LO Report # 15 (2003-09-26)

This report was submitted by AD Darknyte

Logistics Office Report
September 26, 2003
Admiral Darknyte

Well, here we go again with another bawdy edition of the LO report, can’t ya just feel the debauchery already? Lots of news this week, but the report will still be remarkably short, how’s that for a kick in the pants?

The Heroes Memorial site is still in design by the Corporate Division, I’ve not heard a peep from them yet again this week, so I’m going to have to let my fingers do the walking in the form of reaching out and strangling…..err, I mean….contacting them myself. Hopefully the template will be ready soon so that this project can be removed from it’s limbo status and start to get worked on again.

A mailer was sent out this week to much of those in command regarding the upcoming EH Census. After some careful consideration and talks with my LOA, Matir, we’ve decided that we can create a database to allow for short-answer questions instead of the multiple-choice I had originally asked for. This should give you guys a bit more freedom to formulate your questions for the Census itself. We expect the actual site to start to be developed once the Census materials are all in hand and take somewhere in the neighborhood of one to two weeks. I’m going to go ahead and set an estimated start date for the Census itself at December 1, 2003. This will give us time to prepare the material, get the site launched, and properly advertise the Census to get more of a turnout for participation.

This week also saw some minor updating of the LO website. I’ve finally fixed the broken links on the website and gotten the latest editions of the Newsletters uploaded and linked. That’s really all there is this week, so here’s another report “in the can”!

In Service to the Empire,
LO/AD Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoL/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

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