TO Report # 66 (2001-05-13)

This report was submitted by HA Astatine

Activity on the ladder is pretty high, with a high number of matches reported this past week. Already, more matches have been played on the JK so far than in the entire of the previous season. Hopefully this trend will continue for the rest of this season and following seasons. I was informed of a bug in the login code that causes the page to break if you try to sign in and report a match if your login name contains the apostrophe ( ' ) character. Please refrain from using this character in your login name if you sign up until I correct his problem. You can join the ladder at

The Training Manual has recieved some updates, mainly relating to Infiltrator Wing entries. Also, MAJ Mike spotted an error regarding the Order of the Vangard award which has been corrected. Just a reminder to all COs that if is part of your job to inform me of any changes in your office or field of authority which results in the need to update that entry in the Training Manual. Thanks to Moreco for taking a proactive approach and ensuring the information relating to his subgroup and position was up to date and accurate.

The IWATS Core has passed 2,300 graduates while I've been HA for a year without being demoted. Ah, the memories. Also we have some more fun anniversaries in May, such as 26th (3 years as IWATS Dean) and 6th May (2 years as TO).

The graduate count is still ticking over. The total is around 7,710. LC Ford, TIE Tactics Professor compiled some interesting statistics for his course. Interestingly enough the elite squadrons have the lowest average passing grade of 80%. The overall average passing grade is 91.25%

Current Staff
HA Astatine - Training Officer/IWATS Dean
RA Mell - Training Office Assistant
LC Ford - Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics
CPT Predator - Professor, Rebellion Tactics
CPT Daisuke Airyu - Professor, Graphics
MAJ E. Tarkin - Professor, XvT Fighter Tactics
MAJ Marcin - Professor, XvT Missions
CM Flelm - Professor, ICQ
VA Ari - Professor, VBS
CPT Aylius Khan - Professor, Computer Basics
COL Scoser - Professor, TIE Missions
LC Guthwulf - Professor, Squadron Management 2
COL Striker - Professor, XWA Missions

TO-DEAN/HA Astatine/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign
"Command Attache free since January 2000"

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