RO Report # 0 (2001-05-18)

This report was submitted by VA Jae K'Sunis


***RO on Leave***
RO/AD Keiran Idanian is on leave this week. He'll be back Saturday the 19th.

***CA:RO, Vice Admiral Fondor's Report***
This week I have been working on the Recon Office resource center. Please view the site at (Under heavy construction) Thats all for this week.

***New Star Wars Games***
Want to see some of the new games? Check this site out:
(Galactic Battleground has potential, let's just hope it doesn't suck as bad as it probably will. -Jae)

***RO Project***
The new project is now in the process of getting approved. I will alert the fleet when it is ready. I will say this will be a involve graphics.

***Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)***
After talking with CA:SO Plif, I have been given a lot more ideas for what to do with the ISC. Hopefully, everything will be ready to put into action in a month. If you have any questions or suggestions please e-mail Admiral Keiran Idanian.

***Project Expansion***
With the continuation of the LSF vs EH: Battle for Honor, I find that this is greatly helping our multiplayer members and hope that we can do the same thing with another group, sometime. More details to follow in the near future...

***Recruitment/RECON Manual***
The changes to manual are still waiting to be approved. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail the RECON Officer.

***Non-EH Site of the Week***
Imperial Center
This site was recommend by LCM Jacob van Nowak, and I personally feel that it rocks. I'm glad he pointed it out to me!

Vice Admiral Jae K'Sunis
CA:RO/VA Jae K'Sunis/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
BS/PCx3/ISMx8/MoI/IS-PR/LoC-ISx10/CoLx2/CoB [EXCR] [T/Pr:Intolerance]
OW Jae K'Sunis (Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum
DC-KC-O-C, {SA:Core,HLC}

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