RO Report # 0 (2001-08-17)

This report was submitted by FA Keiran Idanian



***RO/AD Keiran Idanian Promoted to Fleet Admiral - And more CS News***

As recommended by XO Kawolski:

Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer - Recommendation for Fleet Admiral - (Last rank promotion: 5/8/00 [1 year, 3 months]) - For someone in a stereotyped "do-nothing" position, he has managed to do a lot. He has made several efforts (sometimes successful ones) to get the EH recognized by outside [official] groups and interviews with people who create the Star Wars universe. He has helped organize competitions against other clubs for the COO, assisted with the EH Newsletter, and diligently reports in every week (moreso than most other COs) with painstakingly long details of status updates and SW news tidbits. The range of duties doesn't give much for Recon Office personnel to do, but Keiran has been creative in finding ways to keep busy.

This was really a big surprise to me, and I hope I will be able to live up to this honor. Thank you very much!
I'd also like to thank the many people who congratulated me, it was most appreciated.
Also, I'd like to congratulate AD Slade on his promotion to FA, VA Figaro on his promotion to AD, and last but not least FA Stalker5 on being awarded the GoE! Congrats to all of you!
On a sadder note, this week LO Ramos resigned his position. During his time as LO, he has done a lot of projects, more than I have ever heard before. I'm glad to say that he will continue to be on the LO staff as LOA. You did good, Ramos! I salute you!

***Keiran Idanian on Semi-Leave***

The last week of my summer vacation, my friends, family and I are going to have a big end of summer blowout! Now, I should be able to check my e-mail everyday, but if I can't, I will get around to it ASAP! :) I don't foresee me being out of contact for anymore than a day... :)

***CA:RO Fondor's Report***


Oh so much to report..

1. is now offering redirection services:

2. The Recruitment Manual will soon be added to the RO site.

3. The resource center has been complelety assimilated into the main RO site, so it will not be coming back.

4. I am going to begin distributing the SOTW image ( ) to winning websites in hope to attract more members.

5. has broken 6,000 hits in about a month of uptime!

6. Congradulations to Kerian Idanian for earning a promotion to Fleet Admiral!!

7. I am attempted to get some Star Wars bigshots to make out some autographs to the EH, it could be quite some time until they reply though.

8. Check out daily for updates.



***RECON Office Comp***

EH Bumper Sticker Comp

This is a new comp for the creation of the official EH Bumper Sticker. Now, before you start laughing or think I've completely lost my mind, this is rather a good idea. When you travel in your car, what do you notice on other people's cars? Bumper stickers. In creating an EH bumper sticker we will get noticed by more people because EH members may decide that they want to have an EH bumper stick on their car.

All you have to do is make a graphic the size of a bumper sticker. On this you should include the name, Emperor's Hammer as well as address and anything you feel would be helpful. Good luck!

STARTING: 8.10.01
ENDING: 9.10.01

1st Place - IS-GR
2nd Place - IS-SR
3rd Place - IS-BR

Submissions should be sent to: Admiral Keiran Idanian

***Interview With Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca)***

Early this week I sent Mr. Mayhew the questions for his interview. I'm sure I'll get a reple very soon! :)

***Interview With Michael Sheard (AD Ozzel)***

I was talking with Mr. Sheard for a while, and he agreed to do an IRC interview with the EH sometime this week, he suggested Wednesday or Thursday. Currently, I'm working on a time, and I will release it to the fleet as soon as I know! :) If you think I'll be gone for this - because of my semi-leave - you're wrong, cause I won't be! :) This is really big, the biggest interview with the EH yet!

***Project Expansion***

EH vs NRN So far, I have no new information on the comp. Please check the COO's report for more information.

***Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)***

Big week. There is now a Team II Division Commander, CM Tierce. Also, I have been talking with LA Nashaa and he was saying that the ISC might be getting some help from the AG because they are down sizing a little bit.

Team 1 Report

After reading the LA report, it seem the club I found online is already any ally (although I don't remember seeing they're name on the allies list). I've still attached all pertinent information about them below. I'll try and find a club or two that the AG hasn't got to yet :P

Name: The Imperial Order
Leader: Emperor Ged Larsen (
Games: Tie Fighter, XvT, XWA, Jedi Knight/MoTS, Star Wars Role Playing
IRC: Held on DalNet (#Imperial_Order)
Misc: The Imperial Order has about 4 different divisions, from an Imperial Fleet, to Commandos, to Dark Jedi (both Krath and Sith) and even Imperial Intelligence. The entire layout looks very structured, much like the EH. I believe this is a club we should really look into.

CMDR/MAJ Halcyon/Yod/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
PDH-s/FoEW/SS/BSx12/PCx4/ISMx9/IS-1SW/LoC-CSx7/CoL/CoB/LoAx4/OV-2E [ARCN]
"200 Club"

Team II Report The new commander, CM Tierce is currently on leave, but before he left we started to talk about different names for the 2nd Division. I believe that he will really be good in this position. Congrats and good luck, Commander!

Team III Report


Imperial Survey Corps Commander (SCC): Admiral Keiran Idanian (
1st Division Commander (1DCM): Major Halcyon (
2nd Division Commander (2DCM): Commander Tierce (
3rd Division Commander (3DCM): Colonel Plif (

Team 1 Members:


Team 2 Members:


Team 3 Members:


Awaiting Assignment:
Vice Admiral Draye C. Maaric (

***Recruitment/RECON Manual***

As reported by CA:RO Fondor, the R/R Manual is currently being transferred to the site. For the moment, the current manual is still up. I'll let the fleet know when the new one is ready.

***Song of the Week***

Just to spice up the reports, starting next week, we will have a song of the week. If you like you can e-mail me with the answer - if you know it - or this is just to challenge your music knowledge. I think it will be a nice addition to our little reports... :)

***Non-EH Site of the Week***

In honor of his upcoming interview, I decided to award Mr. Sheard's website the Non-EH Site of the Week. Like all actor sites, this has a great amount of information on the man - Mr. Sheard - as well as the many characters he played, as well as many other things. Check it out!

Non-EH Site of the Week
The Official Michael Sheard Website

*Have a Non-EH Site of the Week submission? E-mail: Admiral Keiran Idanian.

RECON Office Websites

RECON Office -
Recruitment and RECON Manual -

RECON Staff,

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -]
{ - | - }
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Vice Admiral Fondor
CA:RO/VA Fondor/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Major Aylius Khan
CMDR-ROA/MAJ Aylius Khan/Wraith/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger

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