RO Report # 0 (2002-07-19)

This report was submitted by HA Keiran Idanian



Lots of new information in this report! :)
New section, RO's Phrase of the Week, added above the Non-EH Site of the Week... :)

***EH Baby Competition***

I'm very sorry for the amount of time it took to get everything ready. But, I have the pictures uploaded to another site - not the normal RO one - and you may begin to look and vote for the one you think is the cutest.

Sadly, none of the female members of the EH sumbitted any baby pictures.

Pictures maybe viewed at:
You may have to refresh the screen and Right Click, Show picture to get some of the images to appear...

A mirror site has been created:

Voting can be done through the EH Message Board:

Round One will last for one week, starting today, July 19 and ending July 26.

Because of the limit on the number of Poll Options I may have, the winners from this week's round will go on to compete against the remaining pictures when you may vote for them next week.
Please, one vote per member!

Photos submitted for three weeks
Last week, they will be posted on the RO page for view, and in preparation for the voting to begin.
Submissions being taken until June 22, 2002

Rounds of voting will begin. Most likely one round per week, or perhaps every two weeks, depending on how many votes we get, as well as the amount of pictures

Month 3:
Voting comtinues until there are a Cutest EH Boy and Girl. Which will be announced later that month.

You must submit a picture of yourself as a child, from 0 - 6 years old. Please try to select a clear picture so it is easy to view. Try to keep your submissions to just one, only one will be accepted. Also, please send them in .jpg or .gif. And include your full ID line. Thank you! :)
The voting will be done by the members of the Emperor's Hammer...

Full Competition Dates:
BEGINNING: 4.27.2002
ENDING: 7-8.??.2002
- Extended until competition is completed...

The cutest EH Boy and cutest EH Girl will both be awarded a IS-GR and given a title.

Please send submissions to High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

***ROA Joe Named New CA:RO***

I'm very sorry to have to annouce this, but I have currently been out of contact with Aylius Khan for some time now, about two months. I have come to the conclusion that I have to replace him, and it pains me to do so. Khan has been with the Reconnaissance Office since I become the RO back in February 2001.

Aylius Khan's replace will be ROA Joe. Joe has been a great help within the Reconnaissance Office in only a few months. He has great ideas, and is extremely modivated! I'm sure he'll be a great Command Attache!
It is the request of ROA Joe, that he does not officially take his office as CA:RO for a week. He would like to say farewell to his squadron and tie up somethings. I really applauded this, it shows great dedication!

If anyone would happen to know anything about former-CA:RO Aylius Khan, please contact me ASAP!!!

***Upcoming Interview with Warwick Davis "Wicket"***

This week I will be accepting question for all members of the Emperor's Hammer to ask Mr. Davis in his upcoming interview. You can pick questions relating to his movies - Return of the Jedi and Willow just to name a few - or about some of his real life activities. Please send them ASAP to High Admiral Keiran Idanian. Thank you!

***Project Cordial Begins***

Project Cordial is designed to bring Star Wars authors, actors, actresses, artists, and many other important Star Wars people to the members of the Emperor's Hammer, in chat sessions on IRC.
As people sign up and dates are confirmed, they will be posted. :) Check back often!

***SW:CON 2002***

Taking place in Hamburg, North Germany this will be - from what it seems - the European version of Star Wars Celebration II. :)

The conventions will be held from September 06 - 08, 2002. If you are interested in becoming an Official Representative of the Emperor's Hammer, please e-mail High Admiral Keiran Idanian. Also, please CC that e-mail to our current organizer for the convention, Rear Admiral Jan Wemmel.

***RO Site To Be Updated***

ROA Keldorn is currently working on the changes I asked that he make to the RO Site. I hope the changes will be completed shortly.

***Conventions Commission (CC)***

If you are interested in attending a Star Wars Convention to represent the Emperor's Hammer, please e-mail High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

***Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)***

*Division One Report*

Nothing new...

*Divison Two Report*

Nothing new...

*Divison Three Report*

On Semi-Leave because of PC problems.

*ISC Roster*

Imperial Survey Corps Commander (SCC): High Admiral Keiran Idanian (
1st Division Commander (1DCM): Commander Tempest (
2nd Division Commander (2DCM): Commander Tierce (
3rd Division Commander (3DCM): Commander Bobxavi (

Division 1 Members:

-Lt. Commander Boris (
-Rear Admiral Jan Wemmel (

Division 2 Members:


Division 3 Members:

-CPT Crix Madine (
-Commander Exar Khaland (

Awaiting Assignment:


***Recruitment Manual***

No new updates...

***Imperial Survey Corps Manual***

No new changes...

***Reconnaissance Officer's Phrase of the Week***

My friend and I have this thing going, where we have a phrase that reflects what we feel the week will be like. I thought perhaps I'd start putting them in my report, just for something different. :)

Phrase of the Week:
I think my computer is possessed...

***Non-EH Site of the Week***

This week, my former CA, Admiral Maverick directed me to a site that offers new skins and weapons for Jedi Knight II. It's looks pretty cool!

Non-EH Site of the Week
Jedi Fortress

*Have a Non-EH Site of the Week submission? E-mail: High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

RECON Office Websites

RECON Office -
Recruitment Manual -
Imperial Survey Corps Manual -
ISC: Second Division -
Conventions Commission - TBA

RECON Staff,

-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -]
RO-VROY/HA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/TYR/Dominatus of Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Rear Admiral Keldorn

Lt. Colonel Joe
FM-ROA/LC Joe/Omega 2-2/SSSD Sovereign

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