 and a couple others.

After a lengthly downtime, the EH Ladder is back up and running. The Ladder was down so long to recode it to be more efficient, allow the future provision of a message board and lastly, to remove that nasty double-reporting bug that a lot of people seemed to have experienced. Error checking is now more developed compared with the last version and scoring has been adjusted to put more emphasis on winning and less on playing lots of matches. The rules section has also been updated. The current season will run til 7th November and is open to *all* members of the EH, including the TIE Corps and Subgroups. The Ladder can be accessed via The Ladder already has 65 members, not bad for 2 days of operation.

The results of the Shameless Promotion Competition ( have been posted and medals awarded. It seems some people have misunderstood the nature of the competition and allowed the humour of it to go straight over their heads. The final entries are not going to be used in the cadet mailing. The entries were merely a way of introducing a more random way of determining the order of which squadrons/wings/ships are mentioned in it. Also, the mailing will not be solely a recruitment exercise in the traditional sense. The idea is to increase communication between the cadets and Training Office and encourage them to finish training faster. The Daedalus Banner Competition is still running and finishes at the end of September. Full details available at

Lately a few people have been asking to see their tests after they've been marked. The simple fact is, you can't. The current code of the database deletes tests after they've been marked. Why? Because of the rather massive space requirements and performance hit that would happen if we did keep them. That's why the test tells you to save the copy displayed after you submit it. Also, the way I mark mIRC/2 has changed. From now on, if you simply copy-paste the example from the course notes for questions 9 and 10, you will recieve no marks for those questions.

Lastly, VA Mell has decided to quit TOA. As a result, I've decided to merge TOA2 and TOA together. Applications are still open for the position and details are available at Please read the requirements very carefully and only apply if you're sure you meet most of them. Also, mIRC/2 has passed 800 and the AIM course has passed 100. And I've just noticed it's a year since I got my OoR. Time flies and all that, I guess. :P

ID Line Blast from the Past
TRN/CT Adrenaline/Alpha Company/PLT Daedalus (IWATS Core, 13th Sep 1999)
TAC-FSE/HA Kawolski/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign (mIRC/1 and mIRC/2, 10th Sep 2000)
FL/LT Dras Hempor/Phantom 2-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal (mIRC/2, 13th Sep 1999)

Current Staff
HA Astatine - Training Officer/IWATS Dean
COL Ford - Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics
CPT Predator - Professor, Rebellion Tactics
CPT Daisuke Airyu - Professor, Graphics
LC E. Tarkin - Professor, XvT Fighter Tactics
LC Marcin - Professor, XvT Missions
CM Flelm - Professor, ICQ
AD Ari - Professor, VBS
MAJ Aylius Khan - Professor, Computer Basics
COL Scoser - Professor, TIE Missions
COL Ricardo - Professor, Squadron Management 2
FA Striker - Professor, XWA Missions
CPT Darknyte - Professor, AIM

TO-DEAN/HA Astatine/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign
"Command Attache free since January 2000"
"I just can't seem to score with chicks. They just bounce off the edge of the hockey goal and lie there chirping in pain."

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