LO Report # 7 (2001-03-09)

This report was submitted by RA Ramos Kanzco


Welcome to the Seventh LO report for the week of March 9th 2001! I can now say it has been a signifigant week and a productive smooth running one for the Emperor's Hammer Logistics Office. Currently we are in the process of integrating three sites:


These three sites are being made into a database with easy access and will be formed around a DHTML/PHP coding template we have found on the net. Expect a great site from the office.

If any of you did not know, I Am going on leave for this week until next Saturday night. I Will be out of total email contact during this time and my CA RA Ian Jackson will be taking care of my duties in the mean while. I have assinged orders to everyone regarding my leave and I expect the tasks I have handed out to be finished.

This week our office compiled and uploaded all of the NLs to:


The updated page was sent to GA Ronin earlier in the week and we hope we have provided a source of ease so the GA has more space on his domain. We are also looking to buy a Hard Drive for our hoster so we can host more files on ships and so on for our archives at this site. It will be managed by the database being built at this time.

On the Operation Distant Talon front several advances have been made. The submission of graphics and so on has been good from CPT Shakur, submitting over 40 images in total, and we have three new histories on Wings IX and XI, and Praetorian Squadron. If you would like to help the office in this search for history please contact CM Krax Tarnisar for more information at miner49er@excite.com.

Project Sentinel is currently being utilized to dig up more Star Wars news and developments for the EH Newsletter #73. IF you would like to include anything with the Logistics Office Submisison and be rewarded for it please email RA Ian Jackson at ehian@home.com for more information.

At this time I am also considering looking for a new CA please email me if you are interested in applying and reasons why I should have a new CA. You can always reach me at lo@emperorshammer.org.

The Imperial Census will also be coming out from the Logistics Office very soon, expect it at a mailbox or website near you soon!

The Logistics Office is always looking for new projects and ideas so if you have any proposals or if you wish to seek some help just email me at magedon42@aol.com or lo@emperorshammer.org. Remember RA Ian is acting LO for the next week and his address is ehian@home.com.

On a final note, Ast you'll be getting your stuff soon:P


LO/RA Ramos Kanzco/CS-11/SSSD Soverign
HM/LC RAmos Kanzco/FMC Academy/Aurora Prime

"Its not your job to die for your country but to make some poor, dumb bastard die for his!" -General George Patton

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