LO Report # 12 (2001-05-06)

This report was submitted by FA Aiden Cantor Karias

             Logistics Office Report #12

This has been by far the most devestating week for me and the Logistics Office, The NLs are down because we lost them while our server crashed, along with the resignation of my CA Ian I lost all web skills in the office, Mr/Miss EH has been delayed due to Ian's resignation, the Polling center is nearing completion. However measures are being taken to fix everything and it should be better by tonight or tommorow night LATEST. On with the news...

  1. The Logistics Office is looking for anyone with PHP/ASP who will be willing to consruct an online Newsletter and History Archive to help out the imperial Historical Society with archiving the information they find. A plan on how to make this is already made up all we need is someone to construct it.

  2. The new CA:LO2 will be announced officially in another couple of days as soon as Ronin, Kawolski, and Priyum take a look at it.

  3. The Eh polling center is up in very minimal form at http://iw.ehonline.org/polls the graphics should be added when CPT Shakur gets around to making the layout.

  4. Thanks go out to CPT Khaen and LC Khadgar for constructing some
    great articles and reviews for the EH NL. Rewards will be going out to them soon.

  5. The new LOA is CPT Darksaber, he will be responsible for maintaining the EH Codex which will be released sometime this weekend and he will also be Goatham's helper with the Imperial Historical Society.

  6. As a resolution to our problems with the Online Newsletters, and all these resignations. I have chosen to step down the rate of people coming in and out of this office.

Anyone interested in helping the LO in any of its rewarding projects msg me or goatham or email me at lo@emperorshamme.org.

IHS Update:

The Imperial Historical Society started its first project a week ago. This was to compile information and history about the following;
SSD Avenger
Hammer's Fist
ISD Colossus

The Sentinels have during the past week been assigned into the set committees for each section so they're skills are targeted at the area they have the most expertise in. Hopefully this project will be completed with haste, however being the IHSs first project we do have the problem of people need to learn the style first, so in a way its also a training exercise.

A manual of sorts have been uploaded to the IHS page (not on minos but on the old address for I have no access to minos) which should help the Sentinels with their jobs. For now it is just a general copy of the general LO history rules. Though as I find time it will be updated to a step-by-step manual, hopefully within the next fortnight.

 The only real setback is that none of the Sentinels (other than one) have contacted me yet, so I can only pray they are doing their work. Though I will make it clear that i don't tolerate tardiness, so anybody failing to do things on time will be dealt with swiftly... 


The LO Staff

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