RO Report # 0 (2002-10-22)

This report was submitted by HA Keiran Idanian

Report compiled after the TC Database was off line.



***Project Cordial***

I'm pleased to say that Artist/EH Honorary Commander Joe Corroney will be coming for an interview with the EH Membership on Saturday, November 2, 2002 at 1 PM EST. The nice thing about Mr. Corroney is that he lives in Columbus, Ohio, so there are no differences in Time Zones.

I have a few other contacts that I've been talking with but nothing solid. I'll let you know when there is another. :)

***Joe Corroney Interview***

Mr. Corroney, has completed a very descriptive interview! A great read! :)

1.) When did you want to become an artist, and why?

I've actually been drawing since before I can remember so I'm not sure if there's an exact reason that led me to become an artist. Drawing has always been with me. I know that Star Wars definitely inspired me at an early age. After I saw the movie in 1977, I was four years old, I came home and started drawing scenes from the film on paper with crayons and also had the comic book adaptation of the film that Marvel Comics had released. That was one of my very first comic books actually so I started drawing pictures from that also. The comic book helped me relive the magic of the movie so I was always inspired to draw from it. It was also responsible for inspiring me to pursue a career in comic books too. I guess my parents saw some potential in my artwork and put me in private art classes at an early age and later Saturday art school courses which I really enjoyed.

2.) Who are your inspirations?

ost of my inspirations are actually comic book artists. People like Jack Kirby, John Byrne, Frank Miller, John Romita Jr., John Buscema, Mike Zeck, Berni Wrightson, Jan Duursema, and Tom Mandrake.

3.) What is your favorite book, and why?

Wow, can it be a comic book or graphic novel? I don't really read too many actual novels. The last book I read years ago that I really enjoyed was Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'. I'd have to say my favorite (comic) book is 'The Dark Knight Returns' by Frank Miller or 'The Watchmen' by Alan Moore Dave Gibbons. Though I love to use my imagination, I tend to be more visually stimulated so that's why I love comic books and movies so much.

4.) What is your favorite movie, and why?

My favorite movie? Do you have to ask? Just kidding! Of course it's Star Wars. I mean The Empire Strikes Back is great and probably a superior movie visually and artistically, but the first one is so magical and was so unique. It was the first time anything like it really played on the screen. There still hasn't really been anything quite like it actually. All of the other Episodes come close so far and I love them all too, even 'The Phantom Menace', but 'A New Hope' was just the perfect movie. Especially growing up with it as kid made it more special. A close second for me would be Raiders of the Lost Ark.

5.) Where did you first see Star Wars?

That was back home with my parents in Indianapolis, Indiana where I grew up. It was summer of 1977. The theatres I actually saw it in aren't even around anymore. I saw it a number of times as a child cause my mom or dad would keep taking me so see it since they really enjoyed it too.

6.) What made you decide to paint many different Star Wars images?

I had just graduated art college with my illustration degree and was trying to make a living at drawing and painting however and wherever I could. It was really a goal of mine to want to become and artist for West End Games Star Wars RPG and pursue a career as a freelance illustrator for them. Once I started working for WEG, they kept giving me more and more Star Wars projects to do since they were really happy with my work. I really love Star Wars and have always poured my heart into my artwork for it. When I was working for WEG originally there's no way I would have imagined I'd have this much continued success and happiness in working on the property for Lucasfilm this long. As long as the assignments keep coming in and Lucasfilm is happy with my work it's not a hard decision for me at all to be enthusiastic to continue painting and drawing Star Wars.

7.) What is your favorite thing about Star Wars, and why?

My favorite thing about Star Wars is essentially the story and relationships. Initially, as a kid, it was more specifically about the amazing special effects, the action and the great characters themselves. But as I got older, there were more and different things to like about the trilogy that made it so fun to love. Star Wars works on so many different levels. As a kid, it's just great fun. It's magical at that age. When you get older and watch it, and if you still have an imagination and aren't too cynical as an adult, the mythology of it all becomes appealing. Not to mention the artistic merits of the movies too. It really deals with universal themes too, like good and evil, which will always be interesting to me.

8.) What are some of your hobbies, and why do you like them?

