RO Report # 0 (2001-02-23)

This report was submitted by AD Keiran Idanian



I must apologize for the shortness of this report, but I'm over at my friend's house and this is the second time I wrote this report. The first one was lost.

***RO Site***

This week, the web site has been completed and has finshed beta testing. I have given the codes for the old RECON Site to Khan who will upload it shortly.


There are currently two projects going on. One a big trivia search (EH Wide) and the second the EH codex. Than in a month or two, there will be an EH wide banner comp. I hope to get a lot of new banners out of this,

***NON-EH Site of the Week***

The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia

This site has a good amount of HTML, but the main reason I like it is because of the information that it contains. True, it maybe unofficial but much of the information I got from this site I can confirm in the Star Wars books.

***CA:RO Armageddons's Report***



Sorry i didn't get the report to you yesterday, but I wnated to accually have something good to say in it and I got the news today. has added the EH's link to their site. Also on this note, they needed a 100x36 button to attached the link to. Trying to get it to them as fast as possible, I asked on IRC if someone could do it. So Enahropes Entar volunteered and had me a great button for the EH in about 5 minutes. I would recomend we reawrd him, maybe an ISM?
I'm really not sure what all is supposed to be in these reports, so if i'm missing anything, just let me know :)

***CA:RO2 Fondor's Report***


Right now I am doing two projects, Project: Codex and Project: Awareness. Details and logs are below:CA2:RO Project log

Project: Awareness Start: 18.2.01 End: - Goals: To raise awareness of the RO.

18.2.01- Developed idea for project. This project will raise awaerness of the RO threw a webhunt. The webhunt will be based off of the RO website.

19.2.01- Details: Span: 1.3.01- 31.3.01 Questions: Starting on 1.3 then 3.3 and so on, total of 16 questions. Points: Participants will email me the correct answer that they find on the internet. First person will receive 10 points, second 9, and so on.
Award: Appropriate IS's for first and second place. Temp. Website Address (while RO site is being built)-

I have hired LC Ford to create 16 incredibly hard trivia questions that are Star Wars or EH related. He says that he will have the questions done by the 22nd. His resumption will be an ISM.

23.2.01- Ford has emailed me the trivia questions. I will begin construction of the Webhunt website, hopefully ROA Aylius Khan will put a link to the webhunt from the main RO website.

Project: Codex Start: 19.2.01 End: - Goals: Update the Codex CS page.

21.2.01- I have requested the FTP access from AD Slage so I can update the Codex page.

RECON Staff,

Admiral Keiran Idanian
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SBM Keiran Idanian/M:SHW/CON/Alvaak, ENV

Rear Admiral/Warrior Ace
Command Attache to the Recon Officer
( )[[[[:o:[[[{}))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
CA:RO/RA Ace Armageddon/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
PCx2/ISMx3/MoI/CoB/OV [FUSL] {IWATS-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2-XTT}
OW Ace(Obelisk)/Alvaak-[GMRG:INI]

Rear Admiral Fondor
CA:RO/RA Fondor/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Captain Aylius Khan
CMDR-ROA/CPT Aylius Khan/Wraith/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger

Major Jae K'Sunis
FM-ROA/MAJ Jae K'Sunis/Praetorian 2-3/DGN Lichtor V

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