LO Report # 40 (2002-03-08)

This report was submitted by AD Ramos Kanzco

Dear Members of the Emperor's Hammer,

Due to other commitments and lack of time, I must resign as LO. I will truely miss working with my peers and hope that some day I can return to this posisition after revelations in other parts of the EH. I have transferred to the posistion of Assisstant to the Prefect in the Hammer's Fist and will spend the next few months trying to rehabilitate the Jedi Knight and Jedi Knight:II arm of our Elite Shocktroopers. Thanks for the good times. I would like to reccomend Admiral Goatham(Rgoatham@aol.com) to be my replacement. He is familiar with the everyday operations of the office and also has several ideas for reform that I was unable to address in my tenure as LO. Lastly. a promotion for Vice Admiral Crusader to Admiral for his continued service in LO site design for the last 10 months. I will be sending personal letters of thanks to everyone later. But just a list of people who deserve credit for helping me hold this office together and truly make it the place that it is today follows:

FA Yodavin, FA Darkov, AD Goatham, VA Crusader, COL Ian Jackson, LC Wes Janson, LC Krax Tarnisar, CPT Ximeno, CPT Shakur, MAJ Ekim, RA Darksaber, COL Darth Vader, CPT Shay'la Dukhal, VA Kano, RA Leeson, VA Mell, and the rest of the IHS and Sentinel Crews past and present.

I said to myself I wouldn't make this letter long, so in conclusion I will remain as a Logistics Office Assisstant if the Flight Officer would make the final roster transfers for myself and I will be taking a demotion to Colonel to join my beloved Tornado Squadron on the ISD Challenge if the commodore RA Locke would accept me under the great ship he runs, the ISD Challenge.

Thank you and if anyone has any questions please feel free to email me,

My door is always open,

LO/AD Ramos Kanzco/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign

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