I love going to the movies since it inspires me in my own work as a storyteller. Good movies, bad movies, B-Movies, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, action - I love them all. I find I can always learn something about my own work, whether its storytelling through visuals, framing my scenes, page design in my comic book work or just writing for own stories. I love music too so I along with my dvd collection I have way too many cds. Though the past year, my hobby has been more about downloading the music I want online since it saves me a little bit of cash that way. I also love playing my X-Box when I get the chance. I just bought 'The Thing' and have been playing that and I love 'Dead or Alive 3'. I can't wait for 'Jedi Knight' to hit the platforms soon along with 'Knights of the Old Republic' and 'Star Wars Galaxies'. I love rpg video games though I tend to never finish them or seem them all the way through because I end up getting too busy. I've got a GameCube too so I can't wait for 'Bounty Hunter' and 'Clone Wars' which comes out soon. There's just way too many cool Star Wars games coming out that could slow me down in my work. I've got to be careful!

9.) What is your favorite thing about being an artist?

That's easy. I make my own hours and I'm my own boss. I don't have to 'punch in' every morning and work with people I don't like or work on projects that don't fulfill me. I love what I do. I'm able to satisfy myself both professionally and creatively at the same time by getting paid to use my imagination. I feel really lucky that way. It's definitely not about the fame since I still consider myself to be just another Star Wars artist in the realm of hundreds of working artists out there who are more successful than me. And it's not about the money either. When the work isn't coming in and the projects aren't lining up or the art director's aren't calling, my checking account can get get pretty thin sometimes. It's really competitive too so sometimes I have to put in alot of my own time and energy to get my name out there and tackle the projects I really want to be a part of. But when it's good, it can be really good. It's the life of a freelancer. I wouldn't trade it in for anything.

10.) Do you have any current projects that you are working on that you are allowed to talk about?

I actually just finished a project for Star Wars Insider that will be appearing in issue 65, due out in January I believe. I think fans of your site will *especially* be interested in it because of some of the great characters I got to illustrate for it. You could say the project was really tailor made for fans and visitors of your site so I have a feeling that you're really going to like it. That's all I can really say about it so you'll have to pick up the magazine early next year. I'd love to hear what everyone thinks of it when it comes out so be sure to drop me a line at my official website, I'm hoping to do some more work for Insider soon and possibly have another project lined up there with my art director. I'm also getting ready to do something for New Line Cinema on Lord of the Rings. That's *really* top secret right now but I'm really excited about the project.

11.) What images did you design that you are most proud of, and why?

One of the Star Wars pieces I'm most proud of is also one of my newest pieces. It was a cover painting I collaborated on with another Star Wars artist Jeff Carlisle (be sure to check out his website at ). It was for an international Star Wars fan publication called 'Echo Base Magazine'. It features a montage of Vader, Anakin from Episode II and Luke. I was really pleased with how that piece turned out. Also, I'm really proud of my latest work for Insider so I can't wait to see that come out. I did some illustrations for the 'Power of the Jedi Sourcebook' which was released earlier this year. I really had alot of fun with those drawing my Jedi character, Kai Justiss fighting and interacting with various monsters and creatures. Another illustration I'm proud of that also features Kai is 'Kashyyyk in Flames' which appeared in Star Wars Gamer #4.

12.) What kind of music do you like?

Rock, alternative, heavy metal and film soundtracks mainly. I still listen to some classic rock occasionally but not as much as I did back in high school. There's always room for a little country, blues, some pop sometimes. Everything I guess. It's all rock n' roll to me really.

13.) Who is your favorite band, and why?

My favorite band, the one that I get the most out of artistically is probably Soundgarden. Chris Cornell is my favorite musician, he's just so talented. I love his songwriting and his singing his amazing, he's got the best voice in rock, along with Maynard Keenan from Tool, one of my other favorite bands. I really love Rage Against the Machine too so you can imagine I'm really looking forward to the Cornell and Rage collaboration, Audioslave, coming out next month. Though I've been listening to the demos for the album for a few months now. Probably my second favorite band behind Soundgarden is Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor is amazing. I've been listening to alot of NIN for the past three years and it never seems to leave my cd player. I like Rob Zombie alot too, everything from White Zombie to his latest album. I also really dig Chris Isaak too. I've been listening to all of the music from Cowboy Bebop alot lately, something like 96 tracks in total. What I like about the series is it's use of jazz, blues, pop, western, rock, country and indigenous forms of Asian music blended so seamlessly from show to show. The way each show is edited to the musical themes, numbers and cues is always brilliant. i really love that show.

14.) Who is your favorite painter, and why?

