RO Report # 0 (2002-12-08)

This report was submitted by HA Keiran Idanian



***Joe Corroney Prints/Autographs***

Early this week, I finally received my long awaited prints from Joe Corroney! :) He signed each one at the bottom, though sadly, it wasn't signed, "For the members of the Emperor's Hammer" - he must have forgot, they are still quite nice. :)

***Second Annual Halloween Banner Prank Competition***

I know Halloween has come and gone, and sadly the database was down at that time to I couldn't get this competition approved. I have recently got it approved by the Training Officer, so thus begins the Second Annual Halloween Banner Prank Competition.

Dates: 11.15.02 - 12.15.02

Groups: Entire EH

1st Place - IS-GR
2nd Place - IS-SR
3rd Place - IS-BR

Description: A member of the Emperor's Hammer is to take a rival squadron, wing, ship, house, clan, etc. etc. banner or splash banner and put a "prank" on it. Try to be as creative as possible.

Please send all submissions to: High Admiral Keiran Idanian

Good luck and happy pranking!!!

***Project Cordial***

Currently, there are no interviews scheduled...

***Emperor's Hammer Movie***

Currently, I have asked the membership to come up with some ideas for the main character's name. You can view some of the suggestions and post your own at:
Or, you could e-mail your suggestion to: High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

***CA:RO Joe's Report***


There is alittle bit of news from my part of the broom closet. The EH Convention Database is up and running as you know. There are a few glitches that need to be worked out, and we need a banner. But other than that, its a go. I have been adding conventions into the database for January and Febuary and the start of March. Over the next week I should be able to get us to the summer months :P Once AD Zsinj fixes the few bugs there are to fix, which should be soon, the database will be released for general use at that time.

I would like to send my appologies that it took all this time to get this project to where it is now. I had origonaly planned the database to be up around mid October. But IRL conditions on my part and that of ROA Zsinj prevented it until now. I think once everything is operating the way we want it to, the Convention Database will be a huge hit with the EH membership. There are several conventions that are going on around me that I never knew about. And I know that other EHers will see the same thing. Hopefully this will provide EHers a greater chance to meet eachother IRL and start long lasting friendships.

I came up with this idea after Celebration 2 in Indiana, once I talked with Callista and found out her and I were both there and both of us didnt know it. That kinda ticked me off a bit, so I wanted to make sure that wouldnt happen to me again. So hopefully, it wont happen to anyone in the EH again ;)

I'll let you know as soon as it becomes fully operational. Thanks for your time! :)

CA:RO/RA Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

***SW Convention in Hamburg / Germany - Overview***

First of all: this con was way too expensive for being a perfect example of disorganization. One example: The opening ceremony started with a delay of 3 hours...and the sound simply sucked. There is no other way to put it, because the (radio)micro wasn't able to transmit two words straight to the amplifier without having a blackout. Someone studying cryptology would have had his greatest hours with decrypting that transmission. And the lack of a side program left much room for boredom. But at least several panels were worth watching.

Chief among them was the one held by ADs Ozzel, Piett and Motti. In this Panel Michael Sheard grabbed the radio micro, while the other two kept the one with the cable, and ran around the room in his typical enthusiastic way and effectively held the micro into the mouth of as unsuspecting a Jedi, Sith, Naboo, Java he could find in the audience and make him or her ask a question. Since he passed me several times without asking me this was great fun..although his first strike was aimed at Mike Tolwyn and hit dead center... ("I *had* a good question - it's not my fault those Admirals didn't understand me..." - remarks from Mike) even more fun for me ;)

Someone had a TCG...booth...well, let's call it small table with three chairs around it and so we were able to spend most of the boring times with some playing cards and next to Shannon McRandle (formerly Baksa) and Michonne Bourriague. Speaking of the two models: Mike has made friends with Shannon and you can expect a mail about an upcoming interview with her soon.
An update on Michonne will follow tomorrow... :-)

Here's one image of Admiral Piett (Kenny Baker), who agreed to become an honorary member of the EH, signing the attached photograph to Mike and myself.

OK, that's it for now.

MO/RA Jan Wemmel/M-TFC Last Hope
FA Michael Tolwyn, ret.


...and here is the final update on the SW-CON in Hamburg.

Today (Sunday) was boring as usual.. again the panels were about 1 hour behind schedule and they canceled the ones that were planned for the previous two days but were victims of the disorganization. Same here.
On the positive side: I asked Michonne Bourriague (Aurra Sing) if she would perhaps become an honorary member of the EH and/or give us an interview on IRC. She was really interested in both of them and gave me her mail-address to send her further information on the EH.

Ray Park was there as well and my second recruitment-"victim". Although he didn't react nearly as positively as Michonne did, he asked me to send him some information as well.
I'll prepare mails with the leaflet and some additional information.

Autographs: nothing new EH related, but I got Richard LeParmentier to sign Michael Sheards book with the words "This is one of three books not signed by Michael, but BY ME" ;)

MO/RA Jan Wemmel/M-TFC Last Hope

***EH Baby Competition***

Cutest EH Baby for 2002: Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias
With the change to the competition still under review, I can't award the 2nd and 3rd runner's up. When it is approved, you'll get your medals. :)

***Restructuring of the Imperial Survey Corps***

I'm currently working with the LA to restructure the ISC. If you happen to have any suggestion that maybe useful - all are - please let me know! :)

And all current ISC members are more than welcome to join the new ISC when it is commissioned. :)

***Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)***

The position of Imperial Survey Corps Division II Commander is now open for application! If you are interested in looking for new sites to advertise the Emperor's Hammer, please e-mail High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

*Division One Report*

Nothing new...

*Divison Two Report*

Accepting applications

*Divison Three Report*

Nothing new...

*ISC Roster*

Imperial Survey Corps Commander (SCC): High Admiral Keiran Idanian (
1st Division Commander (1DCM): Commander Tempest (
2nd Division Commander (2DCM): TBA (
3rd Division Commander (3DCM): Commander Bobxavi (

Division 1 Members:

-Lt. Commander Boris (
-Rear Admiral Jan Wemmel (

Division 2 Members:


Division 3 Members:

-CPT Crix Madine (
-Rear Admiral Exar Khaland (

Awaiting Assignment:


***Recruitment Manual***

No new updates...

***Imperial Survey Corps Manual***

No new changes...

***Reconnaissance Officer's Phrase of the Week***

Phrase of the Week:
"Hello, Software Etc., we're closed right now, so make it quick."

***Non-EH Site of the Week***

...and the funny thing is, people thought it was just a movie. :)

Non-EH Site of the Week
Star Wars: Realities beyond the myth

*Have a Non-EH Site of the Week submission? E-mail: High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

Reconnaissance Office Websites

Reconnaissance Office -
Project Cordial -
Conventions Database - TBA
Recruitment Manual -
Imperial Survey Corps Manual -

Reconnaissance Staff,

-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -]
RO-VROY/HA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/CON/Clan Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Rear Admiral Joe
CA:RO/RA Joe/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Vice Admiral Keldorn

Captain Loor
CMDR-ROA/CPT Loor/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

Admiral Zsinj
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign

Lt. Commander Arkady Rhinogorvich
ROA/LCM Arkady Rhinogorvich/SSSD Sovereign

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