RO Report # 0 (2001-06-04)

This report was submitted by AD Keiran Idanian



***RO Returns from Emergency Leave***

Due to my many final exams and a few problems in real life, forced me to take an emergency leave. I never like taking these, because then everyone thinks I've dropped off the face of the Earth. I will be working on getting my reports together in the next few days. Please sit tight. Thank you!

***CA:RO Jae Resigns***

As e-mailed from CA:RO Jae:



I come to you today with my letter of resignation. With several things that have came up most recently, I feel that I no longer have the time to responsibly take care of my duties, and that it would be in the best interest of those around me if I relinquish my duties to someone more suitable and able. I've loved being where I'm at in the EH, but as I stated, I just haven't the time to do everything I'd like to do. So, with that. Keiran, you rock, no need for me recommend a CA replacement. As for Quaestor of House Cestus, I would like to recommend either DJK Pain or OW Gryffon for the position. Both will serve you well and are suited for the job. With that I ask to be placed in the reserves and on the rogue jedi list. Thank you much, and I hope that I haven't caused any trouble in stepping down. My TC PIN# is 4644, DB ID# is 610. I'll be around.

CA:RO/VA Jae K'Sunis/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
BS/PCx3/ISMx8/MoI/IS-PR/LoC-ISx10/CoLx2/CoB [EXCR] [T/Pr:Intolerance]
OW Jae K'Sunis (Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum
DC-KC-O-C, {SA:Core,HLC}

*Note from the RO: Jae will be greatly missed. He has made a great contributions to the RECON Office and he was a pleasure to work with. We'll miss you Jae! Best wishes in where ever the road leds you.

***CA:RO Fondor's Report***


I have a lot of work to do on the EH Resource. Currently, many of the SOTW links are broken and they will be removed. Also my form hosting service has gone down so I will be looking for a new way to take care of that. Until those changes are made, I would not advise visiting the site for useful information.

VA F. Bhaal


***Arron Allston Interview***

I'm finishing compiling the questions for this historic interview. Once they are compiled, I will send them off to the FC and XO for a final look, and I will send them to Mr. Allston. I hope that the EH will enjoy the results!

***Recruitment/RECON Manual***

Not much has changed. I plan on adding on to in it a week. I still need to complete a little of the RECON manual, as well as make a few changes. More to follow!

***Project Expansion***

Currently talks have started involving the next EH war. I don't think this will be as long as the EH vs LSF: Battle for Honor. I hope that there might be a better turn out at this one. The last one didn't have a lot of people. At times there were a lot of EH pilots then at other times, there were a lot of LSF members. Hopefully, we'll be able to organize this one a little better so we can have a really good fight! I'll keep the EH up-to-date.

***RO/EH Banner Comp***

This comp is one of pure graphics. The members will design a banner for either the Emperor's Hammer or the RECON Office. The banners must be 400 x 40 pixels large.

First Place: IS-GR
Second Place: IS-SR
Third Place: IS-BR

Depending on the number of submissions for each category - EH or RO - will determine if awards are given for each category.

ENDS: 6.20.01

Submissions go to: Admiral Keiran Idanian

***Non-EH Site of the Week***

As recommended by CA:RO Jae:

This site, although it may not look that great, it has a lot of information. Not the usual Star Wars information, but something that really strikes me is that you can download new fonts from the movies. As well the the normal pictures and sounds. There are also games hosted by this site. The one thing that I think is the best is the fonts. There aren't many places on the web that have fonts to download, and if they do, they may not have as many as this site does.

Non-EH Site of the Week:
Rogue 8's Targeting Computer

RECON Staff,

-= Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -]
{ - | - }
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Vice Admiral Fondor
CA:RO/VA Fondor/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Major Aylius Khan
CMDR-ROA/MAJ Aylius Khan/Wraith/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger

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