RO Report # 0 (2001-05-11)

This report was submitted by AD Keiran Idanian



***50th RO Report***

This is a milestone, the RO has now reached 50 reports recorded in This are reports from the days of FA Telf, AD Slage, and AD Idanian.

***RO on Leave***

I would like the fleet to know that I will be on leave from 5.16.2001 - 5.19.2001 for a short vacation to Delaware. All matters can be handled by my CA, Jae K'Sunis, but please CC me a copy of the e-mail.

***CA:RO K'Sunis on Emergency Leave***



I just wanted to inform you that I need to take a 7-day leave of absence. My step-father passed away tonight, and I need to be with my family. I'll be on ICQ/AIM and possibly IRC here and there. Thanks.

God bless,
Jae K`Sunis

***ROA, Webmaster Khan's Report***

With my recent business trip over, I finally have a free weekend to catch up with any and all updates to theRO site. I thank all of you for your patients and understanding, especially AD Keiran Idanian and our FC, Grand Admiral Ronin.

More to follow.....


CMDR-ROA/CPT Aylius Khan/Wraith/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger

DJK Khan (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
Sith Flight Leader [CV 3-1]

BRAG/SL Aylius Khan/DiploServ/DGN Lichtor V
Liason - SSD Avenger

[Professor - IWATS Computer Basics (CBX)]

***Interview Questions for Arron Allston***

One more week left!!! If you would still like to submit a question for Mr. Allston, please e-mail Admiral Keiran Idanian ASAP with your question.

Mr. Allston does have the following conditions:
*First, my schedule being what it is, I generally prefer to do e-mail interviews rather than phone or in-person.
*Second, because of nondisclosure agreements with Lucasfilm, there's not a lot I can say about my upcoming NJO books. This tends to result in pretty dull interviews if they're chiefly supposed to be about the NJO novels.
*Third, because I'm up to my gunwales in work, I can't promise to respond to questions in a timely fashion. (In fact, I can pretty confidently promise not to be able to respond in a timely fashion.)

***LSF Vs EH: Battle for Honor***

Room: #LSFvsEH
Platforms: XvT and/or XWA
End date: Wed, May 16th at 11:00 PM EST

All results will be posted and recorded at Battlestats. So if you don't have an account, get one. ( Standard BSC rules apply.

***New Star Wars Games***

Want to see some of the new games? Check this site out:

More on the top scroll bar

***RO Project***

The new project is now in the process of getting approved. I will alert the fleet when it is ready. I will say this will be a involve graphics.

***Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)***

After talking with CA:SO Plif, I have been given a lot more ideas for what to do with the ISC. Hopefully, everything will be ready to put into action in a month. If you have any questions or suggestions please e-mail Admiral Keiran Idanian.

***Project Expansion***

With the continuation of the LSF vs EH: Battle for Honor, I find that this is greatly helping our multiplayer members and hope that we can do the same thing with another group, sometime. More details to follow in the near future...

***Recruitment/RECON Manual***

The changes to manual are still waiting to be approved. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail the RECON Officer.

***Non-EH Site of the Week***

As recommended by ROA Khan, this site is filled with pictures from the Star Wars movies, cards, almost anything you can think of. Usually, I don't do a lot of fan sites, but there are times where there is one that is worth doing, and I think that the amount of pictures, etc. on this page is worth it.

Non-EH Site of the Week:

RECON Staff,

-= Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -]
{ - | - }
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SBM (Sith)/M:SHW/CON/Alvaak

Vice Admiral Fondor
CA:RO/VA Fondor/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Vice Admiral Jae K'Sunis
CA:RO/VA Jae K'Sunis/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Captain Aylius Khan
CMDR-ROA/CPT Aylius Khan/Wraith/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger

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