SCO Report # 28 (2003-10-25)

This report was submitted by FA Ender mBind


  Science Office Report


"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."


Welcome to my twenty-eighth public report as a Science Officer, very late... (Sorry, doing SCO stuff...) ...but that also means there's a lot of news:

Science Office News:

  1. Main news these weeks was of course the release of the Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher - as elaborated upon in my last communiqué. Since that time, AD Darkhill has updated the Launcher to remove the CDROM check, meaning you can use virtual drives and such. Reb Crush was so good to code a MAC version.
  2. Because, without a fix, TIE95 don't run on XP and 2K anyway it also doesn't when you install EHBL (even if you have already "fixed it" before). CM Lenvik has made a guide on how to fix this problem however and it's available at: - it is based on the normal fixes for TIE95 and basically indicates you need to put the fix you used before back on TIE95 in XP after you install EHBL. More help on this matter is available on the EH message board.
  3. These weeks again saw the release of a few patches and we casually reached another milestone in the XvT/TIE95/BoP project... All fighters, freighters, corvettes and all but 2 of the transports of XWA are now also available for XvT and TIE95! A layout of this week's releases:
    • TIE Advanced X1: "Unlike the standard TIE/ln star fighter, the x1 has a hyperdrive and much more robust space frame, with reinforced durasteel-alloy hull, providing greater protection from enemy fire and stability during strenuous manoeuvres." - released for XvT and TIE95, from "A New Hope"
    • TIE Crimson: "Advanced space superiority fighter. Slower and less manoeuvrable than the TIE Advanced, but heavily armed. It can, however, outmanoeuvre the X-Wing." - released for XvT and TIE95, from the comics.
    • Imperial Landing Craft: "Light transport. The primary Imperial landing craft derived from the Lambda-class shuttle." - released for XvT and TIE95, from "A New Hope SE"
    • Assault Shuttle: "One of the most-heavily shielded and armoured vessels in the Imperial fleet. Used to ferry Zero G stormtroopers aboard engaged vessels." - released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
    • Ferryboat Liner: "Cruise liner designed for tourism and large business conventions. Includes a theater, saunas, moopsball courts, banquet rooms and nightclubs." - released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
    • Luxury Yacht: "Private space yacht. Usually unarmed, these pleasure yachts provide luxurious accommodations for their wealthy owners." - released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
    • Corellian Transport YT-2400: "Light freighter. Rendar's "Outrider" is heavily modified to include three new military grade KonGar KGDefender ion engines and an advanced sensor system." - released for XvT and TIE95, from "Shadows of the Empire"
    • Corellian Gunship: "Light starship. The most heavily armed of the Corvette class starships. An excellent anti-starfighter platform." - released for TIE95, from XWA and already in XvT
    • Marauder Corvette: "Light combat cruiser not powerful enough to engage heavy Imperial Navy ships, but well-suited for system patrols and smuggling interdiction efforts." - released for TIE95, from XWA and already in XvT
    • Lancer Frigate: "Anti-starfighter screening vessel. Although armed with 20 Quad Laser cannons, it is the weakest of all frigates."- released for TIE95, from XWA and already in XvT
    • Mobquet Transport: "Medium transport. Although one of the slower transports, its slightly reinforced hull and extra space help increase its popularity."- released for TIE95, from XWA and already in XvT
    • M/FRT the Luggage: "Modified freighter that features 4 turrets made out of TIEs and hangars in the containers. When it works its quite fast and agile. Carries one squadron on 2 racks."- released for TIE95, already in XvT, by me :)
    • Star Galleon: "Cargo/escort vessel. Functions as a cargo transport and escort ship simultaneously. Well-guarded against boardings with as many as 300 troopers stationed aboard." - released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
    • Imperial Troop Transport: "The larger and more heavily armoured version of the Stormtrooper Transport. Used to carry troops and larger equipment from and into space." - released for TIE95, from Kenner, already in XvT.
    • Modified Action Transport: "Medium bulk freighter modified to enhance its durability and cargo accommodations."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
    • Suprosa: "Highly-modified light freighter. Specially outfitted to accommodate Black Sun's criminal activities with cargos of extremely high value."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
    • Xiytiar Transport: "Medium-large transport. Slightly faster than the Mobquet, but not quite as tough. Lightly armed, its shape was a favorite of many smugglers."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
