RO Report # 34 (2003-11-14)

This report was submitted by AD Joe



No news from Mr. Allston as of yet. He usually has a 1-2 week return time in his emails, so I'm still waiting for a responce. Also it is well know that he loves to respond to emails from fans providing the time. So I am confidant that I will ( finally) get a resonce. :P

Possible new thing for the Recon Office will be "In-House" EH Interviews. The Recon Office (and possibly another CSer, not 100% sure yet) will start conducting interviews with Officers in the CS and among SGCOMS, but there is potential that if sucessful, the interviews can move beyond the upper echelon of the EH. This matter has been widely debated between all the CSers and generally everyone likes the idea.

I will be talking to everyone to finalize everything and to start some sort of list of who I'd like to interview for the first four weeks. I'll send out this list to make sure everyone knows when they are to be at the EH meeting ( though they should be there anyways :P ). The interviews will take place towards the end of the meeting in the main EH IRC channel. Everyone is welcome to attend. Though it wont be starting for a few weeks, pending final approval and OK from the officers first up on the list. Stay tuned next week to see how progress is being made!

Next up, CA:RO Report!

I was sick all week, on medication 'til Sunday. It is way too cold here heh.

This week, I am catching up to all I missed last week. People might be pleased to know that I did not neglect to complete the online report #33 and that it is now available just like online report #34.

The busy week I had was cut by the flu so the classes I missed are just a pain and got old HW trailing along with the new ones. So I hope I will have enough time this week to work on at least the website design of the Convention database.

Thank you VA Shayla! ( for all those who didnt see, Shay'la has been promoted! Drinks are on her..STILL! ) >:P

Now, on to SW News


LucasArts 'Choose Your Destiny' Contest

LucasArts announces the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic "Choose Your Destiny" sweepstakes.

Enter for a chance to win an array of great prizes such as:

A Trip to LucasArts

We'll give you a private tour and capture your likeness for use in an upcoming LucasArts video game!

The "Ultimate" Gaming System

Alienware Area 51 Extreme Computer with some of the finest gaming components in the galaxy. Includes the amazing Creative Gigaworks S750 7.1 Speaker System!

More Great Prizes!

* Master Replicas Lightsabers

* PC Version of Star Wars(r): Knights of the Old Republic(tm)

Enter Today ( ) !

Large Galaxies Patch

There is a massive Galaxies Patch on the official site. Some of the notable and amusing things I found while skimming it are:

Mounts have been added! Players can now ride Bols, Brackasets, Kaadu, Carrion Spats, Dewbacks, and Falumpasets. To get a mount, mounts must be your pet AND trained as a mount. Players can either buy them as trained mounts or players with pets can take their pets to a Creature Handler (with the correct skill) to be trained as a mount. Bio Engineers can create mountable pets but can't automatically train them unless they have Creature Handler skills.

Player Cities are now live! This extensive system allows you to become the Mayor of your own city. Included with the player city system are many new structure types including city halls, cantinas, and cloning facilities. Read the in-game Holocron pages on Player Cities for information on how to start and run a city.

The Politician profession is now live! In order to build a city you have to be a politician. Politicians gain skills that let them build bigger and more impressive cities. You can find politician skill trainers in all the major planetary capital cities.

Added the DLT20 rifle to novice weaponsmith.

/centerOfBeing went in with this patch, it is a melee discipline that will greatly enhance the tanking power of player characters.

Added the ability to see base maintenance rates on structure deeds.

Added new command, "/notepad", allows modifications to a text file that gets saved as "notes.txt" in the user's base profile directory.

Removed the 'experimental durability' property from structure components, because it didn't actually do anything.

Players cannot tame baby creatures while dead or incapacitated.

Latest Jedi Info From Galaxies

Tue, Nov 11, 03 02:41:27 PM EST

Jedi have been popping up on Galaxies Servers like.... rare plants. But not non-existant plants! There are at least three Jedi Jedi Initiates spread amounst the servers. IGN has an interview with Haden Blackman about this very subject, exceprt folows:

IGNPC: What sorts of unique missions can Jedi undertake? Will they simply take on the regular player missions with these new skills or will they have Jedi-specific missions?

Haden Blackman: Because there will be so few Jedi initially, our philosophy was to allow players to play out the "Jedi in hiding" role, as seen in the original Star Wars. They can still experience all the current content, using their lightsabers and Force powers, and participate in PvP combat, but being a Jedi will be dangerous, given that the Emperor and Vader have dedicated themselves to killing all Force wielders. Eventually, as Jedi become more pervasive, we hope to add Jedi-specific missions and quests, for both light and dark Jedi.

SWG.Stratics has more information, of which I'll outline a bit:

To make the training saber, all the needed were gems, steel, and chemicals ... all easy to get. No looted components.

Jedi are hunted my Bounty Hunters! In the greatest development yet, Ben sends this in:

In a shocking twist Bounty Hunter players on the Naritus galaxy found a new "Dynamic Mission" appear on the Bounty Hunter terminal listed with the hardest missions Bounty Hunters can get. Naritus is also the home of one of the few new Jedi Initiates.....

Zina was confirmed to unlock her FS just late yesterday, the second such Jedi player we have heard of. Now this new "Dynamic Mission" is level 75 difficulty and only has a letter and number code as its name. The reward is 150,000 credits.... One of the Master Bounty Hunters, Nerro Elyst accepted the mission, the Jedi players name was listed on the mission in the targets name section.

Nerro Elyst then quickly spoke with the Master level Spy-Net Operative and received the bio-signature. Nerro Elyst then attempted to track the player using droids but was greeted with a "your target is not online message" even though she was indeed online. Perhaps a bug, or perhaps the Jedi player had not yet done enough open displays of the force to give away her position, in the end though with Player Bounties active one thing is certain... It will be the players who will eagerly help keep the Jedi population in check... now the question to you is are you to be one of the hunted or the hunter?

List of Jedi Moves **

( contains heavy spoilers) [Note this is a pull from the application and may be changed in the future. Not guarenteed accurate]

TFNGames Presents: Battle of Endor

TFN is proud to host Battle of Endor ( , a freeware 3D Space Combat Sim based on the climatic battle in Return of the Jedi against the Second Death Star. Battle of Endor pits you against wave after wave of TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors, Star Destroyers, and Lord Vader's Personal Ship, the Super Star Destroyer Executor.

I highly recomend all to try it out because as far as freeware goes, this is an amazing development.



The Battle of Endor (this is just too damn cool NOT to have it as SOTW)

The Reconnaissance Office Report #34 AND 33 is updated! Go see it online! Follow the links below.

To test the fonts, follow this link:

To download the fonts, follow this link: A window should pop up for download

To view the online report, please follow this link:

Thanks for your time and enjoy the new report experience,


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --


RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign



CA:RO/VA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign


ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign

IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

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