LO Report # 27 (2001-08-26)

This report was submitted by VA Xanos Goatham Zorrixor

Report #27

Logistics Office Staff: 8
Main Staff (5):
Command Officer: 1
Command Attache: 2
Command Assistants: 2
Support Staff (3):
Pollmaster: 1
Historical Society: 2

Firstly Admiral Ramos appologises that this report is late, but he's suddenly encountered a large RL problem (I'm unaware of the details) and as of such has had to go on an emergency leave - he should return late this week...

1. The new Logistics Officer has been announced, Admiral Ramos has returned having retracted his resignation.

2. LOA Khaen has been fired from his position, the new LOA is Risua, Risua is the current LO Pollmaster, the NL submissions which Khaen used to do will now be handled by Ramos.

3. VA Goatham has finished restructuring the IHS, the new Chief Imperial Historian will be current Deputy Imperial Historian Darksaber (LOA) the new Deputy Historian will be Krax Tarnisar (Former LOA).

4. VA Crusader has almost completed the LO Website, the EH Codex, the EH Statistics Centre and the EH Memorium.

5. The Pollmaster, LOA Risua, will be resuming where FA Manesh left off back when he resigned frm the EH by starting the monthly polls in a few days.

6. The Mr. and Ms. EH competition is over, Mell was named Mr. EH and Adrenaline was named Ms. EH.

7. The EH Timeline Project has been delayed due to various fall backs, mainly it requires more planning before it can be implemented properly...expect Thrawn to return later than first anticipated!

8. Shakur has finished the LO Template, once AD Ramos returns it will be revealed.

9. Congratulations go to VA Crusader on earning a Gold Star for his work to the LO over the past few months :)

Thats all for this week, Ramos should return soon hopefully, until then LO related problems should be addressed to myself, VA Goatham, or VA Crusader...consider both A-LO this week.

The Logistics Office Staff

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