RO Report # 0 (2002-06-22)

This report was submitted by HA Keiran Idanian



***Elaine Cummingham Interview***

Hmm. Sorry about that -- I was certain that I'd completed all the requested interviews. In view of the repeated delay, I'll attack it now. I've answered most of the questions. If you think of any follow-ups, let me know and I'll address them today.

Elaine Cunningham

1.) Why did you want to become an author, and why?

I've always loved books. My first ambition, however, was not to write books, but to illustrate them. Then music came to dominate my teenage years and early twenties, edging out art as a creative focus, so I never did pursue that avenue. Reading was always a passion, however, and when I came back to the idea of writing, it felt like a good fit.

2.) Who are your inspirations?

Poetry is a strong influence. I love the music inherent in language, the fact that words can portray mood as well as meaning. A single concise, vivid verbal image can make my day. Folklore and mythology was another influence. As a kid, I was hooked on Greek and Roman mythology, Slavic folklore, Celtic legends, fairy tales, ghost stories - you name it. My interest in music and history continues to influence my stories.

3.) What is your favorite book, and why?

I can't point to a single favorite book, but novels that made an impression included Hilton's LOST HORIZONS and classic adventure stories such as IVANHOE and THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL. One of my favorite books was Mark Twain's A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING AUTHOR'S COURT. It's got a bit of everything - wonderful dialogue, great characterizations, slapstick humor, irony, tragedy, and social commentary. As a child, I was a big L.L. Montgomery fan - loved the imagination and optimistic outlook of the red-haired heroine. Oscar Wilde's plays cultivated a fondness for irony and snappy come-backs, as well as an appreciation of life's absurdities. And Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series got me hooked on the notion of fantasy world-building. These days I read a lot of history, historical fiction, and mysteries.

4.) What is your favorite movie, and why?

Again, there's no single favorite. I loved "An Ideal Husband," an adaption of an Oscar Wilde play, and I thought Cait Blanchard was wonderful in "Elizabeth." I was absolutely blown away by Igmar Bergman's "Persona," mostly because the acting was astonishing. There's one point in the move in which you can SEE the personality of one woman force its way into another woman's head and simply take over -- no special effects involved, just phenominal acting.

5.) Where did you first see Star Wars?

I was a teenager at the time, and Star Wars ANH was the first movie I saw in a theatre. When I mentioned that to a recent acquaintance, she blurted out, "What were you - Amish?" Well, not quite, but I did grow up in a tradition that frowned upon movie-going. Imagine the impact of seeing that opening sequence - not only as a first Star Wars movie, but a first cinematic experience, period. That moment of wonder and discovery has colored my view of Star Wars ever since.

6.) What made you decide to write a Star Wars book?

R.A. Salvatore wrote the first book in the New Jedi Order series, and the Del Rey editors asked him to recommend a couple of new writers. He suggested my name. Until then, it had never occurred to me to write a Star Wars book, but I was very excited about the idea and immediately threw my hat into the ring.

7.) What is your favorite thing about Star Wars, and why? It's an old-fashioned adventure story, with a great balance of action, humor, and romance. What's not to love?

9.) What is your favorite thing about being an author?

The immersion in books and storytelling, and the fact that you're always learning something new. Every new project brings new and interesting topics to research.

10.) Do you have any current projects that you are working on that you are allowed to talk about?

I'm finishing up WINDWALKER, the third book in the Starlight & Shadows trilogy. This continues the story of the drow "princess" Liriel Baenre, which was begun several years ago in the books DAUGHTER OF THE DROW and TANGLED WEBS. The entire trilogy will be released with wonderful new cover art by Todd Lockwood, and the release dates are February, March and April of 2003.

11.) What kind of music do you like?

My undergraduate degree was in music education, and I have a strong preference for the classical music in which I was trained. I also like early music -- medieval and Renaissance -- and some types of traditional folk music. Recently I've gotten more and more interested in Celtic music.

12.) Who is your favorite band, and why?

Do you consider the New York Philharmonic to be a "band?" If not, I'd have to say the Chieftains, one of the best Celtic groups currently playing. I'm also very fond of Loreena McKennitt's music.

