LO Report # 26 (2003-12-12)

This report was submitted by AD Darknyte

Logistics Office Report
December 12, 2003
Admiral Darknyte

Here we go again, another busy week of LO stuff. Well, not really…but, we did get some things done. First thing I have to say is that a sad day came this week. On Tuesday I relapsed into addiction. After almost 3 months clean and sober, I fell back into the Star Wars Galaxies shame-spiral. All I can say is that I’m weak, so very, very weak. The game was calling out to me…Darknyte, come play with me…Darknyte, we patched in player cities and creature mounts….Darknyte, you know you love me….Enough was enough and I succumbed once again to the temptress that is SWG.

Biggest news this week is the opening of the EH Memorium! It’s not completed yet, as we’ve still got to finish filling in all the data, but the site is up and live for everyone to see. If you have any data to contribute, feel free to email it to me and I’ll get it on there. Over the weekend I’ll finish up the site itself with the relevant bits of information on how and what to submit to help with this. Also, my CA and I have started to research for the site as well. My former CA had done quite a bit of research on it, but he’s fallen out of contact lately, I suspect due to his enlisting in the US Navy and his loss of internet connection at home. All the data is effectively lost, so we’ll be starting over again from scratch to get this online.

The EH Census is still chugging away, but participation numbers have dropped. That was to be expected though, most of the people who were actually going to participate did so within the first week of it being live. We’ll still keep it up for another couple of weeks though, anticipated closing date of the Census is December 31, 2003. As I’ve said before, once we get all the data collected, we’ll index it up real nice and send it out to all the relevant parties in the EH.

Logistics Staff

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