TAC Report # 59 (2002-09-29)

This report was submitted by HA Striker

Yes, 59th... I feel old.

  1. Tactical Office Site

The Tactical Office Site is temporarily located at
http://perso.club-internet.fr/jmcx97/tac/ . All Tactical Office resources are available from there, battles listing, tactical staff database, creation courses, mission creation message board etc. It should be your URL of reference for all related TAC infos.

  1. Tactical Office work status

BSF Stuff and high-scores can't be processed until eh.net is back, however the Tactical Staff Database being located on an other server, submissions and beta testing can still be done. Review the Tactical Manual for submission guidelines (http://perso.club-internet.fr/jmcx97/tac/tac-man).

  1. Battle Center and Mission Compendium

Vice Admiral Drake has gone through the painful task of setting links to all custom battle zip files of the Mission Compendium, a temporary battle center has been set up at http://www.drakenet.tk (linked from the TAC Office site). URLs are linked to the battles.cernun.net mirror, if you want to download battles from the other mirror you will have to enter manually the URLs.

For direct download from the mirrors, you have to manually enter the URL of the desired battle (mirror URL + battle file name); battle files names are in the following format: (Platform)(Subgroup)(Number).zip
Platforms are either: XW,TIE,XvT,BoP,XWA
Subgroups are either: TC,DB,IW,ID,BHG,CAB,F (Free Missions), FG (FCHG Battles)
Examples: TIE-TC Battle 56 at http://battles.cernun.net/TIETC56.zip
XWA-IW Battle 25 at http://battles.cernun.net/XWAIW25.zip
XvT-FREE Mission 45 at http://battles.cernun.net/XvTF45.zip

  1. Jedi Knight games

I am still expecting SOME submissions for DF, JK, MotS or JK2, to be stored in our mission compendium. Don't tell me NOBODY in the fleet has ever made a custom level for these games involving the EH :)

TAC-PROF/HA Striker/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign

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