TO Report # 68 (2001-06-02)

This report was submitted by HA Astatine

Well, first off, the server hosting my domain had a massive hard drive failure earlier in the week, resulting in those lovely "The device is not ready" errors. However, the hosting company has fixed it and thrown Windows 2000 on the new box (added bonus). All the contents of the domain should work, however, if there is an error, copy it down exactly and email it to me. A "It doesn't work" email doesn't help anyone.

With that all over and done with, back to the real stuff. In a rare fit of hyperactivity (caused by way too much coke), I've made a new course, in 2 days. It's an ASP course and is available at It only covers the most basic of basic bits about ASP and there will probably be a couple more ASP courses (at the least). It appears I got a nice shiny Bronze Star for the effort. The course is also available in zipped PDF at (83K). I'll be slowly converting other courses to this format as well so members can download them for reading offline.

The IWATS Core was updated, mainly because some COs have been dragging their feet and not sending me updates on trivial things like website URLs. I'd just like to point out that having the *correct* URL in the IWATS Core can be a great recruitment tool as oodles of cadets read those course notes and have to list URLs from it. So, there's actually a good chance that they might check out your sites. So, correct URLs are a Good Thing(tm).

It also seems we're getting into the silly season as far as medal recommendations are (in general and in relation to competitions themselves). Merit awards cannot be awarded for competitions, nor can you use the line of "But, I'm awarding it to the CMDR of the winning squadron for doing a good job!". Read the Training and OPS manual for guidelines regarding medals, that's what they're there for. Iron Stars are for competitions.

Also, in the vein of researching before you speak/write, some people ahve been forwarding a virus "warning" regarding a file that's supposedly infected. There's a problem with this since the file is a core Windows file, but it can be infected by a virus that is out there. The warning itself is a hoax, because in most cases, the file is clean. There's a rather long article about it at

Lastly, IWATS passed 8,000 graduates this week. Currently, the graduate count is around 8,050, with the IWATS Core almost up to 2,400. IIC/1 should pass 600 soon. Total active courses is 15.

Current Staff
HA Astatine - Training Officer/IWATS Dean
RA Mell - Training Office Assistant
LC Ford - Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics
MAJ Predator - Professor, Rebellion Tactics
CPT Daisuke Airyu - Professor, Graphics
MAJ E. Tarkin - Professor, XvT Fighter Tactics
MAJ Marcin - Professor, XvT Missions
CM Flelm - Professor, ICQ
AD Ari - Professor, VBS
CPT Aylius Khan - Professor, Computer Basics
COL Scoser - Professor, TIE Missions
LC Guthwulf - Professor, Squadron Management 2
COL Striker - Professor, XWA Missions

TO-DEAN/HA Astatine/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign
"Command Attache free since January 2000"

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