SCO Report # 33 (2001-04-14)

This report was submitted by FA Kermee

Yep, the real report #33 this week. Apparently a slight counting problem last week, oh well..

1. SCO Site Scripts: As I mentioned last week, I've made a public release of the scripts I created and refined in making the Science Office website. I've packaged the core components into a zip that can be used to quickly set up a dynamic page with only the editing of a few variables required. It is however, also highly extensible and able to be used as a core across multiple sites, tables & databases with some shared data.

Currently packaged are the necessary components to display, control and administer News, News archives, Staff & Positions, Links and Authentication. Additional functions are provided for setting up tables & accessing smaller chunks of data for content in page. The package includes a brief readme and a full listing of functions & variables by file, name and header comment. Enjoy.

This package of scripts is available as "The Goon Lib." and can be obtained (along with further information) from, or from a link via the Science Office webpage. They require that you have a PHP & MySql capable server to run things on. Feel free to email any comments (good and bad) or suggestions to me and I'll see what can be done about them in future releases & updates.

2. Science Office Website Redesigned: I've redesigned the Science Office website to, IMHO, look a lot better. Check it out while your looking up the latest slicing news across a range of fields, as gathered by SCOA/CM Mace who I'd like to publicly thank for doing an excellent job so far. Keep up the good work.

I've also updated some of the backend scripting again, so sometime soon more of the components may make it into the Goon lib.

3. Fleet Manual: As previous, Data Entry is proceeding amongst other things. All bugs in the data entry section seem to have been squashed which helps.

4. SCO on leave: I'm currently on a mid-semester break and have a trip out of town planed for latter this week. As a result I wont be around from Tuesday the 17th thru late Thursday the 19th (and probably a bit of Friday to recover), Australian time. Feel free to still email anything though as I'll deal with it when I return. If you have something pressingly urgent, try sending it to CA:SCO Den Darkhill (, but remember to cc' me) or posting on the Slicing message board as appropriate.

As a reminder, you can always find the latest news on Star Wars Games, Patches & Science Office happenings at the SCO web page ( If you've found newer, submit it as news!

FA Kermee, Fleet Science Officer.
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- SCO/FA Kermee/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign {Legionnaire}
- GOE/GS/SS/BS/PCx3/ISMx13/MoI/MoT-2gh/LoC ISx10/MoC-GoC/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E
- DJK (Krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan WR-PM w/1/DC-KC

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