LO Report # 2 (2005-05-06)

This report was submitted by AD Gilad Pelleaeon

Logistics Office Report #2 - 5.6.05

Week Two as Logistics Office and I would say things are going rather smoothly. Commander Sirik Xirok's email address was returning my messages, so he has been removed as LOA.

FA Ender approached me on Saturday, looking for help with Imperial Alliance. Currently my assistants are working on entries for the Tech Room in IA.

Pri's computer has gone down and he is currently on emergency leave until it comes back up.

My own work this week included progress on the new Logistics website (which is temporarily being hosted at http://gilad.minos.net/LO/). I made the most progress on the Subgroup Newletters this week, though repairs on the majority of the HTML versions of the Dark Legionnaire held me back a little. All online versions should be in full working order right now, if you notice otherwise please contact me. Also as you can tell we are missing some issues of the Dark Legionnaire and the majority of the issues of the Dark Voice. If you have copies of these or know where I can find them, then please contact me on this as well.

I also did some work on the Codex, primarily on the Manuals, Acronyms and CS Index sections. The new LO site currently will like you to the old Codex until I have the new one uploaded.

I am in the process of trying to acquire EH.net access, once I have it I will be setting up the LO Website there as well as moving files to that server. I will continue to keep a mirror of these files on Lusankya and would like to thank former LO Xander Drax for continuing to host that mirror.

That should handle it for this week, if you have any questions feel free to contact me via email or on IRC.

EH Tasks
EH Codex
EH Files archive
Mirror of Newsletters
Restarting and promotion of the EH library
EH Memorium

Cordially Submitted,
Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon

LO-PROF/AD Gilad Pelleaeon/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx2/SSx2/BSx4/PCx4/ISMx13/MoI/IS-11BR-4SR-2GW-2GR/LoC-IS-CSx2-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-FW-IIC/1-M/1-MP-SM/2/3-TLN}

Freeworlds Tags:
Emperor's Hammer Shipping Member: [EH-F]Gilad
Emperor's Hammer Fighter Wing Member: [EH-F]Gilad

BTM/JH Gilad Pelleaeon/Apocalypse/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
Arcona's Protector

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