It's probably Ralph McQuarrie. He really defined the visual look of Star Wars. He's primarily responsible for creating the look and feel of all the films and the characters so I have tons of admiration for his unique imagination and skills. I was really floored when I saw some of his originals for the first time in 1998 at the Smithsonian when the Magic of Myth exhibit debuted. I pictured them to be so much larger after seeing them printed in numerous books over the years but they weren't that large at all. Seeing his technique with gouache in person looked so tight on those paintings. It was amazing.

15.) Who is your favorite character in Star Wars (movies and books), and why?

It used to be Luke when I was younger. I could identify with his desire to accomplish something big with his life, wanting to have adventure and walk the right path. When I got a little older it was Han since he existed a little more in the grey area. He wasn't always right, though he tried to be. That's realistic and identifiable when you're an adult. But Qui-Gon Jinn is probably my favorite character now. For years we've been hearing and wondering how powerful and cool the Jedi truly were in their prime and Qui-Gon really set the stage for that. He was a 'talk softly, carry a big lightsaber' kind of guy that adhered to his own codes but still followed the Jedi path. That's admirable.

16.) What do you think about the Emperor's Hammer?

A site devoted to Star Wars gaming with an emphasis on the Darkside. What's not to like? I really dig it!

17.) How do you feel about being an honorary member of the Emperor's Hammer?

I'm really flattered to be included in such an esteemed list of honorary members and to be associated with such a cool Star Wars website! Thanks for noticing and supporting my work too!

***Emperor's Hammer Movie***

The new EH Movie Plot has been approved!!! :) Pre-Production continues! :)

***New Reconnaissance Competition***

Once the TC Database in back online, I plan to start the 2nd Annual Halloween Banner Prank Competition. It will most likely run past Halloween and into November.

***CA:RO Joe's Report***


Appologies for the latness of this report, wont be like this next week :P

Not exactly as much to report as I planned on. AD Zsinj has been getting over some medical problems which has hindered any advancement on the Convention Database. He told me that he is getting better and will get right on it. It shouldnt take him too long when he really lets loose. So lets hope that is up rreeaalllyy soon.

I have also been searching around the net for email addresses or forums visited by Star Wars actors/actresses. I havent found much of anything on that front, but I DO have someone who says he might be able to get through to James Earl Jones. Its a long shot, but one I think I will glady take at a shot to talk to that man. Wouldnt you? :P

I'm also looking for Hayden Christiansen (sp?) as well. With Episode 2 coming to DVD and with its big reviews this past summer, He would be one of the top 5 people I would want on the Honorary Member's list. People who are just browsing through the EH domain could just see his face - or any other big players in Episode 2 for that matter - and might decide to join just on that fact alone. Its well worth a shot as well.

And as always.. dont worry Ast, Natilie Portman is still my prime target.. ;) I'll let you know.

I will email as soon as I hear anything from Zsinj or any luck with contacting... well *anybody*. This is a short report, hopefully not tooo short. Thanks for your time :)


***RO Site***

ROA Loor is still on semi-leave. I highly doubt that he would be able to do much. I hope his exams are going well! :)

***Conventions Database***

ROA Zsinj reports that he hasn't been able to get much done with the database. He says he's beginning to get carpal tunnel. I've known people who had it, and it's no fun. I hope he gets it taken care of soon!

***World Fantasy Convention 2002***

This convention will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The date for the convention is October 31 - November 3, 2002. It looks like it will be a lot of fun! :)

***SW Convention in Hamburg / Germany***

From MO/RA Jan Wemmel:


It took some time for them to figure out, but finally the last bit of the puzzle, that is to become one of the largest SW conventions in Germany has found its place...literally... The organizers finally found a location.

What I know so far:

the website is (only good for getting some information on the stars or for getting a ticket, but not much more, I'm afraid.)

It will be from Nov 29th to Dec. 1st in Hamburg (don't believe the lies).
For all of you, who don't know, where that is: Hamburg is a city on a backwater planet called "Earth" by its inhabitants. :) It's a city with about 1.6 million inhabitants and...and several good northern Germany and has a major (air)port with several flights a day into the whole world... so getting there shouldn't be much of a problem.
Staying there: Hamburg has two youth hostels and I'm still working things out with them...
Price for the hostel will be at about 16.50 EUR a person and night. the entrance fees for the SW Con are 50 EUR for one Day, 80 EUR for two days and 120 for all three days of fun.

