RO Report # 0 (2001-03-02)

This report was submitted by AD Keiran Idanian



One month as RO, has it really been that long? :)

***RO Web Site***

ROA Khan has reported there will be a little delay, but he hopes to have the site up in a few days. I know I've been saying a few days every report, but we've been faced with some server problems that complicated the process.

***CA:RO Fondor's Report***


I'm nearing the finishing stages of setting up for the competition. My logs can be found at TBA (Just so members can't see the site). Now I need to create a website and get it TO approved.



***NON-EH Site of the Week***

One site that most people go to, or atleast the CCG players is This site is packed with graphics of CCG cards, rules, and HTML. Decipher has over five different CCG games, most dealing with Star Wars.

This week's site of the week:


Within a few weeks, CA:RO2 Fondor's project should come online. This is a chance for the entire EH to show us some of their skill and for us to show all the EH that we're not inactive. I'm looking for a big turn out! :)

RECON Staff,

Admiral Keiran Idanian
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SBM Keiran Idanian/M:SHW/CON/Alvaak, ENV

Rear Admiral/Warrior Ace
Command Attache to the Recon Officer
( )[[[[:o:[[[{}))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
CA:RO/RA Ace Armageddon/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
PCx2/ISMx3/MoI/CoB/OV [FUSL] {IWATS-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2-XTT}
OW Ace(Obelisk)/Alvaak-[GMRG:INI]

Rear Admiral Fondor
CA:RO/RA Fondor/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Captain Aylius Khan
CMDR-ROA/CPT Aylius Khan/Wraith/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger

Major Jae K'Sunis
FM-ROA/MAJ Jae K'Sunis/Praetorian 2-3/DGN Lichtor V

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