13.) Who is your favorite character in Star Wars (movies and books), and why?

While I deeply admire steadfast, unwavering heroes such as Leia and Tenel Ka, I'd have to say Han Solo. It's hard to resist a charming rogue!



***ROA Joe on Leave***


I will be on leave until Tuesday the 25th of this month and im leaving.. in about an hour. (It wasn't supposed to be until tomorow but there are alot of women in my family and god knows how often they change thier minds... ) Im taking a vactation to South Carolina to go to my neice's Bah Mitzpah (sp?) and to see the ocean. I am not sure if I will have email avalible or not, but if i can, ill try to email you to keep in contact.. if im not totally drunk off my ass..

This is going to be a huge party with a whole bunch of girls and an open bar (free liqour!!) so im not sure if communication will be humanly possible sunday.. ;)

Ill be back as soon as i can.. See you all then. ::eg::

-LC Joe

***EH Baby Competition***

With all the submissions in, Keldorn will begin to post them on the website to get ready for the voting. :)

Photos submitted for three weeks
Last week, they will be posted on the RO page for view, and in preparation for the voting to begin.
Submissions being taken until June 22, 2002

Month 2:
Rounds of voting will begin. Most likely one round per week, or perhaps every two weeks, depending on how many votes we get, as well as the amount of pictures

Month 3:
Voting comtinues until there are a Cutest EH Boy and Girl. Which will be announced later that month.

You must submit a picture of yourself as a child, from 0 - 6 years old. Please try to select a clear picture so it is easy to view. Try to keep your submissions to just one, only one will be accepted. Also, please send them in .jpg or .gif. And include your full ID line. Thank you! :)
The voting will be done by the members of the Emperor's Hammer...

Full Competition Dates:
BEGINNING: 4.27.2002
ENDING: 7.27.2002

The cutest EH Boy and cutest EH Girl will both be awarded a IS-GR and given a title.

Please send submissions to High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

***RO Site To Be Updated***

After ROA Keldorn has returned, he asked for any changes I wanted to the RO site, I have recently sent him new packets of information to update on the site.

***Imperial Technology Commission Site Layout Competition***

Concluded... I will be awarding the winners of the ITC Site Competition once I find the submissions on my HD.

***Imperial Technology Commission Banner Competition***

Concluded... I will be awarding the winners of the ITC Banner Competition once I find the submissions on my HD.

***Conventions Commission (CC)***

If you are interested in attending a Star Wars Convention to represent the Emperor's Hammer, please e-mail High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

***Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)***

*Division One Report*

Nothing new....

*Divison Two Report*

Nothing new....

*Divison Three Report*

Nothing new....

*ISC Roster*

Imperial Survey Corps Commander (SCC): High Admiral Keiran Idanian (
1st Division Commander (1DCM): Commander Tempest (
2nd Division Commander (2DCM): Commander Tierce (
3rd Division Commander (3DCM): Commander Bobxavi (

Division 1 Members:

-Lt. Commander Boris (
-Rear Admiral Jan Wemmel (

Division 2 Members:


Division 3 Members:

-CPT Crix Madine (
-Commander Exar Khaland (

Awaiting Assignment:


***Recruitment Manual***

No new updates...

***Imperial Survey Corps Manual***

No new changes...

***Non-EH Site of the Week***

This week, I picked a fan site based on Darth Vader. It's a pretty good site, but a typical fan one. :)

Non-EH Site of the Week
Darth Vade - The Dark Lord of the Sith - Star Wars Villian

*Have a Non-EH Site of the Week submission? E-mail: High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

RECON Office Websites

RECON Office -
Recruitment Manual -
Imperial Survey Corps Manual -
ISC: Second Division -
Conventions Commission - TBA
Imperial Technology Commission - TBA

RECON Staff,

-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -]
RO-VROY/HA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/TYR/Dominatus of Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Rear Admiral Aylius Khan
CA:RO-PROF/RA Aylius Khan/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Rear Admiral Keldorn

Lt. Colonel Joe
FM-ROA/LC Joe/Omega 2-2/SSSD Sovereign

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