TO Report # 73 (2001-08-04)

This report was submitted by HA Astatine

The primary focus of the Training Office at the moment is IWATS10K, the massive promotional push to help accelerate the IWATS graduate count to past the 10,000 mark. Based upon preliminary analysis, it would seem the gradaute rate has increased slightly, but not in line with what I'm expecting or wanting. Hopefully, it will increase.

Of course, while all this is happening, it appears IWATS is having some staff problems. COL Ricardo is now the new SM/2 professor, following the recommendation of the outgoing professor, LC Guthwulf. CM Flelm, the ICQ professor is on leave, so I will probably be marking his tests in the meantime. Also, the Computer Basics Professor appears to have disappeared, possibly ill. I'll also be covering him and marking his tests soon.

On the EH Encyclopedia front, a major gain has been made in a very cool script, made with the assistance of the XO. This script will greatly increase the efficiency of data entry as well as reduce maintenance time. I'll be turning more time and effort to this project very soon, finalising the database design and most of the code for it, preparing it for data entry.

Currently, the graduate count is almost at 8,800.

Current Staff
HA Astatine - Training Officer/IWATS Dean
VA Mell - Training Office Assistant
COL Ford - Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics
CPT Predator - Professor, Rebellion Tactics
CPT Daisuke Airyu - Professor, Graphics
LC E. Tarkin - Professor, XvT Fighter Tactics
LC Marcin - Professor, XvT Missions
CM Flelm - Professor, ICQ
AD Ari - Professor, VBS
MAJ Aylius Khan - Professor, Computer Basics
COL Scoser - Professor, TIE Missions
COL Ricardo - Professor, Squadron Management 2
COL Striker - Professor, XWA Missions

TO-DEAN/HA Astatine/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign
"Command Attache free since January 2000"
"I just can't seem to score with chicks. They just bounce off the edge of the hockey goal and lie there chirping in pain."

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