LO Report # 23 (2001-07-21)

This report was submitted by VA Xanos Goatham Zorrixor

Logistics Office Report #23

Logistics Office Staff: 6
Main Staff:
Command Officer: 1
Command Attache: 2
Command Assistants: 2
Support Staff:
Pollmaster: 1
Sentinels: 0
Historians: 0
Advisors: N/A

Firstly sorry if this reports a little late, Ramos sprung it on me late last night that hes got to go on a short leave for a couple of days while he visits his parents, thus I've had to go around collecting information about what everyone is up to.

1. AD Ramos is on a short leave whilst he goes to visit his parents.

2. AD Ramoshas been working on incorporating the EH in the SW history better through the creation of a much better timeline for us. He has done the basic plan so far.

3. After a few 'problems' with the Mr/Miss competition Ramos and VA Crusader have managed to put the results back to how they were before the 'problems'. Hopefully things are sorted and the competition can continue as planned.

4. VA Crusader has been working on some of the LO sites admin functions, its slowly approaching being fully finished :)

5. VA Goatham has completed his BHG history project, addictions might be done if any further people come forward for interviewing but effectively its finished. This will be included in the next EH NL and sent off to the BHG.

6. VA Goatham has begun work on his next task, a HF project similar in proportion to the BHG one, this should be completed in around 4 weeks.

7. VA Goatham has begun work on restructuring the IHS, a basic plan has been drawn up to maximise the work produced and to ensure that the EH can easily provide the sort of people we need, further work will be done this week.

8. LOA Darksaber has collected a few more squadron histories, meaning we're still getting feedback from the original mails thus something to be glad of :)

9. CPT Risua Darkfire has been great help on the Mr/Miss competition and polling center even with the 'problems' that have arisen this week, thus thanks go to her for the work. Risua is also going to be releasing the participants for the next round at todays EH meeting!

Thats everything for this week, thanks for your time.

The Logistics Office

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