    • Freighter Type C: "Common light freighter found throughout the galaxy. This was YTJ Corporation's first attempt to satisfy the demand for an economical transport."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
    • Freighter Type H: "Its unusual design and slightly smoother handling characteristics allowed this small manufacturer to squeeze into the freighter market."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
    • Freighter Type K: "Able to transport a surprising amount of cargo, due to its cargo configuration options, this premier JSI model freighter drew respectable market attention."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA
  4. All transport/shuttle patches (the L/C, CORT, A/S, F/L, LT3000) use the "Custom Transport Slot", which is craft number #39 - aka "Falcon". All future transport class ship patches for TIE, XvT and BoP will be put on this slot, which makes it possible to add these craft w/o replacing others. Coming up are the Falcon and Otana patches in this class.
  5. All freighter/corvette patches (the L/FRG, GSP, LUGG, MOB, M/TRN, STARG, Frt/C, Frt/H, Frt/K, Xiy/T, ITTR...) use the "Custom Freighter Slot", which is craft number #31 - aka "Bulk Barge". All future freighter class ship patches for TIE, XvT and BoP will be put on this slot, which makes it possible to add these craft w/o replacing others. This slot will also be used for the occasional star ship or platform slot in case of conflicts with the SSD slot... which will be the default for star ships.
  6. Besides several more patches that are in the works (major ship set patches for tie/xvt/bop, ssd for tie, sov for bop, mc90 for all 3...) I've also been working on more updates to the fleet manual, which gets more and newer graphics and data all the time. Over the weekend I'll also be adding an office staff history and a EHBL Guide/FAQ.
  7. Colonel Gidda has been looking into the use of Jedi Academy for flying fighters (as a TC/IW/Sith platform) and some of his findings are at Possibilities are tremendous actually, you could have a flying mission where you'd end up actually going aboard a platform, which is the next mission, return to your craft for more flying action and/or do a ground assault. Mixing flying with walking about: actual CABs would be a possibility. Currently there'd be only "atmospheric" flying, but i'm looking into making a HUUUGE box "room" (map) textured with stars. It would function as deep-space and while ppl could reach the end of it, it would take hours (ever flown to a point 99 clicks out of the center of a TIE mission?). In this box one could place various objects fairly simply, like platforms, asteroids, buoys etc. I don't know yet about adding additional craft, besides those in JA already, but it should be possible to fix something of that nature. JA's own mission structure then makes it possible that you get goals like whatever needs to be destroyed etc. Of course no mod will ever get completely the same feel and options as in the XW series, the goal is always to make an enjoyable game within the boundaries set by its engine - but, while this (or anything not made by TG) will not be "TIE 2", it has enough additional options to make it very pleasurable. (Have briefing, actually walk to your craft... that kind of thing)
  8. My first battle on the compendium (XvT-TC#11) has been fully updated and remade, check it out again! [/self promotion]

Science Office Status:

CA:SCO: Admiral Darkhill has been offering support for EHBL, updated EHBL and has been working on the EH Patch Manager. Has suffered a HDD crash and has taken a week vacation.

SCOA: CM Tim has been helping in hosting EHBL on the IW server, and has helped along in making a few patches. Project Cueball is running along nicely.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect The mirror can be found at Updates have been made to the patch archive and Fleet Manual.

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. These weeks saw the release of 20 more patches and the milestone of having all the XWA fighters, freighters and corvettes available for XvT and TIE95.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it to be released before 2050. ;)

Project Cueball: This project's goal is to add more and larger astronomical objects to XWA, perhaps even to scale of planets. Name is derived from the fact that you don't actually need a Death Star if you can dump 30 kilometres of rock at Mach 30 on a planet as well. Beta OPT is very impressive and functional... expect it in XWA soon.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #science_office. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.

(use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC I’m practically always online at #science_office, #emperor’s_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/GSx2/SSx7/BSx4/PCx7/ISMx16/MoI/MoT-35rh-56gh-6bh/IS-1SR-2GR-1PR/LoC-TS-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoS/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-JS-M/1/2-OPT-SM/2-TM-TT-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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