LO Report # 22 (2001-07-14)

This report was submitted by AD Ramos Kanzco

Logistics Office Report #22 - 14th July 2001

Logistics Office Staff: 6
Main Staff:
Command Officer: 1
Command Attache: 2
Command Assistants: 2
Support Staff:
Pollmaster: 1
Sentinels: 0
Historians: 0
Advisors: N/A

A very satisfying week in the Logistics Office, much has occured with the return of the LO to full activity and hopefully this will continue over the coming weeks.

1. With the LO back from leave and having successfully moved into his new area this week was the first uninterupted in the past 6 weeks and has proven to be one of the most successful. Much has been happening and hopefull a few things will be released next week.

2. AD Ramos is working on incorporating the EH into the SW timeline so that our SGs better connect to the SW universe.

3. VA Goatham is nearing completion of his BHG history project, all that remains is to perform a few more interviews (7 have been done so far) - the entire project currently stands at about 30 pages if transfered into word.

4. VA Crusader is finishing off the EH Codex with some updates and revisions and is touching up the LO polling centre.

5. LOA Darksaber has proceeded to mail SGCOMs, BGCOMs, COMs and WCs about history projects - thus extending our campaign to collect as much EH history as possible.

6. Captain Risua Darkfire has recently come out of retirement in the RSVs and is joining the LO as the new EH Pollmaster.

7. EH Demographics have been uploaded to stats.ehnet.org - thanks go out to AD Quake for compiling them.

8. The "Blast From the Past" site for this week is http://members.aol.com/absurefire/eh/ which is the old ISD Relentless's homepage under the times of Vice Admiral Kawolski! (Be sure to check out the link to his bio for some history).

9. The EH History is being improved by using various premade timelines in order to better associate ourselves with the proper SW universe (Eg. timeline.echostation.com and www.theforce.net/timeline). AD Ramos has also downloaded a 700 page timeline to assist in this!

10. VA Goatham has also effectively 'purged' the IHS for reformation. This will occur after the BHG history is completed and will consist of a resutructuring and rehiring of the active membership of the IHS.

11. Mr./Miss EH continues to go strong, the votes remain fairly even currently though in the mens section with most candidates evenly matched. The womens section however seems to be more one sided in the votes but anything could happen!

Thats all from the Logistics Office for this week, good work to everyone and keep it up!

Thanks for your time,

The Logistics Office

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