If you are interested and want to have more information: mail me at or

Rear Admiral Jan Wemmel, Fleet Medical Officer
MO/RA Jan Wemmel/M-TFC Last Hope

If you are planning on attending this convention, please e-mail High Admiral Keiran Idanian as well. :)

***Matt Busch Convention***

From Matt Busch's Newletter:


WHO: Umm... Me! Matt!
WHAT: The 2nd Annual FANTASTIC VISIONS Extravaganza!
WHERE: The beautiful Emerald Theatre in downtown Mt. Clemens, MI.
WHEN: Thursday, November 14th, from 7pm to 2am
WHY: Because last years's show was too cool, and this year will be even better!
HOW: With style!

GALLERIES - There will be four galleries of my work located throughout the Emerald Theatre, totaling almost one hundred pieces! The four galleries will include 'Hollywood-related', 'Music-related', 'Gorgeous ladies', and of course, 'STAR WARS and Sci-Fi'. Think you saw everything last year? Think again, there are tons of brand new pieces getting framed and prepped for the show right now!

MUSIC - Four of Detroit's hottest music acts will be hitting the stage: MOLLY, The ORBITSUNS (featuring Vinnie Dombrowski, the lead singer of Sponge), The BROTHERS' GROOVE, and TEDDY RICHARDS (Aretha Franklin's son)!

DIGITAL ANIMATIONS - Many of the projects I'm doing with Shnickerdoodle Studios will be projected on the south-eastern Michigan's largest movie screen! Think you saw it all last year? No way! New STAR WARS material… A music video highlighting last year's show, and the world premiere of the CRISIS promotional animated trailer!

ALSO - Attendees get a free program filled with art and information about the show! Tons of brand new posters, T-Shirts, hats, and other cool Merchandise will be on hand! The Jim Beam Girls will be there giving away free swag! Hollywood impersonators! (And don't be surprised if a 'real' celebrity or two shows up.) The Venus Ball Girls will be there signing posters! WRIF Radio will be there broadcasting live!

So, plan on being there!!! Thursday, November 14th, at the Emerald Theatre at 7 pm! The show will be sponsored by Jim Beam, WRIF Radio, Aural Pleasure Management, and Heckler Entertainment!

***EH Baby Competition***

Cutest EH Baby for 2002: Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias
With the change to the competition still under review, I can't award the 2nd and 3rd runner's up. When it is approved, you'll get your medals. :)

***Restructuring of the Imperial Survey Corps***

I'm going to begin reforming the ISC. It has become apparent that it is lagging. We are loosing members, and some of them are unable to remain interested. I'll be working with MAG Maaric in hopes of forming a new structure.

I'll be happy to hear anyone's suggestions about the restructuring. And all current ISC members are more than welcome to join the new ISC when it is commissioned. :)

***Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)***

The position of Imperial Survey Corps Division II Commander is now open for application! If you are interested in looking for new sites to advertise the Emperor's Hammer, please e-mail High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

*Division One Report*

Nothing new...

*Divison Two Report*

Accepting applications

*Divison Three Report*

Nothing new...

*ISC Roster*

Imperial Survey Corps Commander (SCC): High Admiral Keiran Idanian (
1st Division Commander (1DCM): Commander Tempest (
2nd Division Commander (2DCM): TBA (
3rd Division Commander (3DCM): Commander Bobxavi (

Division 1 Members:

-Lt. Commander Boris (
-Rear Admiral Jan Wemmel (

Division 2 Members:


Division 3 Members:

-CPT Crix Madine (
-Rear Admiral Exar Khaland (

Awaiting Assignment:


***Recruitment Manual***

No new updates...

***Imperial Survey Corps Manual***

No new changes...

***Reconnaissance Officer's Phrase of the Week***

Phrase of the Week:
"Hayo Antiochus, Antiochus" - Chorus Song

***Non-EH Site of the Week***

This convention looks to have a lot of fun activities! ...hint, hint... ;-)

Non-EH Site of the Week
World Fantasy Convention 2002

*Have a Non-EH Site of the Week submission? E-mail: High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

Reconnaissance Office Websites

Reconnaissance Office -
Project Cordial - TBA
Conventions Database - TBA
Recruitment Manual -
Imperial Survey Corps Manual -

Reconnaissance Staff,

-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -]
RO-VROY/HA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/TYR/Dominatus of Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Rear Admiral Joe
CA:RO/RA Joe/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Vice Admiral Keldorn

Captain Loor
FL-ROA/CPT Loor/Ranger 3-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

Admiral Zsinj
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign

Lt. Commander Arkady Rhinogorvich
ROA/LCM Arkady Rhinogorvich/SSSD Sovereign

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